Chapter 104 The Search 

"What? You don't even know what place this is?"

I was dumbfounded - it was the first time I'd heard someone ask such a question. Even when asking for directions, that's not how you'd phrase it. Judging by this guy's youthful appearance, was he actually just a clueless vagrant? Wouldn't that ruin his "sunny teenager" image? I originally had a favorable first impression of him...

"This is obviously in Shang Metropolitan. If you don't need anything else, I'll get going!"

Not wanting to dwell further, I casually brushed it off before turning to leave. Of course, I couldn't forget basic courtesy.

"Oh right, thanks for covering for me earlier!"

"Shang Metropolitan? Could Edenmere really be that developed..."

To my surprise, upon hearing this, he muttered contemplatively and once again blocked my path.

"Wait a minute!"

"What is it now?"

I was getting impatient. This guy moved quickly! In the blink of an eye, he had circled around from behind me. Did I imagine that earlier?

"You're the first person willing to listen to me. Have you seen a girl named...Feliciana?"


That name sounded so familiar! I froze, feeling like I'd heard it before somewhere but unable to recall. Rationally, it should be a foreign girl's name having nothing to do with me.

"Yes, Feliciana! Do you know anything about her? She's an angel..."

Noticing my hesitance, the brown-haired teen perked up excitedly, as if my reaction indicated a promising answer.

"Sorry, never seen her!"

I rolled my eyes and walked off without another word.

An angel? Yeah right, and I'm a celestial being too! Looks like this was just some delusional guy dumped by a girl, his mind going haywire.

Unfortunately, I didn't get far before spotting that dreadful figure up ahead.

Dad was gripping a wooden stick he must have picked up somewhere, furiously turning the corner not far from me.

"You little brat, I'll teach you a lesson!"

"Parents can do as they please and hit their children?"

Feeling wronged, I shouted out before turning to flee again.

"Still running? Who else would I hit?"

Enraged, Dad flung the stick straight at me. Just as it was about to strike, a hand suddenly extended from the side, firmly catching it.

"And what's wrong with what he said?"

The brown-haired teen glared angrily, blocking me as he questioned in a deep voice.

"You again? I haven't settled that trick you pulled earlier! You must be in cahoots with Flynn's wretched friends."

Dad glared at the teen derisively, but constrained by his imposing manner, ultimately didn't dare approach me.

"He's called Flynn? We don't actually know each other..."

The teen paused, glancing back at me hiding behind him, as if noticing something amiss. An expression of dawning realization crossed his face.

"No way! Strange, why do I get the can't be!"

"This is a family matter. I'll discipline my own child as I see fit - don't you butt in, outsider!"

Dad bellowed, seizing the chance to try grabbing my arm. 

"Stop! As a father, don't you feel any shame?"

Seeing this, the teen shouted as he gripped Dad's wrist, restraining him.

Miraculously, though just a teenager, this brown-haired youth possessed immense strength - effortlessly overpowering and single-handedly pinning my father, a man under forty, who could only cry out in pain.

"Hey, don't hurt him!"

Even I was shocked. While surprised by the teen's power, he was still my father after all. I couldn't just watch him get injured.

"You're still defending him?"

The annoyed teen glared at me, then sighed. Heeding my plea for mercy, he released Dad from his grip.

"You'll be coming home eventually. Your mom and I will deal with you later!"

Unable to retaliate, Dad clutched his wrist, shooting me a furious glare from behind before storming off.

"This is..."

I too was shaken. Had I known this would happen, I may as well have gone home with Dad. At least I wouldn't face such a grisly fate. Whatever punishment awaited me tonight made me shudder - I might not sleep a wink.

"You're too weak!" 

Once Dad was gone, the brown-haired teen surprisingly turned to berate me. But as soon as the words left his mouth, he seemed to sense his inappropriateness and quickly explained.

"Sorry, I got a bit too heated. It just felt like I'd seen this scene play out before..."

"You don't understand anything. You're just a foreigner with some fighting skills!"

I sighed dejectedly, shaking my head in remonstration. 

"This is our tradition - parents cannot be defied. Even now, many still uphold this view. When incidents like this happen, most would say: 'They're doing it for your own good!' In the end, everything returns to normal, or even escalates..."

"Tradition? Foreigner?"

The teen's expression turned puzzled upon hearing this, but he resignedly clarified, "Actually, I didn't mean for you to physically fight your father or defy your parents at every turn. I just want you to know that you're an independent individual, a person with your own thoughts. You need to make this clear to them - that you're not their possession to bully as they please!"

"Have confidence to be truly self-reliant and no longer depend on them! Understand?"

"Confidence? Does that really help?"

It still sounded doubtful. Nice words, but I'd still be the one getting beaten in the end!


The teen froze awkwardly before replying, "Well, it may not work immediately. But the key is believing you're not their helpless subordinate. That's the only way to fundamentally stop their cycle of abuse! This couldn't have been the first time, right?"

"How about this..."

Seeing my skepticism, he glanced at the setting sun and tried persuading me again.

"Let me come back with you. If it doesn't work out, I'll knock on your door the moment I hear your parents scolding you. Based on earlier, they shouldn't dare go too far with an outsider present."

"No use. Once you leave, won't I just suffer worse?"

I retorted dismissively. Dad had just been humiliated by him - he'd probably take it all out on me instead. The teen showing up would only fan the flames, thrusting me into the inferno.

"Of course not just once. Any time there's an issue inside, I'll keep knocking. I'll be standing outside your home's premises, so they can't do anything to me, right?"

Seeing me shake my head, he swiftly added.

"Forget it."

Who has that kind of patience? I scoffed at his so-called plan. Even if he did loiter outside, what if my parents called the police? He'd have to leave either way...

The plain truth was - no one could help with my family affairs. I may as well return after my parents fell asleep, when it would be safer.

Ignoring his reaction, I decisively headed the opposite direction from home. It was still early, so I'd be wandering the streets alone for a while longer.

After walking quite a distance, I suddenly turned around and noticed that brown-haired teen had been following along not far behind, unhurriedly keeping pace.

"Aren't you looking for your girlfriend, Feliciana was it? Why are you still following me?"

It was so perplexing. If he had ill intentions, he clearly helped me earlier. But if not, relentlessly tailing me like this seemed highly suspicious. I just couldn't understand what he wanted to do.

"Feliciana and I don't have that kind of relationship...yet." 

Hearing my shout, the teen scratched his head in the distance, looking a bit sheepish. He then quickened his pace to explain to me.

"However, I think I may have a lead on her whereabouts. Right now, the priority is helping you resolve this situation! By the way, do you have a sister?"

"A sister? Unfortunately, I'm an only child!" 

Was this guy dropped on his head as a baby? It was simply preposterous! 

However, just as I was about to run off, I noticed a man and woman walking across the street. Startled, I quickly ducked into the roadside bushes.

"What's wrong?" 

Seeing my reaction, the brown-haired teen followed me over.

"Shhh, can't you see?" 

Annoyed, I glared at him and whispered while pointing at the two people on the street.

"Oh, your parents?"

Of course he recognized them, having just met not long ago. The man was indeed my father! The woman was naturally my mother. Based on their direction, they must have just come out from home, likely for an after-dinner stroll.