Chapter 119: Two Unexpected Guests

"But even so, you can't just ignore it completely! Astralrealm signed the peace treaty back then!" 

Despite the Pope's explanation, Judith still could not understand the Sage Council's inaction. In her eyes, they should have intervened at all costs, legally and morally.

"Moreover, that's the birthplace of our Council! The Loren Family treated us well back then..."

Judith sounded quite stubborn, but considering the Sage Council's history, it made sense. Apart from other factors, there was mainly an issue of differing perspectives. In Judith's era, the Sage Council's establishment was at least half the time earlier than now. To her, it had only just been founded a couple hundred years ago, perhaps with some of the original founders still alive. So she likely had special feelings towards Parristol.

Alas, times had changed over the hundred-plus intervening years. The first generation members had basically all passed away. The Council's attitude towards Parristol naturally shifted, coupled with the declining local Parristol royals and internal Loren family strife allowing Astralrealm to seize the opportunity.

However, the Sage Council did not completely ignore it either. Though not openly obstructing Astralrealm, they resorted to covert meddling. The underground "Parristol Liberation Front" organization may well have received their clandestine support...

"Regardless, you should just accept reality now!" 

The warm afternoon sun felt comfortable. Cysper stretched lazily as he stood up, having explained sufficiently before intending to leave. But then he suddenly remembered something and remarked weirdly, "It just feels off that the Sage Council lot went completely silent during this rebellion. Shouldn't they have at least voiced a stance?"

Indeed, the Sage Council's reaction to this incident reeked of foul play, including the unmentioned monster issue worrying Elara. Similarly, the southern Ilandra Dominion Empire's internal strife had long ended, yet they made no statement either when they should not have stood idly by. The two major powers' motives remained inscrutable.

"Hey, what stance does your angel kind take on this matter?" After Cysper and Mike left, Judith immediately inquired.

So she wanted to seek aid from Edenmere? She's not even from Parristol but so enthusiastic about it!

I gave her a sidelong glance. Though I understood her feelings, I dismissively replied, "Sorry, with our dwindling angel population, we have no spare attention for such petty human affairs, let alone when we're constantly busy fending off monster invasions!"

I spoke no lies! Most of Edenmere's forces were currently tied up defending the northern barren lands' frontlines, leaving Elara flustered with no capacity to care about some minor Parristol issue.

Of course, from my personal perspective, I definitely had no desire to get involved either.

"Oh right, isn't that Carl guy from this 'Parristol Liberation Front?'" Cyra suddenly recalled during the assassination incident in Makalan City where we nearly lost our lives. The cause was Carl, an assassin from the Parristol resistance, being thwarted by Nicola while attempting to kill King Galahad, then disguising himself as our carriage driver to secretly retaliate.

Perhaps that was just Carl venting personally. Parristol's abrupt annexation by Astralrealm was indeed lamentable, but what did it have to do with us? Simply put, we were the innocent victims caught up in their resistance against the kingdom!

Ah whatever, the culprit is dead anyway, no point dwelling on it further! However, I have zero goodwill towards the "Parristol Liberation Front" - not actively seeking trouble with them is merciful enough.

Upon learning our plight, Judith had the decency not to continue raising the matter. Yet the Pope showed absolutely no inclination to leave and handle this massive border unrest engulfing his own nation, once again upending my worldview.

"Aren't you worried?" That evening, I finally confronted him.

"What if Astralrealm takes advantage of suppressing the rebellion to invade your Cresthaven Papal Dominion? Should I have Cyra send you back? A nation cannot be without its ruler!"

"I'm but a wandering bard now. Such trifles are handled by others left in the Holy Capital," Cysper lamented plaintively while strumming a lute. "Besides, the Astralrealm King has been in my Church for many years. I don't think he harbors such intentions..."

"Don't tell me you and Cyra are sick of me and want me gone?" 

"..." His insight was impeccable! Befitting a millennia-old "people-savant" Pope, he left me speechless yet I stubbornly refused to admit it.

"Haha, of course not! I'm just concerned for your Church!"

In the end, this was but a small matter - at most gaining an extra hanger-on. Especially without fully grasping the mysterious body-swap between Cyra and Cysper, from both Edenmere and True Church's overarching relationship as well as personal interests, there was no need to burn bridges and strain relations. 

An arrogant Pope acting capricious occasionally was understandable...

"Finally, the angel shows concern for the troubles of this world. Why not consider joining our Church while you're at it? With your status, your treatment would definitely exceed Brennan's!"

"Join?...No interest!" This guy actually had the audacity! I stormed out of Cysper's room indignantly, feeling the need to caution Cyra against falling for the Pope's tricks.


"We've discussed it - we'll proceed to Parristol as originally planned!" After a night's consideration, Brennan and Yulanda finalized their next move.

"I previously inquired with Mike. The kingdom's Fifth Legion is among the troops being dispatched to suppress Parristol. With their captain present, we should be able to pass through the checkpoints!"

The Fifth Legion...I almost forgot - that was the unit Adrian and Brennan had been assigned to during the previous monster invasion war! And the mentioned captain most likely referred to Alfreed!

Unlike Hayden and the other demobilized soldiers who returned home after the war, Alfreed and Eleanora remained in the military, so their deployment to the border made perfect sense.

"Still, we must remain extra cautious as the journey may be quite convoluted." 

I carefully considered the pros and cons. While faster than detouring through the Holy Capital, the safety was compromised. Parristol was probably already in complete chaos, who knew what dangers awaited traversing it.

"Don't worry, we're adventurers! We've faced the mightiest monsters, what's there to fear from some civilian unrest?" 

However, Brennan remained unfazed, understandably brimming with confidence after newly contracting the mythical beast. Even Yulanda the mage could not be too weak, fearlessly teaming up to challenge the nine-headed serpent and phoenix regardless of tier. How could they lack such simple courage?

With all preparations complete, we were about to depart around noon when two unexpected guests arrived. 

"Feliciana, Cyra, you're so easy to find! You're both too slow - luckily Lady Elara forewarned us or we would've flown past!" An eight-winged angel suddenly appeared in the sky, calling out to us on the ground. This instantly caused a huge stir in the peaceful city as most locals had never witnessed such a spectacle, crowding towards Grand Nikaro Hotel to gawk.

"Reed!" Catching sight of the two angels in the air, Cyra flinched before turning to flee, forcibly dragging me along.

"Why are you running?" 

I was confused, but faintly recalled some unpleasant matter about Reed, though the details currently eluded me. With no choice, I followed her back indoors. 

"Miya, stop them!" 

Unsurprisingly, they would not allow our escape. At Reed's command, the eight-winged Miya instantly descended, blocking our path by spreading her wings.

"Hey, weren't you also a victim? Stockholm syndrome much?" Cyra protested reluctantly! But no matter which angle she tried, Miya's eight wings formed an impregnable barrier. 

"Feliciana, Cyra, if I recall, you two still owe me an assistant job, no?" Reed mercilessly shattered the pretense as she too descended emotionlessly. "Don't tell me you want to back out now?"

" that's what this is about, of course I remember!" 

I suddenly recalled, unable to suppress a smile. It was simply that too much time had passed - over a year - and I had nearly forgotten everything.