Chapter 147: Reinforcements Arrive

"Hah, you dare mention the Continental Pact!"

The opposing side let out a loud mocking laughter, as if hearing a ridiculous joke, before countering sharply.

"Don't forget the Pact clearly states that regardless of the country, within a 10-kilometer radius of the capital is considered an absolute occupation zone. This clause is undisputed. By that logic, you're the ones invading!"

The words caused an uproar, instantly triggering hushed discussions among the griffon knights behind.

"That's right! I do recall such a clause..."

"But aren't we defending our country? How did we become the invaders?"

"This is practically cheating! Who could have foreseen a country's capital being mobile? Wherever this city flies becomes its absolute, airspace according to the Pact!"

"The enemy is just too cunning!"


All sorts of voices arose, seeming to deal a considerable blow to morale. Seeing this, Alfreed quickly shouted "Stop!" to halt the heated debate.

"How brainless can you be! Our country hasn't recognized Parristol's independence yet! This city should still be considered Astralrealm's territory. At most, they're just gathering foreign hostile forces to rebel!"

Although it sounded somewhat shameless, it made a certain sense, instantly calming everyone down. But the enemy was naturally displeased, letting out a cold snort of dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, you dare say such things! It was you who took advantage of Parristol's plight to occupy it in the first place, how shameless! But our empire won't give you that chance again. Even without the barrier, your puny numbers can't defeat our airship fleet. You'd better surrender obediently!"

With that, almost all the airships started closing in menacingly.

"What should we do? Can you defeat them?" 

Seeing the black main cannons aimed at us, I couldn't help feeling flustered and quickly turned to Alfreed for confirmation. The griffon knights' combat prowess was still unknown to me - maybe they were unexpectedly formidable?

"Of course not!"

But Alfreed gave this answer without hesitation, much to my astonishment. So why did they come up here, to die? However, he didn't seem too anxious, giving me a mysterious smile before revealing:

"Fortunately, we have reinforcements..."

Before he could finish, at that very moment, another familiar voice came from below, also amplified magically to draw everyone's attention.

"Then what about our country's forces, what are the odds?"

Another airship was seen slowly rising to our altitude. This one had a different style from the Ilandra Dominion's ships - slightly smaller, with contrasting sail and emblem designs. Plus it lacked high-end weapons like the "great cannons", only equipped with massive crossbows and mages serving as offensive means - a simplified version of the empire's ships.

But I instantly recognized the emblem on the mainsail. After being in this world for so long, how could I possibly forget - it was the crest of the True Church!

"Cysper! Why are you here?"

Seeing the figure at the ship's bow, I couldn't help calling out. Didn't Reed send him back to the holy capital? Why did he suddenly appear here?

"My apologies, it seems I'm a bit late..."

Cysper had an utterly serious expression, completely lacking his usual casual air. But hearing my question, he pretended not to understand and corrected me.

"Who is Cysper? I am Pope Garrick of the Cresthaven Papal Dominion. Ah angel lady, I believe we've met before? Have you forgotten me so quickly?"


Okay, so he was playing dumb! I glared hard at Cysper. I could understand not wanting others to know his alias "Cysper", especially in such a public setting. But the name "Garrick" felt so unfamiliar after getting used to calling him Cysper.

"Gar...Garrick...Your Holiness, how did you get here? The holy capital is at least several hundred kilometers away!"

"Why, it's all thanks to the angel lady providing precise spatial coordinates for guidance. Only then could we teleport smoothly here from the holy capital. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had time to gather the troops stationed at the borders for reinforcement."

The one speaking wasn't Cysper, but Cardinal Eminem beside the pope. I didn't expect him to be here too! Watching the small and large airships rapidly approaching from the eastern mountains, all bearing the unified Church cross emblem, I suddenly understood but still had lingering doubts.

Like what exactly were the "spatial coordinates" he mentioned? I hadn't done anything like that.

"Although the Church prioritizes light magic users, it's not hard to find one or two earth talents capable of spatial teleportation. Don't forget I can also use the 'Spiritual Convergence' spell!"

As if seeing my thoughts, Cysper smiled slightly, glancing down at the airship below as if reminding me of something.


I instantly realized and quickly joined Mia's telepathic network.

Ever since Mia was dispatched to Crescent City by Reed, I hadn't used the "Spiritual Convergence" spell anymore. Since I could talk face-to-face with Reed and the others, this remote communication was naturally unnecessary. But I never expected the pope to still be connected after returning to the holy capital, continuing until now...

"Reed, are you there? What's going on? Was Cysper brought here by you?"

As soon as I joined, I broadcasted my questions on the network. But the first to answer wasn't Reed, Cysper or even Mia, but Cyra.

"Feliciana, you've finally joined! Come over here quickly! I've found them at last!"

"Where are you? How did you find them?"

I was stunned. The "them" she referred to must be Reed and Judith, who had abruptly left the camp earlier leaving me frantic searching everywhere without a trace. Yet Cyra had easily located them.

"By joining this 'group' of course! After you left, I suddenly thought of this. Mia's 'temporary discussion group' she created before was never disbanded. Reed and Cysper are still in it, so I just asked and found out where they were!"

Cyra replied triumphantly. She always liked using smartphone app analogies for the "Spiritual Convergence" effect, though personally I felt the actual experience differed quite a bit...

"Where are you all? Reed, why aren't you saying anything?" 

Hearing this, I immediately asked anxiously.

"Right under the city..."

Finally, after much prompting, Reed's reluctant voice responded. But after a pause, she added, 

"But you don't have to come over. It makes no difference with or without you here! Just focus on the situation over there..."

What did she mean it made no difference if I was there or not? It felt like they were up to something shady! But Reed's words did remind me to observe the surrounding situation again. The Church airship formation had already fully surrounded us during my distracted moment, forming a standoff with the sky city's defensive forces.

Adding Alfreed's griffon knight squad from the Astralrealm Kingdom, our side's numbers were likely not inferior. But the actual combat strength was still a bit lacking...

"How unexpected..."

After Cysper's appearance, the Ilandra Dominion Empire airships had remained silent for a while. Finally, they spoke with some contemplation, though there was more scorn and disdain than urgency despite the surprise.

"The Church homebody has actually left the holy capital at last. It's probably been thousands of years, no? We in the empire thought His Holiness was completely unable to take a single step outside!" 

You could tell they didn't take this unexpected reinforcement seriously. Although much better than the Astralrealm Kingdom's lone force initially, the Church airships were no match for the Ilandra Dominion's superior equipment. Not to mention the local resistance likely hiding in the new Parristol's buildings in unknown numbers. Even if they fought, our side probably wouldn't have much advantage.

"If my information is correct, you should be the renowned General Frank commanding the empire's airship fleet? The stories of your bear-like courage and formidable arcane cannons are indeed well-deserved!"

Of course, Cysper didn't get angry. With his usual excellent demeanor, he first identified the other side, complimenting them habitually before his tone abruptly changed.

"But at the same time, we can see the empire has had ulterior motives regarding Parristol all along! Don't forget the Church has never shied from the frontlines against monsters! In terms of combat experience and strength, we are definitely not inferior to you nations indulging yourselves behind human lines. Moreover, colluding with monsters is an intolerable act!"