Chapter 159: I Admitted, But Then Regretted

"Lady Michelle has many other important matters to attend to, how can we casually trouble her! This is no excuse for you to slack off!"

This time Mirium was so angry her nose almost went crooked. She seemed unaware of Michelle being blown away in Edenmere, nearly getting killed or at least severely injured. Though in this world with healing magic, it was hard to say if Michelle had fully recovered by now. 

Finally, the tour ended. The Chromos Tower was indeed magnificent, but apart from the King's throne, nothing felt particularly awe-inspiring - probably because I had seen too many high-rises in my previous life.

However, I then had to be kept under soft detainment in one of the tower's rooms. After all, coming from the enemy camp, despite the outward "Queen" title, my angel identity plus sneaking in and getting caught meant most resistance members and monsters harbored great wariness towards me, definitely not allowing me to roam the tower freely. Under pressure, Adrian could only choose this relatively compromising solution.

"Can't be helped, you'll have to rest here temporarily. But don't worry, they won't dare do anything to the Queen! At most, you should be able to leave after this battle ends!"

Standing at the room's entrance, Adrian tried closing the door behind him, but it was quickly pushed open again from outside by Mirium. Resigned, he could only leave a gap.

Notably, we had encountered the vicious demoness Arick outside the room earlier. Fortunately, he didn't catch up to the fleeing Cysper and the others in the passage, a stroke of luck amidst misfortune.

"Um, could you not use the 'Queen' title?" 

Seeing Adrian standing helplessly at the entrance, wanting to say more but feeling awkward, I finally couldn't help asking first.

"You don't like it? It was just an impromptu excuse in desperation. We can slowly explain it later, no need to dwell on it too much..."

Hearing this, he looked dazed for a while before smiling in response.

"But do you really want to restore the kingdom?"

Seeing his apparent disappointment, I could only stubbornly probe further after some thought.

From the previous conversation with Mirium, I already roughly understood Adrian's relationship with the monsters. But this didn't mean I fully grasped his own thoughts.

Though Adonis had confidently told me Adrian would stand on our side, the Astralrealm Kingdom might not necessarily back down easily. Regardless of this battle's outcome, the new Parristol with Lantine Oasis would easily face threats from below wherever it drifted. 

One could imagine no country would allow new Parristol to hover overhead indefinitely - while the sky city seemed upscale, its path ahead appeared quite difficult.

So restoring the kingdom wasn't necessarily a good thing!

"Of course, it was my father's long-cherished dream! Although he has passed away, as long as I can help fulfill his wish, I'll definitely be very happy. This city absolutely won't let him down!"

Unsurprisingly, Adrian responded with great determination, seeming to truly believe so.

Actually, I never wanted Adrian to be some king or whatever. I felt the penniless Adrian from before was better. But since he genuinely wanted this, I had no choice. And from his look, he didn't seem done, continuing to explain,

"After becoming king, my identity changed completely, so even if you're an esteemed angel, I should have the qualification..."

Saying this, Adrian suddenly lowered his head in embarrassment, scratching it. Though he didn't continue, the actual meaning was self-evident.

"Uh...about that..."

I never expected the topic to lead here. My face also started feeling awkward, but neither of us spoke further, the atmosphere turning extremely awkward again.

Finally unable to stand it, Adrian stole a glance at me, hesitating briefly before tentatively asking, "I did tell you before I left...that...what do you think?"

"Ah? I..." 

Not knowing how to respond, I opened my mouth but said nothing. This was exactly what I feared the most! But of course, whatever you dread comes to you.

" really have no interest in me? But..."

Seeing my reaction, Adrian immediately grew anxious, pressing on. 

"Of course not!" Hearing this, I hurriedly waved my hand, feeling somewhat embarrassed as I clarified, "Well...I actually do like you...a little bit..."

Aiya, who asked me to be so reluctant to let go? After spending so long together in the trial space back then, I felt something would be missing if we parted ways. Just these few days apart already made me unaccustomed, which is why I specifically came looking for him.

But don't forget, the experience of once being male was also a factor, so for me to finally muster up the courage to admit this much took tremendous effort. 

"So you agree? Then can I hug...kiss you?"

Upon hearing this, Adrian looked pleasantly surprised, immediately seizing the chance to make an even more excessive demand. 

This was going too far! I hurriedly raised both hands to stop his approach.

"No way! I think it's better we take it slowly!"

Damn it, I suddenly regretted it. Why did I have to admit liking him earlier?! I suddenly realized I had dug myself into a huge pit, completely trapped inside. I really felt like slamming my head into the ground to end it all.


Fortunately, Adrian didn't insist further. But then he just stood there, unsure what to do next, resulting in us facing off awkwardly for several minutes, neither daring to speak.

"Well then...I'll head out to work!" 

Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore, forcing a laugh before quickly fleeing the scene, as if I was about to devour him.

As the room door finally closed completely, I let out a long breath, feeling utterly drained! Compared to this, going out to slay monsters felt much more refreshing. At this very moment, the demon Arick's mocking laughter rang out faintly from outside the door.

"Big sis, you look so envious ah? Who asked you to eavesdrop? Hahahahaha!" 

Envious my foot! I really wanted to draw the Water Abyss Sword and run out to cut down these two wenches! But fearing I couldn't win, I could only stay cooped up in the room, raging alone.

The time afterwards was truly boring. 

Although the room Adrian arranged for me was very spacious, with luxurious decor and amenities, and the outside view was nice, being under soft detainment made me feel suffocated within just a few hours.

Of course, I had considered just flying out the window as an option. But one, I had finally met Adrian, so escaping would be quite unwise and would definitely sadden him. Two, Arick guarded the entrance while Mirium hovered outside the window, both vigilantly watching me - even if I wanted to flee, I would likely have to go through a fierce battle first.

So why go through such life-and-death struggles when I could just stay put...

Not knowing how much more time had passed, as I laid on the bed practicing magic out of boredom, a tremendous boom suddenly came from overhead, immediately followed by violent shaking of the entire Chromos Tower that lasted several seconds! Fortunately, the shaking soon stopped and the tower didn't collapse, a testament to its quality construction. 

Such a major incident naturally drew the attention of all Chromos Tower guards. Before I knew it, I noticed Mirium had vanished from outside the window. Opening the door to check, the demon Arick was also gone...

So did something happen up at the top then? Considering the throne room's importance, most people in the tower likely rushed there, meaning I was completely unguarded and could roam freely now.

But just what happened at the top? My unbridled curiosity meant I definitely had to go check before deciding, since Adrian was likely there too. Hopefully nothing happened to him.

However, I had just flown out the window when I looked up and saw a shocking sight, unable to stop myself from shouting:

"Holy shit!"