Chapter 165 - The Battle at the Top 5

"This Pope seems completely different now. What happened actually?"

Following closely behind Adrian, Fernando asked in a solemn voice. However, no one answered him. This guy glanced at me suspiciously, then looked at Adrian, but still could not find any answers.

In contrast to his previous cowardly and opportunistic attitude, the Pope took a few deep breaths to adjust himself after returning to his own body. I don't know what amazing method he used, but he managed to stand up with great effort. From the perspective of others, his demeanor and tone were completely different at this moment.

"That fool, why didn't she know to escape this way..."

Seeing Cyra flying around in desperation, Cysper could only stand anxiously, then asked Mike beside him. 

"With your strength, can you throw me accurately to Cyra's side?"

However, considering his current physical condition, fighting would still be quite difficult. He immediately shook his head, denying this idea himself.

"No, even if it succeeds, it would be meaningless..."

"Ah?" Mike was instantly dumbfounded. He might not even be able to throw him! But Cyra's survival was extremely important. If they didn't find a way to rescue her in time, they might both end up dead corpses.

Unfortunately, humans cannot fly, and even if they could, it would be too late now.

At this moment, the relentless Arick finally reached Cyra's back with his black flame sword, leaving a long gash on her wing.

Cyra instantly screamed in pain, losing her balance as the two wings were grabbed by the opponent. Her life hung by a thread.


Everyone exclaimed in alarm. I tried to fly out recklessly to stop him, even though I knew it might be completely useless...

"It's too late!"

Adrian held me back from behind and advised, his eyes fixed on Mirium, watching her every move. In fact, while everyone was focused on Cyra earlier, Mirium had taken the opportunity to take down Brennan, and was now attacking Alfreed.

However, a dazzling white light that flashed stopped her midway. Not just her, but everyone's attention was drawn to this latest event.

"It's a Divine Revelation! I've finally received a Divine Revelation again!"

It was Cysper! He raised his head excitedly, closed his eyes, looking like he had received some message.

"I see...I finally understand my Ultimate Mission!"

Cysper's entire body then radiated an extremely brilliant white light, too dazzling for others to open their eyes. But in my eyes, it was all extremely pure light elements.

It was not the light elemental magic power previously stored in his body. Logically, Cysper's light magic should have been completely depleted by Cyra. The only explanation was that he was purposefully breaking himself down!

Like an angel's body, the Pope's body was also essentially composed of pure light elements, just lacking a pair of wings. So if he really wanted to risk his life, he could completely convert the light elemental matter that made up his body into an immense amount of light elemental magic power (energy) to turn the tables in a desperate situation.

In other words, this was actually a suicidal move. The side effect, of course, was huge. Due to the reduction of his body's mass, no recovery magic could restore it.

For angels, the most obvious cost was usually a demotion in rank. But Cysper didn't even have wings, so he had no rank to demote from. Yet he was dissipating his entire body without limits.

"Has this guy gone crazy?"

I completely didn't understand what he was trying to do. Was he really going this far just to save Cyra? And what was this about receiving a Divine Revelation?

As his body rapidly dissipated, Cysper eventually swelled into a humanoid sphere of light, slowly floating into the air. As for the other people around, whether friend or foe, everyone was dumbstruck. Most didn't even understand what was really happening since they couldn't sense light elements.

Then, an even more amazing thing happened. The humanoid sphere of light, after completing its transformation, swiftly drifted towards Cyra's direction.

"What the hell is that thing?!"

Being a dark elemental being, Arick sensed something was wrong from afar. He immediately threw down his prey and retreated quickly. What followed was an epic collision. 

The massive sphere of light struck the falling Cyra. Since both were composed of light elements, there was no need to worry about causing any harm. However, I could clearly sense that Cyra's originally weak aura actually began to strengthen, and the two seemed to merge! At this moment, Cyra finally stopped descending.

"This is..."

As the light gradually dissipated and finally disappeared, everyone could clearly see that Cyra, who originally only had two wings, now had three pairs of wings on her back. The large wound inflicted by the black flame sword was also healed.

"No way? She actually ranked up in this situation!"

Mirium was completely dumbfounded. From her expression, it was clear she had never seen such a way of ranking up before.

"Impossible! This is definitely not a normal promotion..."

Even the usually unruffled Fernando couldn't help but be shaken, shaking his head in denial.

"I've never heard of any angel being able to rise two ranks at once!"

This was true. Even someone as overpowered as Nicola had to climb up one rank at a time. But for Cyra, it was like skipping levels, which seemed extremely abnormal. Everyone immediately linked the cause to the humanoid sphere of light that the Pope had turned into.

Could it be that Cysper sacrificed himself just to let Cyra rank up? I stared at Mike in astonishment, but the utterly clueless him was just blankly staring at the empty ground in front of him, not knowing what to do.

That was where Cysper had been moments ago, but now there was nothing left.

"So the Pope really...died?" 

Adrian quietly asked for confirmation beside me, sounding somewhat unconvinced.

"Do you know what happened?"


I didn't know how to explain it. Even though I had watched the whole process clearly, I was still completely in the dark. Could one person's light elements really allow another angel to rank up? If that was possible, the angel race would have become unstoppable long ago.

Come to think of it, there was always something special about the relationship between Cysper and Cyra. Considering Reed's judgment of Cysper, I vaguely felt that the humanoid sphere of light did seem similar to some kind of magic...

"Hahaha, I thought it was some secret technique, but it's just ranking up to six wings? I've seen that kind of stuff many times before!"

Back to where everyone was focused, after narrowly dodging the "attack" of the humanoid sphere of light, Arick immediately laughed out loud when he saw Cyra's transformation. He then waved his black flame sword and charged at Cyra again.

"Cysper, you...why..."

Caressing the two new pairs of wings on her back, Cyra looked somewhat dazed towards the direction of the Holy Capital, showing no joy that one would expect from a promotion. It was at this moment that Arick came charging right in front of her. She angrily roared and pointed her finger at him.

"It's all your fault, you bastard!"

White light instantly radiated again, but this time it originated from Cyra's fingertip. 

First, a small wisp of light appeared. Then one could see all the light elements in the surrounding air converging towards her finger.

A brilliant beam, like a laser, flashed past. The nearby Arick was instantly vaporized, leaving only a wisp of black smoke drifting in the air before being blown away by the high winds, vanishing without a trace.

"No way!"

Arick was instantly defeated? Everyone was shocked again. Even an eight-winged angel might not possess such power! Let alone Cyra, who had just become a six-winged angel.

However, just because others didn't understand didn't mean I didn't know what happened. It was clear that Cyra had just used Source Magic!

This magic was actually researched by Cysper when he was in her body before. Although I had taught it to Cyra later, she could never successfully cast it, perhaps due to insufficient comprehension or rank.

To be honest, I had almost forgotten about this skill. But at this critical moment, Cyra suddenly unleashed it. Could it be that ranking up unlocked new abilities? Or did this involve some contribution from Cysper?

In any case, the effect of Source Magic was undoubtedly extremely amazing. Witnessing Arick's instantaneous demise, Mirium naturally had no mind to attack anyone else. She roared and took to the air, flying towards Cyra's location!

"She wants to avenge Arick!" 

I inwardly exclaimed, hastily spreading my wings to give chase. But unexpectedly, Fernando blocked me in front.

"You being spared as the Queen is already giving you a lot of face. If you keep interfering, don't blame me for being impolite!"

This Fernando may just look human, but the aura he exuded was completely no weaker than Mirium's, even stronger! I only felt an overwhelming pressure like a mountain bearing down on me. For a moment, I couldn't help but hesitate whether to try fighting him head-on.

"You don't need to worry too much. Since Cyra can defeat Arick now, handling Mirium for a short while shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

Adrian thought for a moment and could only try to reassure me. After all, Arick was his ally too, and the person had just died, so it wasn't appropriate to say much more. However, I didn't agree with what he said.

Indeed, the power of Source Magic was extremely domineering. Demons' bodies contained a large amount of dark elements, so being instantly vaporized was only natural. Even if it was the dragon Mirium, taking a hit would most likely be difficult to bear. She might not die on the spot, but light contamination would likely be unavoidable.

However, this magic also had many flaws. Precisely because it consumed environmental light elements, after one use, the light elements in the surrounding air would temporarily become extremely depleted. If trying to cast it again, the effect would be quite underwhelming, which was also why I had never really used it much.