It's time to travel

when Robert was done cooking he looked down at the food he had just made and remembered the time when he first saw this kind of food on the television when he was young and homeless, it was his dream to be a chef to cook delicious food at a restaurant.

as he kept on dreaming someday he'd learn to cook anything he ever wanted in his lifetime, however, things weren't as nice as he believed it was.

Hugo and Faye were walking along the cold night, as they shivered in the night trying to find somewhere safe and warm to sleep.

As hours passed, they started to feel their bodies getting colder as they kept on walking through the street, without thinking if they could even continue living like this forever as they would surely die from the cold and starvation as they hadn't eaten for a while now, as both of them keep on walking through the street's suddenly Robert couldn't help to stop in the middle of the street just to rest for a bit slowly he turns his head to notice a restaurant across him, as he was about to continue walking through the endless cold night with his sister.

He gazed back to the restaurant one last time remembering his dream he caught a glimpse of a poster that said they were hiring at the moment.

Robert couldn't believe this. at that moment, he couldn't help himself from jumping from his excitement as he could just cry right there his sister turned to look at him with an expression that looked worried and wondered if the cold had gotten him on this day as he unexpectedly acting weird of all of the sudden, Robert couldn't help but point at the restaurant's direction as said in a happy tone in his voice.

This is our chance to live a better life, Faye just looked at the restaurant and back at him with a worried look in her eyes, however, Robert just grabbed Faye's hand and pulled her towards the restaurant across the street as he couldn't hold his excitement from the poster that he has just noticed. 

As the two open the door while they are covered in snow the waiter looks at them in sympathy as he slowly walks in front of them and asks, did you kids want anything?

Robert holds his little sister's hand and nods as he points at the poster on their window

The waiter looked in the direction and smiled, oh you two want to work here?

Robert points at himself and nods as he says, yes I want to be a cook here 

The waiter fell silent and looked at the young boy and said, well it is fine for you to work here if you were planning to be a waiter like me but if you wanted to work at the back handling the food, it would be very difficult for you due to the head chef's attitude.

Robert just looked at him with determination in his eyes, I'll just try it and show him how amazing I am at cooking

The waiter smiled as he saw how determined this kid was, if that's what you want just wait until the restaurant closed alright? 

Robert nodded and looked at his sister with pure delight in his smile, we'll soon live the life we both deserve, as Robert said to her sister, the waiter smiled at the two of them, as he knew how rough it was living on the street with nowhere to go just living in a cold dark alley with just little things to keep yourself warm.

He also experienced this when he moved here just to get a better education, however, things turned out to be worse than he expected but he is very happy to see this kid already knows how to survive in this cruel world, The waiter looked at them both and then as he stretched out his hand to lead the two children somewhere they could at least wait until the restaurant close, so the chef could see if his skills and talent as the waiter smiled and walked ways leaving the two alone in the back of the restaurant.

Robert looked around the restaurant as he slowly daydreamed about his future, while Faye just pinched him on his shoulder and said in an annoyed tone in her voice while looking at Robert, you know how many times the other restaurants rejected you, plus you know, you could be our chef okay and cook all you want if we have our own place ya know, as she said she feels sorry for her brother even she knows how much they are struggling every day and how every chef think her brother is a threat to their work as a chef in their restaurant.

Robert just sighed as he looked at Faye and pushed Faye back a little bit, you know how much this meant to me and how much this may helped us in our life and just to survive you know how rough it was for us. Robert just looked at his sister and rolled his eyes without thinking how people think about the amazing cooking skills he has in him but Faye just looked at his brother angrily as she replied to him I was just trying to look out for you but no you just think about your dreams without looking in some people perspective of you, and thinking you are a threat to them. without thinking much thought, Faye stomps towards the ladies' restroom just to cool off her temper. Robert couldn't help to feel guilty but just brushed off the guilt as the waiter walked up to him while carrying a basket of bread.

Oh, young men where is your little sister?

Robert just turned his head, it's none of your business okay, Robert couldn't help but ignore it but felt guilty for his action.

The waiter looked at Hugo as he sat down and told his fellow worker that he was taking his break for now, so what happened between you and your sister?

Robert just kept silent as he watched other waiters doing their work in the restaurant.

The waiter looked at Robert and smiled, you know I have a sister as well, and oh boy it was tough when I was young, you know how siblings are always getting into a fight and arguing with each other but things will work out in the end, he turns to Robert with a knowing look in his eyes 

Robert just groans in his chair and looks at him as he sighs, we just fought about something you know I think it's about me and some important stuff that I don't know of yet.

The waiter nods and smiles as he says in a sweet voice as he looks at Robert, as long you two talk it out a little you'll surely understand each other.

Robert nodded and turned to look at him, well you're right maybe things will work out in the end as we both talk it out and try to understand each other, thanks for the time Robert looked at him and smiled as he gazed back at the busy restaurant.

The waiter stood up and smiled as he walked away, I wish you the best of luck on the interview being a chef young men 

As the waiter leaves, Robert is alone to wait for his sister to come back he can't help but think about what her sister had just said about the fact his very talented at cooking or baking some cake or other things as well, Robert just groans as he plays with his fingers feeling guilty for not understanding his own and one and only family he had in his life, he couldn't help to look outside as the snow slowly fell as it starting to over the road with pure white snow it looks so nice to play if you aren't homeless, Robert groans as he can't stop thinking if they just have a loving home to stay at.

Robert looked out the window as he sighed in irritation from thinking so much just remembering their family and how they had been treated in the past by their mother who had thrown them out for no reason at all while Robert kept on watching the cars and people crossing the street as Faye comes out of the restroom looking at her brother as she walks up to the table where the waiter has to leave them just to wait, Faye sighs as she steps closer to her brother slowly taps his shoulder looked at him with apologetic eyes, hey sorry about earlier about my temper, you know that how many restaurants had rejected you due to your amazing talent.

Robert smiled and looked at her as he said to her in a loving and caring tone, I'm sorry too, Faye I should understand where you are coming from and give some thought about what you have just said, Robert turned to look at her and stood up as he slowly wrapped his arms around his sister pulling her into a hug, let's just do our best to survive in this world.

Faye nodded as she hugged him back and she slowly pulled away a little bit so she could at last look at her older brother with a sweet gaze. I'm sorry too I just didn't want you to be sad if they rejected you like before, Robert looked at his sister and smiled while patting her on the top of her head just to comfort her while the people in the restaurant looked at them at times and continue their business, you know that I'm your big brother who could handle a few rejections from others, Faye just nodded and hug him while was about to get teary eyes with him.

Robert pulled away as he slowly brought them in front of Faye looked at her and said playfully let's just enjoy being inside of a warm place for a while and eat this free bread so that you'll get fat like a pig, Robert laughed playfully and sat down as he looked outside of the window as it snow while enjoying a piece of bread, 

Faye pouted but laughed it off as she sat down and took a piece of bread as well they sat in silence thinking about what would happen to them in the future.

As the two ate the piece of bread the time slowly passed by, soonly Faye started to fall asleep on the table drooling like a dog while her arms were crossed. on the table trying to find a comfortable position as she slept while the waiters started to close up and clean the restaurant, Robert couldn't help but yawn and stretch out his arms, and stood up as the first waiter that they had met walked up to him. 

So it's about time for your interview with the head chef, Robert felt excited about this somehow but also worried that what his sister said about his amazing talent in cooking was a threat to the head chef like before, Robert shrugged off his thoughts as he and the waiter walked to the back of the kitchen to see the head chef and some employee. Robert shivered as he felt the gaze of the other cook in the kitchen he couldn't help but be worried about what would happen after this while the waiter talked to the head chef explaining why I was there and about wanting to join in cooking at the restaurant.

The head chef turned to look at me as if I were a bug just gotten out of the trashcan, I suddenly felt a chill down my spine as he looked at me from top to bottom at the same time he said in a cold tone in his voice, so you want a job as a cook hmm.

I nodded as I looked at him with determination in my eyes, I've been practicing for a while now, I said with determination in my voice while the chef felt slightly doubtful about my words as he stepped closer to me.

how could you even practice without any food to use for cooking as well as no material needed to use to cook your food, so how could I even trust someone who lives in the dumpsters and has no common knowledge about cooking, he said in a very rude tone as he gazed at Robert with stain displeasure, but sir I could at least show you how good I cook as I said earlier I have been practicing and if you wanted me to tell you, were I have been practicing my cooking skills. 

Robert steps closer to the head chef as if they were about to fight with each other in boxing around, Robert says in a determined voice I have been participating in some events in cooking for free as well as helping others in homeless shelters to cook there for free just to earn some experience.

Robert looked at the head chef as he said without any fear in his look nor in his voice, just let me demonstrate my talent to you if I don't pass your exceptions then you'll just hire me as a waiter in your restaurant. 

The head chef smirked and nodded, fine I'll just give you an hour to prepare a small and simple snack. 

Robert smiled and nodded as he looked around and asked the waiter where he should cook they led him to the back of the kitchen and prepared some food to cook, the head chef smiled and then glanced at Robert, on your marks, go!

As the head chef said to Robert as he started to cook, like his life was on the line trying to create his favorite snack how easily it was on his level of knowledge. 

Robert ran around as time started to go by trying to manage to cook his favorite food called takoyaki but the head chef laughed when he was about to finish what he was cooking the head chef made his foot trip on accidentally, slowly Robert fell on the ground on the food he had just finished while the head chef grins as the alarm was up Robert was stunned for what the head chef had just done just to see him fall on his butt making him a laughing stock while the waiter put out his hand and helped Robert stand up while brushing off some of the food off his clothes, come on let's go somewhere else and clean you up okay?

Robert just nodded and followed him as he was about to walk out of the kitchen he turned to look at the head chef and the cook they all laughed at him to 

humiliate him even though they are fully aware that they are acting a bit childish at that moment, while the head chef stops laughing at him as he leaves the kitchen, and slowly turns to look at the takoyaki that Robert had made was good just looking at it as well that he knows something was so different about this kid he knew something was off.

As the waiter tried to cheer him up and patted his back, well I can help you find work for you or help you find somewhere you could cook as an apprentice so you could at least develop your skills, Robert hugged him and sobbed as he was so tired how much this happened to him and how much he had tried his best at least he had a dream to create a life with his sister and just want to be at least happy as his dream was about to come true but this is the last thing he'll try and thought his sister was right but he still believes someday he'll cook food as he pleased and help other who are like him was a dream.

The waiter knows how it feels when you fail all over and over again even just trying to live a life with someone close to you, hey come on I promise it help you with this I feel how it was and how irritating it was to fail over and over again but I promise you someday it'll get better just keep on working hard okay, Robert looked at him and nodded as he was just a child just trying to survive in the world trying to feed his sister, the waiter smiled as he carry him and said in a comforting tone I'll let you stay at my place a little bit okay? 

Robert nodded as he clung on to him he never felt this way feeling like someone cared about him and his sister as their own mother left him and his sister on the street for a few months now, don't worry let's go to my place where you could stay warm okay then the two walked towards Robert's sister but this time she was awake due to his older brother was sobbing it pretty weird that she reacted so fast even just hearing his brother was crying earlier as the waiter is now in front of Faye, you two can stay at my place with me until you two could find a place to sleep, Faye just looked at him and sighed as he know for a fact what he was saying was true some may say this is so crazy to believe but Faye knows due to something that she was sure that she and his brother could see the pure glow of light around the person that are honest about what are their intentions.

Faye smiled and held his hand letting him lead them where to go and was happy at least tonight they could sleep in a safe place, suddenly Robert snapped out of his thoughts as the two who were waiting on the table for the food. 

Faye just kept on talking and talking as she moved around her legs under the table and showed how cool her high score was and how she beat Hugo at it. Robert brought the takoyaki that he just cooked and smiled as he said in a joyful tone, It was time to eat the two drooled over how good it smelled while Robert smiled handling the two their plate of food slowly sitting himself down as he watched his sister smiling and having fun even in the apocalypse. as the three of them about to dig in Hugo smiled let's talk about where we go or travel.