My eyes flickered open. I moaned and tried to turn to the other side of the bed.

A hiss slipped out of my lips. My body hurts. I looked down at my feet. Especially my legs. I feel like a cripple. Not to talk of how bad my head hurts. I must've drank so much last night.

I sighed and stared at the ceiling, still laying flat on my bed.

Something flooded my mind. I had flashbacks of last night. I remember riding and hopping on his dick, riding him so hard till I couldn't. Then he continued. I bit my lips. I remember us being intimate all night.

I remember falling asleep while enjoying the warmth of his body. Enjoying his touch... his strongs arms around me gave me a sense of protection. He took care of me.

I ran my eyes around my room and exhaled. Now he's gone. Every bit of him and us last night is gone like it never happened.

I am also in my room. I don't know how I got here, but knowing him from the short time we spent together, he might've called someone I know. Or dropped me off.

I took a deep breath and dipped my hand beneath the duvet, reaching between my legs. I winced. It's still sore. At least, this is a reminder of the best sex and most amazing one night stand I've had. A grin formed on my lips.

Today also marks day one of getting over my ex. I feel alive. Fucking his friend did give me peace. I burst out laughing in my room. My whole body is well spent and aches so much yet I feel so good right now.

I kept on laughing. My phone buzzed but I ignored it. The buzz continued and I groaned, slowly pulling my arm above my face to reach my phone to mute it.

I didn't bother to look at my screen then threw my phone on my bed, beside me. The last thing I want to read or hear are the pitiful texts and words of friends trying to console me after what happened yesterday. I turned to the side, that is if they know what happened. Knowing Ivy, she must've spread a fake tale, trying to play the victim.

Or maybe it's a message from him.

My attention was drawn to my phone.

Or not.

Either way, I want to find out. I stretched my hand to the side to pick up my phone. I wonder if Ki-

I froze. Oh my God. I can't remember his name.... How is this even possible? Who on earth forgets the name of the person who gave her good sex?


I went through my chat with Theresa and was shocked to see no messages from last night.

He truly went anonymous... How was my chat with Theresa accessed? I rolled my eyes. Does that matter? I fucked him out of spite and I got the satisfaction I needed! Whether word goes out or not, I'm fine with it. A smirk formed on my face.

I know his name starts with a 'K'. I rolled my eyes with a huff. I guess some nights are meant to be forgotten. Last night included.... and Mr K.

A notification popped on my screen.

Oh wow. Kate never misses a chance to text me. News sure travel fast, I don't remember telling her about it. I clicked on Kate's chat and went through all the messages.


'So, how'd last night go?"

'Gurll, answer mee! The last time I checked, a bathroom break doesn't take all night.'

I rolled my eyes with a smile. If only she knew. I kept reading.

'Hazel, I swear, I will murder you if I get my hands on you.'

'Slept together yet?'

'Gurl talkkk. I won't leave you alone yet!'

'Okay, I got to eat, so ttyl.'

'I'm back! Not done yet?!'


I giggled. She can be so dramatic sometimes and I love it. I kept scrolling through, reading.

This morning, she sent a photo. It is a picture of Ivy and Tristan in a cafe.

'Hun, (sad face emoji) are you alright? I just found out.' Was the caption to the image.

'I take everything I said back, let's go murder someone else instead (knife emoji).'

'Do you want me to come over? I'll grab your fav bites x.'

My chest heaved as I took a deep breath. I could tell Kate was trying not to rub it in my face and cheer me up but I don't know if this is enough cheering.

'Good morning b.

Yeah, I'm fine. No need to come over, I'm coming soon. Guess who's the new transfer student in your campus?

I have newss.'

I texted and sent. Of course, I have to speak to my parents to sort out my transfer documents because I can't bear to be in the same space as Tristan and not be tempted to slice someone's head off. Plus, I'd rather avoid clashing with him and see him all lovey dovey with Ivy. He's such a dick! He didn't even hide it.

Remember, he couldn't get you as wet as his friend, so it's a win-win. Say bye bye to half good sex.

I dropped my phone on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I am so confused right now. Maybe I should start packing. Mom and dad's connections will speed up my transfer process. It's a good thing that I didn't let my relationship meddle with my grades.

Now the only issue is breaking the news to them without feeling stupid. Maybe I'll pull in the 'depressed child' card and get them to agree. Because they have to. If I want to forget someone, I can't spend another year with them. Second year was promised to be good, and it will be. With Tristan or not.


/ Two weeks later/

As expected, the pity card worked. My parents, loving the only female child in uni who just passed through a heartbreak, agreed.

It's good to have rich parents, things that take much longer to process are done easier. I don't approve of non-equality but I'm happy for this. Today is my first day in this campus and I was able to locate my dorm but not my class. Kate and I are studying different things entirely, but we have two classes in common and two shared breaks during the week. Aside from that, meeting up would be difficult during weekday lectures but we can work our way around that. Once we meet.

Yeah, as strange as it is, we haven't met yet but we have a class together. The one I'm heading to right now. Since I don't know anywhere, I have to use the guide and Kate couldn't skip class and meet up with me because she has a test today.

I checked the time on my phone. Hopefully, I find my hall before I run late. I opened my chat with Kate and sent a message. Although I have my location on and sent to her, I need to give her a heads up. Plus, texting my bff is one of the things I enjoy doing. We're finally fulfilling our childhood dream to school together and I'm so excited.

'Hey Kate, I've settled down in my dorm. I think it's next to yours, yay!

PS: Trying to locate my hall. Ace that test!'

'I'm starving, so I hope you have food in your dorm. Can't wait to hear your 'big secret'.'

I texted then dipped my phone in my bag and stared at the guide. This will be interesting.

* It was not interesting! I take everything back! I should've been wiser and checked the school along with the halls my classes will be held before enrolling. Not only is it hard to tell a student from a parent or a teacher, but some students aren't even in my department. And they're just a bunch of snubs and clueless frogs!!

Why attend a school if you won't know the way to certain places?!

Hey, it's not their fault I transferred.

That's true. it's not. But as students, it's their responsibility to know certain places. I dialed Kate's line. She's not picking. Ugh!

I think she's still in class or preparing for the next class. Either way, both situations are unfortunate for me.

I stared at the guide once more. It's even more confusing using it than not using it. I turned it upside down and tilted my head a little.

Nope. It's no use! I slapped my forehead with my palm and huffed. Maybe I should sit for a random lecture and get the notes for my main lecture later today.

On a second thought, doing that would just be unnecessarily tiring.

I looked at the time on my phone. I have thirty minutes till class starts. I have time.

I think.

I looked around again. Which student doesn't look snubbish? I stared at a group of girls standing at a coner, talking.

Nope. They look like glitter princesses.

I averted my gaze. A plump, curly red head was headed my way. He looks too.... I don't know, into his studies and games. I'm looking for a guide not a future stalker.

I sighed and looked up. Coming down the stairs is a lady in an ash coloured suit, navy blue shirt and matching suit skirt. She has books in her hand and a ruler. Her hair is packed in a neat bun which highlights the pen stuck behind her ear. Her black frame glasses is huge and chic too, plus it fits her face.


I strolled to the last step of the stairs, waiting for her.

"Excuse me, sorry," I rushed her with questions when she got down. Her perfume filled my nose. "I'm a transfer student and I'm searching for-" I looked at my map. "Bio-chem class?"

She pointed at corridor. "The first grey door to your left."

"Thank you." I smiled and she walked away. I made my way there.

The first grey door.... I walked passed a series of brown and red doors. A grey door to my left. I turned around. Found it!

I poked my head in. A different lecture is ongoing. I'll wait till it's done. I stood in front of the hall and tapped my toes while tapping my fingers on my thighs, waiting. There's really nothing to do and I don't want to get lost while wandering around so standing here is my best option yet. I searched my bag for my phone and looked at it.

I really do have to get a watch. It'll make my life a lot easier.

I have to wait for twenty minutes then class will begin, this will be easier than I thought. I searched my bag for my air pods and plugged my ears. There's nothing music can't solve.

I closed my eyes and leaned on the wall with my backside. I set an alarm for five minutes prior, so I won't miss the start of lectures and once students start rushing out of the class, that'll also be my cue. I let my heart dance to the rhythm of the song. A line caught my attention.

'They say he's morally grey,

What can I say, grey's my favourite colour'

My eyes widened when I heard that line. Grey.

I used that word a lot that night. Fuck! I can't have my head clustered with him. I shook my head. But I love the song. I tapped my airpods to replay. Who cares if he's on my mind? I'll never see him again anyway and no one will ever know.

Or will they? I blushed. I plan to tell Kate. That's the news!

A crowd gushed out of the hall. It's time for class. I checked my watch. Mine starts in ten minutes. I sent a text to Kate.

'I'm outside my hall. Meet up with me there so we can get a good seat.'

'Really? Sweet. I'm coming out rn.'  She responded. That was fast.

(Translation; rn means right now)

"Hazelnut!" A cheery voice slid into my ears followed by a hug. I pushed the person back a bit to see the face then pulled her back in.

"Kate. Oh my God, I missed you so much!" I squeezed my arms around her. Hugging her feels nice as always. Her body is so soft.

"Of course you did. I mean, it's me." Kate said and I rolled my eyes with a grin. "Let's head in. I have so much to talk to you about. And girl! You look dope!"

"Why, thank you, proof of good sex." We walked in.

Kate stopped half way and gasped. "You did not."

I giggled. "I did. Oh my God. It was magical."

"Tall, hot, rich?" She asked, moving through the seats. We sat in the middle row.

"I don't know about filthy rich, but he seemed comfortable."

Kate raised her hand and I clapped it. "How on earth do you pull all the good men?" She asked, taking a lipgloss out of her bag and rubbed it on her lips. Kate also took out her powder foundation and checked her lips in the mini mirror.

"I guess there's something good about being attractive." I joked, tilting my chin up. I searched my bag then brought out a notebook and pen.

"You're going to need a laptop at the end of this class, you'll know why soon enough." Kate added and dropped her pc on the desk. I flashed her a smile and tapped my pen on my chin, waiting for our professor. I did not bring my laptop.

(Translation: pc means personal computer)

"How long does usually take the professor to arrive?" I asked Kate with a sneer.

"Usually when the class starts. He's never late. In fact, sometimes, one can say he's a little too early." I raised my brow uninterestedly and glanced over to her side to check the time on her pc. "Relax girl, you just got here. Plus, hasn't it always been nice to have less time for lectures?"

Hmm. "Maybe."

"Then this one shouldn't hurt." Kate nugdes my shoulder and I tried to smile. I really need to ease up. I'm an A student but not the crazy type who's overly serious. I'm just tensed, that's all.

"It's probably the hunger." I said nonchalantly because of travel, I haven't eat anything all day and it's afternoon.

Kate smirked. "If I were you, I'll hunger for him too."

At first, I didn't get it. Then I did. Now my face is red. "Ew. Kate, no!" Just the thought made me cringe.

Kate laughed. "Chill out babe. He's not that bad." Kate leaned her hand on the table then rested her head on her hand. She glanced around. "I'm sure every girl here can agree with me."

"You're sick!" I grimaced.

"Your favourite sicko." Kate stuck her tongue out and winked.

"You wish!"

The hums and chatter around us died down and I looked forward, I'm guessing our professor arrived. It's odd that every student here is cooperative and quiet, that almost never happens. A man walked in. I watched him make his way to the front of class.

For a teacher, he has such good biceps. And body. I can tell a heavenly body is hidden underneath that suit. I squinted, waiting for him to face us.

"We meet again, students. Miss me?" Our professor asked and I froze.

I almost couldn't breathe. I felt my windpipe get blocked. Like something was slowly sucking the life out of me but I tried to maintain my composure.

"We missed seeing your pretty ass!" Someone screamed from the back of the hall and there was a subtle uproar of laughter. If I wasn't so fazed by the man in front of the class, I would've laughed.

I squeezed my legs together while plastering my eyes on him. I think he saw me and smirked.

My breath hitched. I have just one question.

How on earth... is my one night stand my professor?