"Vivian, I want you park the car and get out it right now?" Hutton said over the phone he is holding with his right hand as a grim look were on his face while sitting in a cab.

Due to dragging the tanned youth that was nicknamed blue frog from the estate he is currently living in all the way to area Vivian and Rebecca came to get the later a new phone, he had to park the car a fair distance away from the place in other to avoid being tracked and monitored.

But right now this certain move of his has backfired back to him in an intense way since he has to get to his car first before going after Vivian and Rebecca.

"Uhh? Why? Besides, we can't do so since we are currently in an intense traffic" Vivian replied as a white colored airpods were in her ears while having a puzzled look on her face.

Currently, both she and Rebecca is stuck in an intense highway traffic which is close to the outer region of the city.