'Huh? Where did he go?' the burly man that previously dashed towards Hutton suddenly paused as he had that thought in his mind with a confused look on his face.

But before he could understand what was going on, he suddenly felt an unprecedented force landing heavily on his chest.



"Argh!!!" The burly man yelled painfully as he was sent flying back while an excruciating cracking sound rang out of him. When the onlookers both heard and saw what just transpired, they immediately fell silent.

As for the burly man that was sent flying by Hutton, he eventually landed heavily on the ground right behind the group of burly men which shows that he flew right past them.

But Hutton didn't seem fazed by what he has done as he continued on his walk towards the group of burly men right after reappearing. When the scar faced burly man saw this, his expression quickly became solemn as he asked deeply.