"Now that you are in the first phase of the foundation establishment stage, why don't we test your strength" Emperor Chen suddenly said with a light smile on his face.

"And how are we going to do that Emperor?" Hutton asked with a curious look on his face while having an excited feeling within him.

"By fighting him" Emperor Chen said with an expectant smile on his face while he flicked two of his fingers at his right hand.

In the next moment, a portal that is up to 6 feet suddenly appeared in front of both Hutton and Emperor Chen.

'Wait... Isn't that Viktor Sledgehammer that came with the Feng family?' Hutton thought with a surprised look on his face as he saw what was going on at the other side of the portal.

Apparently, what is going on at the other side of the portal is a gladiator match where everyone at center of a coliseum is going against a man who Hutton referred to as Viktor Sledgehammer.