It was almost 9 when Kaia finally decided to go back. Whatever it was he'll just deal with it later he thought. But he made up his mind to prepare to leave Julian if he ever threw him out.

Just when the day couldn't get any worse Kaia saw his last stroke of hope going into a trash can literally. There were some trash can in front of their apartment building and there stood Julian holding the lunch box he made. The food there was still the same as when he left it to Mr Han as if it's never been touched. Julian looked at the box for a while and opened it and then empty the content into the can.

Kaia felt as if Julian had just thrown away 7 years of his life. And without much thought Julian went in without knowing that someone was watching him. At this point Kaia just found it funny and laughed to the point that he looked like a mad man.

The door opened and Kaia found that Julian was just out of the shower again. Once again his hair was wet and water was dripping on the floor. For some reason Kaia was getting irritateted, he used to think this stuff was cute but now he was getting annoyed. He looked at the floor and sigh and just left for his room not wanting to deal with anymore.

Julian felt something was very wrong. He found his love 3 years ago when he went on a business trip abroad and it was time to tell Kaia about bringing Yui to live with them. He just didn't get the right time to tell him.


When morning came Julian woke up to the sound of juice mixer going off very loudly. The sound wasn't anything unusual just the timing. Kaia always grinds some fresh fruit juices but only after he woke up cause he (Kaia) feared that the sound might disturb his (Julian) sleep. Now it's 6 in the morning and hour early before Julian's usual getting up time.

He went down to the kitchen to see Kaia dressed in a track suit and drinking the juice he just made. Julian was surprised this was very unusual. All these years Kaia wasn't one to go for a jog early in the morning. He just stood there watching the man gulp down a glass of freshly mixed apple juice.

Kaia let out a sigh of relief after feeling refresh and saw the person watching him. This person had just woken up probably due to the sound of his grinding machine but he didn't care. He looked at the man devoid of any emotion and for the first time questioned him.

"What?" as if saying what are you looking at me for.

Julian surprised again by the sudden question didn't know what to say and just kept looking at him.

(Note K will be Kaia and J is Julian)

K - If you don't have anything to say then I'm going out.

Julian when he heard that Kaia was going out felt something awful coming from inside him as if that was a bad idea. He didn't liked what he just heard. He asked coldly.

J - Where?

Kaia used to be scared of this tone coming from Julian because he didn't wanna upset him but now all of a sudden he had the courage to face this man and after a certain dream that he had last night he was going to make sure this man suffers.

K - Why do you wanna know? It's still early, go back to your sleep or start making your own breakfast if you wanna eat here and go.

After saying these words Kaia put on his shoes and left, leaving a confused man.