The judges applaud and soon it was over. The only thing left was waiting for the result. The day was tough but in the end all was well. Kaia didn't know that there would be a surprise waiting for him back home.

The door opened and Kaia could smell freshly baked muffins which was unusual, sometimes the housekeeper would make dinner but she was off duty after 8 so who was baking this stuff. As he went deeper, there was someone in the kitchen, a young man. The lad had a small frame, fare skin and doey eyes and the perfect mole under the left eye. His waist was so small and his arms looks like the muscles said goodbye. He's what you would call a guy with faminine feature.

Compared to him, Kaia was a bigger and more broader guy. What's interesting is that Julian was helping him cook. The guy who never went to the kitchen other than coffee was whipping up some cream. From one's perspective you could easily tell they were enjoying each other's company.

What a show! Kaia thought, seeing them looking happy happy made him wanna vomit. He was just going to ignore and walk pass by when the young man called.

"Oh hello!", Julian also turned to look at him.

Kaia stopped on his track and turned his eyes to the couple. He was taught to be polite and he didn't really know what kind of guy this man was so he smiled to him saying hi. The other guy Julian, Kaia knows him very well so he didn't wanna even look at him.

"Um you must be Kaia, Julian's roomate. This.. is our first meeting but I've heard a lot about you and wanted to meet you..."

Roomate? Not even a friend but a roommate of course. The man continued, " I don't know if you've heard but I'll be living here for a while.. just until I get my own place."

Indeed it was true, Kaia has never heard about this. And also that was no introduction, Kaia already guessed who this was but still it would be appropriate to tell your name to someone you just met if that someone was going to be your roommate now. He just side eyed the other person there. Julian finally spoke up..

" It won't be no trouble. Yui has been living in his company's dorm for a while now so until he finds his own place he'll stay with us."

If he could Kaia would give them the bombastic side eye but still as a kind and caring person he was he only smiled and said, "Of could there would be no trouble. I already ate so I'll be going to my room now."