It was becoming late and the pair stopped by a conviniance store because the red haired guy wanted to have some icecream. Kaia was looking worried, it was already late almost 10.

Akerian came out happily with his icecream and gave one chocobar to Kaia. Kaia frownd and said, "I don't like chocolate."

Akerian gasp upon hearing this, "No way you're first person I know who hates chocolate!" He said.

K- I never said I hate it. I just don't like the flavour.

A- well what do you like?

K- I don't like deserts. If someone wanna give me food I would prefer something spicy.

Akerian just ate his icecream and looked at him as if he's something intriguing.

A- Find next time I'll take you somewhere with spicy food.

K- there won't be a next time

A- why not?

K- why will?

A silence dropped between them. The night was a bit chilly even though it's already summer. Finally Akerian broke the silence.

A- so did he tell you about me?

K- who?

A- Julian of course. Why he hates me?

K- No way, he doesn't tell me anything.

Kaia looked a bit sad and looked down at his shoes. Akerian knew how he felt very well.

A- well you're lucky I'm about to tell you my side of the story first.

Kaia didn't even felt like knowing but when he looked at Akerian he felt that he's been waiting for someone to hear him out. So he just agreed.

A- Yui, I had a huge crush on him when we were in highschool. But Julian got him before me so yes I was a bit jealous but what happened between them wasn't my fault at all. My father found out about their relationship and he called me in his office one day to ask me. Being the kind brother that I am, I said I don't know. Father had always been strict and traditional so you understand how his reaction was when he found out about them.... Anyway when I came out of the office Julian was standing outside and you know what happened? The next day father forced him to break up with Yui. So you would see how they would assume that I was responsible but nobody hear me out. I mean I did bully them a bit but I would never tell my father about something like that.

Kaia who was in a dark all this time was a bit suprised to know something about Julian. Then Akerian looked a bit sad as he said the next words, taking Kaia completely by suprise.

A- Oh yeah Yui is my ex. You know that?

K- what? What do you mean?

A- I mean exactly what I meant. He's my ex...

Kaia stopped him, " stop I don't wanna know anymore"

A- Really?

K- yes

The two went back in silence, when they reached the apartment Kaia thanked him and was about to leave when Akerian said, "I meant it you know. You should distance yourself from them especially Yui. There's someone crazier than me who is after him. You might get hurt."

Kaia only looked back at him and said bye. He didn't care, he was already not very close to Yui so whatever it was as long as he didn't know anything it's better.


It was already 11 by the time Kaia opened the door to the apartment. He was exhausted and wanted to shut his eyes quickly. He made his way to his room when someone stopped him from behind.

"Where were you?" Julian asked in a demanding voice. Kaia knew his tone was far from happy.

K- I just went out.

J- with who? That bastard?

By this time Kaia was also getting impatient, "Why do you care? I'm tired just leave me be for today." , Kaia was about to move ahead when,

"Kaia!" Julian yelled. His mind was so filled with rage right now as he moved towards Kaia and grabbed one of his arm.

J- you were with him I saw. Why!?

He saw? Kaia thought, why was this guy so angry? But one thing was for sure he was also getting more and more angry and his arm started to get hurt.

K- so what? I was going someplace, he offered to take me there and I agreed. Tell me where I went wrong.

Julian stared at him in anger, but still he released his hold and calm himself down.

J- just don't meet him again.

K- wasn't planning to.

A moment of silence and then he asked, "Where'd you go?"

Kaia pondered for a moment, should he tell him. He's leaving anyway so he told Julian.

K- Just went to see the bakery

J- ....why? You... Don't need to work.

Kaia just hmm and left.