Fourteenth Chapter: Crazy Lia

At the bike's parking …


"The hell you're doing, Lia?"


A familiar curly brunette stood in front of me. She donned a dissatisfied expression, staring at me straight in the eye.


"That's rich," she coldly said. "Coming from someone who made me wait in this d*mn place for two hours!"


"Stop exaggerating," I replied. "I know your schedule."


"Duh, it's still the first week. We were dismissed earlier," she said. "So I've been here for two whole hours!"


That made me feel guilty, but not that much—that's what friends are for—just kidding, she probably exaggerated it as usual.


"It could be worse."


"You're really a horrible person!" she shouted angrily.


That's the second time I was called a horrible person today …


"Stop with the act. Let's go home," I dismissively said, ignoring her dramatic play.


Pushing my bike, I walked towards the gate. Leaving the drama queen behind.


She instantly dropped the act and caught up beside me. "Where were you? And why did you ask me to stay in this sh*tty place?"


I messaged Lia before heading out with Rebecca earlier since their dismissal is much later than us. So yep, I never really ghosted her. Maybe, just made her wait a little bit.


"Someone treated me for food."


She was surprised and blocked my way towards the gate. "And you didn't invite me?!"


"I'm not that shameless."


"It's not like I'm gonna ask them to treat me!"


"I barely know her," I explained. "So I can't just ask you to come."


Hearing that, Lia was momentarily stunned and then her face slowly turned into a sly grin.


"... So It's a her, huh … Has spring finally come for our little baby~"


Sighing, I lightly chopped her on the head. "Stop thinking about stupid things. We're just classmates."


"That's what they all say …"


Ignoring her, I got on my bike and signaled to her to get in the front. She followed, still having that teasing grin, and sat sideways. She put her small bag in her lap and held onto the handle while continuing to annoy me with her incessant teasing.


Annoyed, I sighed and threatened. "I'll leave you if you don't stop."


"Try it if you can!" she challenged, unafraid of my threat—knowing I won't do it. 


Turning left, I gave up. I let her yap until she's tired of it. She'll stop eventually …




We were on the bike lane, riding at a brisk pace—neither too fast nor too slow—just enough to get a comforting wind hit our faces. And as expected, after a while, Lia also shut up and enjoyed the wind, watching the street lights as we passed through them.


Then as if she remembered something, she giggled and said. "Are there any cute girls in your room?"


Somewhat, already expecting this question, I answered. "Don't even think about it."


"Oh, come on! Don't be stingy!"


Feeling like a vein was about to pop out of my head, I muttered. "Remember Claire?"


Unsure where I was going with this, Lia carefully uttered: "... What about her?"


Seeing her ignorant reaction made my blood boil in anger!


"She messaged me every day for two months! Two freaking months! Every day!" I said with gritted teeth, full of displeasure in my tone.


"Whoa … attagirl!" she cheered, misunderstanding my words.


"It was because of you! She kept on asking where you are and what you're doing!"


Hearing that, Lia showed a guilty expression. "... I didn't mean … it?"


If I weren't riding my bike, I would hold my head in frustration. "That doesn't matter … the problem is, I helped you with someone, and you dumped her like trash—and now I have to suffer the consequences!"


"... She was a lil too possessive, you see …" she sweatdropped and tried to utter an excuse.


"Well, is that my fault? If you weren't trying to two-time or even three-time her, she wouldn't be that hysterical!"


"Ahem, I'm for the ladies—it's my calling to answer the wishes of the pretty ladies around the world so it is an inevitable thing, my dear sister from a different parent," she shamelessly uttered, trying to sound profound.


"Calling, my ass! Get your cheating ass off my bike!"


"Hahaha!" she laughed evilly and was about to say something—when she saw something out of the corner of her eyes.


"Stop, my dear friend!" 


"Huh? What is it this time?" 


As I said that, with a screech, I hit the brakes immediately even if I don't know what she's on about. I set down my feet as an anchor while Lia is pointing somewhere behind me with her other hand on my shoulders.


"Let's go there!" she pointed at a store on the side of the street.


Saying that, I followed her fingers and saw a convenience store, with red and green neon lights overhead. 


A convenience store? Good timing. I was just craving for something sweet …


Letting her off for now, I complied silently, I u-turned and biked towards the parking space in front of the convenience store. 


Locking my bike, I stared at the excited girl standing beside me. "What're you gonna get? And make it quick I want to go home and shower."


She didn't answer immediately, thinking. "Hmmm … let's go get some ice cream!"




I nodded. "Your treat," I said evenly, walking ahead of her.


"Hey, that's not fair! A cute girl already treated you earlier!"


"And another one will soon do so."


"I won't! You're too greedy, Alex!"




Inside the store …


"Chocolate or vanilla?" she asked me, holding each in her hands.


I grabbed the chocolate and said. "This one."


After a series of coercing and arguments, Lia was tric—I mean, decided—to treat me to some ice cream.


"Then I'll get that one too!" she said, opening the fridge once more. 


She pulled out another chocolate ice cream, put back the vanilla, and pushed me towards the cashier.


"Next time, it's your turn!"


"Sure," I nodded, agreeing to treat her next time.


"Hold this for a moment."


She passed me her ice cream while she rummaged around her bag for her wallet. 


Bored, my eyes wandered around the store until it stopped at the cashier lady. My eyes went to the hoop earrings she wore, surprising me momentarily. She gestured to put the product for scanning and I complied. Our eyes met for a moment but immediately broke off.


"Do you need a paper bag?" the cashier lady asked monotonously.


"Nope," Lia responded briskly.


The cashier lady pushed our items towards us and we took one each. 


""Thank you,"" we said in unison. 




Outside the store …


With the dark sky and moon, some occasional cars, and people passing by as our entertainment, Lia and I were sitting on the chairs outside; biting and licking our ice cream. 


"Bernadette, huh …" she blurted out.


"Bernadette who?"


"That girl earlier."


"... How'd you know?"


She clicked her tongue several times as she waved her fingers. "You're still too weak, Alex. Every employee, obviously, would have their name attached to their chest! Or an ID!"


She's not wrong, but that's not always the case, you see … so you wouldn't normally look for those things—or maybe it's just me. With how long I've known her, I'm not even shocked. Lia was always good at noticing details like that, especially related to pretty girls …


"Hmmm …" I simply hummed in response, biting my ice cream once more.


So her name is Bernadette … I thought as I remembered a flashy, hoop-earring, rude-mouthed girl earlier at the campus.


That's right … The cashier lady is no other than the girl who fought with Caikee earlier—Gorbold—I said it correctly this time, right? Anyway, she didn't react so she probably didn't recognize me. Not that surprising, since I was just quiet on the side at that time.


Didn't expect her to work at a convenience store … Well, it's none of my business … So I pushed it to the back of my mind.


"Sooo, who's the girl?" Lia inquired, licking her ice cream. 


"What girl?" 


"The lucky one, obviously!"




I was not getting this girl's questions, one moment we were talking about this, and then that the next second. Your ADHD (self-diagnosed) is worse than mine, Lia.


"Ugh," she let out and rolled her eyes. "The girl you were with earlier, airhead!"


"Ah, you didn't make it clear."


"I shouldn't have to!" she retorted. "Anyway, show me some pictures," she requested as she scooted closer.


Leaning slightly forward, her hand followed her causing her slowly melting ice cream to drip down.


I slid away from her, dodging the dripping melted ice cream. 


"Oops, my bad," she said with a short laugh. 


Her laughing movement caused her waves to move and shake along with her body. Distracting me, her brown curls were about to touch her ice cream. Hastily, I wrapped her hair with my hands and held it behind her. 


"You're so messy …"


"Ah, my hair almost touched it," she blurted, noticing what I did. 


She lifted her head and thanked me with a bright smile, showing off her pearly white teeth. 


Seeing that, I handed her my ice cream to hold temporarily then I took her hair tie on her wrist—to tie her hair up in a low ponytail. 


While I was tying her hair, my arms were around her since we were facing each other, if people were watching, they might think I was actually embracing her—


Scratch that, that turns out to be true as Lia naturally wrapped her arms around my back and continued to eat her ice cream in such a difficult position. I paid it no mind as I proceeded to tie her long curly hair neatly.


Finally done with the task, I maintained our position, not moving or doing anything. 


"Hey, you're dead if you stain my clothes," I threatened, seeing her stay in her position.


"What if I said, I already did?"


"Do you believe my hands can go to your face in one second?" 


"Scary, I was just joking, you know …" she said, acting scared but her even voice betrayed her words.


"Sigh, just give me mine," I tiredly said, gesturing at her.




She gave back my ice cream by bending her arms backward—that's what she's always like … Always doing things that made things twice as difficult … 






We were both silent. Only the sound of car engines can be heard and some unknown animal in the background.


"Lia," I called out. "Can you move? It's hard to eat like this."


She complied but not in the way I wanted to as she silently adjusted her position, placing both of her feet over my lap and sliding even closer. Now it looks like she's sitting on my lap while facing me. 


"Better?" she asked leisurely, still licking her ice cream.


I just nodded. She won't listen to me, anyway. Thankfully, there were not many people passing by or we'd look like a lovey-dovey couple showing some PDA.


She finished her ice cream first, snuggling further, now without anything in her hand.


Yawning while nestling her face on my neck, she remarked: "You're warm and smell nice … It's kinda making me sleepy."


"That's normal. I take a bath two times a day, after all. It's weirder if I still smell bad after that."


"Yeah, yeah, I know, you neat freak."


"There's another person's scent present, though …" she added, whispering softly. "Tch, while I was bored waiting, you're having fun flirting with other girls, huh …"


That's Rebecca's, I guess …? And I'm not flirting!


She tightened her hold, grabbing my back as if she wanted to merge with me. Unlucky for her, that's impossible. 


She stayed silent, getting comfortable in my arms, but mumbled all of a sudden.


"We're the same height, but I always felt smaller than you, I wonder why …"


Now how did you go there … It's really hard to follow her thought flow …


"That's because I have wider shoulders, longer arms, longer neck, and overall a bigger build than yours …" I explained, knowing she was not actually asking for an answer. "And I'm one centimeter taller, FYI."


And that's why I can completely wrap her in my arms as if she were a head shorter than me.


"Ya-da, ya-da, I get it. You're much better, blah-blah," she said lazily, mocking me.


Hearing her mocking tone made me think of something naughty as revenge. I grabbed a hold of her waist and started to tickle her. Hard.


Squirming, she burst out laughing, clutching my hands to try to stop me. "W-wait, hahaha! Stop it! Hahaha!"


I didn't stop. 


"Hahaha! A-Alex!" 


Still did not stop.


"I-I'm about to pee …!" 


I stopped. That's a no-no.


"Haa … Haa …"


Catching her breath, Lia was breathing heavily. Her arms over my shoulders sloppily.


Several seconds have passed with her like this …


She breathed quite heavily near my neck, tickling me … I felt soft lips touch my neck and then suddenly … she bit me! 


"Ouch! What the hell is that for, Lia?!" I exclaimed, shocked at her action.


But the person in question simply shrugs it off. "Just felt like it …"




I was speechless at this person, although I'm used to getting bitten from time to time by her, it was never that hard … It might leave a mark at this point …


I finished off the remaining ice cream in my hands and tapped her back. "Come on, I don't know why you're so angry to the point of biting me, but it's getting late I need to get you home." 


As if she didn't hear me, she didn't move nor talk, clutching my back as if her life depended on it. 


Out of choice, I carried her in the same position towards the bike—not before I threw our trash, of course—and unlocked the bike with one hand and the other supporting Lia.


I sat her down in front of me and said. "Happy now, madam?" 


"Excellent service, my servant!" she acted haughtily, nodding her head in satisfaction.


I shook my head exasperatedly and continued on our way home with no in-betweens this time.




I dropped Lia first which was just a corner away from my house. 


Lia fell asleep on our way home. She was leaning on my chest while clutching her bag tightly. I shook her awake which caused her to groggily open her eyes.


"Are we home …?"


"Yep, so wake up and get inside."


"Okay …" she mumbled, still out of it.


She wobbly got down and walked towards her house. I was worried that she might trip or something but thankfully that didn't happen.


Before heading in, she looked back. "Take care, Alex. Love you …"


That caused me to smile as I said back: "Yeah, love you, too. Good night."


"Good night …"




At home.


After washing up and doing my night routine, I lay down on the bed, opened my phone, and saw there was an unread message 30 minutes ago.


I tapped it.


[Have you gotten home safely?]


Surprisingly, It was from Rebecca. 


We exchanged socials on the first day, and yep, she actually managed to get mine that day. However, this is our first chat.


I immediately type out a reply:


Me: [Yes. You?]


Without even a second passing, I received a reply. Needless to say, I was surprised.


Rebecca: [Yes]


Rebecca: [I had fun]


Rebecca: [Let's do this again some other time]


Accompanying her message, she also sent a bunny sticker that raised her hands repeatedly, cheering.


I smiled, finding it adorable, and heart reacted her message then closed my phone—tired from all the interactions I did today …


I think that's good enough for a year ... I want to lie in bed all year long …




I slept soundly that night, not knowing someone was disappointed, and was left yearning for more at our first and short conversation which was done after many arduous self-pep talks.