Seventeenth Chapter: Let's Go Get Some Coffee? (1)

Seventeenth Chapter: Let's Go Get Some Coffee? (1)




Shuddering, It felt like a chill just went up my spine. 


What was that?


Did I forget something? It's definitely not Lia since her dismissal is way, way later. 


"Kris?" Rebecca called, pulling me out of my thoughts.




"Do you want to get some coffee? There's a sale, just around the block," Rebecca casually asked, pointing towards its direction.


I slightly pursed my lips in contemplation. Hmm, it's still pretty early … so I guess that's fine. 




She smiled excitedly and said. "It's very near, like, it would not take more than five minutes!"


Her voice was clear and loud, clearly doing her best to convince me to come. She shouldn't worry that much, though. It's not like I hate being with her.


Therefore, I gave her another nod as I asked her to chill a bit. "Okay, let me get my bike first, though."


"Okaaay," she said in a chirpy voice, wearing an upbeat expression on her face.


Heading towards the bike parking with Rebecca beside me, I went near my bike and unlocked it. "Shall we go?"


"Let's go towards the back gate. It's much closer if we go through there."


Nodding in response, I let Rebecca lead the way. I was trailing slightly behind while pushing my bike.




Moving at a comfortable pace, the sun was not too strong and the wind was there to cool us down as we stepped on pavements under the shade of the trees. Occasionally, we would see people of varying ages passing through us but most of the time it was sparse of people.


"..." I silently followed Rebecca since I didn't know where we were going.


Several minutes later …




Rebecca kept on looking left and right as if unfamiliar with our destination. We went left and then right and then left again, which made me start to doubt whether this was really a five-minute walk.


We had been taking turns quite a lot and had walked far longer than five minutes, I must say. Observing Rebecca's face, I can see a faint trickle of sweat dripping from her cheeks due to the long distance we had traversed. 


Further observing her, I still can't help but marvel at her face, even something that would be considered—reasonably so—disgusting, looks absolutely stunning on her. Still wouldn't touch it, though.


If she were Lia, I'd probably wipe that off of her—with a towel or tissue, of course—but for now, we're not close enough to casually touch each other. She might be uncomfortable and definitely, I would be. 


Come to think of it, the first time we met we already had such a major close contact. And there's also that time at McBo.


It's now weird to hear about being cautious with touch but that's that and this is this.




"Y-yes!" Rebecca answered in surprise, turning back swiftly to face me.


Her face had that clear look of guilt and worry, her brows were scrunched a bit as she lightly bit her lips in nervousness. Yet, I can see her trying to hide it with a wry smile.


"Are we lost?"


Hearing that, Rebecca instantly donned an embarrassed look as she shrunk down in shame and answered in a small voice. "Yes …"


As I suspected …


Pressing my lips together, I comforted her down figure. "Don't be too down, we can just use Move. What's the name of the shop?" I asked evenly.


Move was always my savior when in trouble with directions so I took out my phone, put it on the Move app, and handed it to Rebecca. Looking smaller than she already was, Rebecca timidly took it, typed the shop's name, and gave the phone back to me.


"Oh, we're quite far already," I unconsciously blurted out after taking a look at the map.


That made Rebecca flinch as she timidly said. "Sorry …"


Realizing my blunder, I tried to cover up my mistake. "Don't worry, we've got a lot of time, anyway."


"I'll do better next time …" Rebecca said, still with a sullen look.


Her sullen tone made me feel guilty. So I tried to think of words that may make her feel better. "Yeah, and we're spending more time together, do you hate that?"


Perhaps it worked too well, Rebecca jumped on her skin, immediately denying it with all her heart. "Definitely not! Never! Actually, we can even explore the whole Apollo right now and I wouldn't complain—I'd thank you instead!" 


Like her ass was lit on fire, she let out a series of words that made me look at her helplessly. 


I-it's good that lifted her mood … I guess.


"Good," I said calmly outside, but a little rattled inside by her intense response.




In a better mood, she finally smiled and continued walking, me taking the lead this time.




A couple of minutes later, while walking, Rebecca was in a merry mood as she hummed a tune. It was surprisingly pleasant to hear. I didn't expect that Rebecca was great at singing, but then again, people like Rebecca are what we call—children of heaven. Because they've got everything: looks, talent, and personality. 


Leave something for us, girl! If you have the talent and looks, at least leave out the personality part. That's for us, the uglies … Alas, Rebecca was also blessed at that part, given a friendly and cheerful disposition. Good for her, I guess?


While thinking of weird things, we silently continued like this until she stopped humming (unfortunately) and suddenly asked me another get-to-know question. "What's your favorite food, Kris?"


Slightly taken aback, I stared at her with a scrunched look but immediately returned to normal, somewhat getting used to her abrupt questions. "Burger." 


"Is that why that's what you ordered last time?" 


I nodded in response and asked back. "How about yours?"


"Hmmm," Rebecca pointed at her chin, pondering about it. "I think … ramen? But I also like sushi … But if I really have to pick one, I think I'd go for ramen or anything that has noodles in it."


"Is that so?"




As Rebecca said that, we stopped for a moment as we came across a crosswalk that we wouldn't have to cross if we hadn't gotten lost and went so far from the shop. No shade intended. Fortunately, the red light is almost about to turn green in 20 seconds.


While waiting, Rebecca randomly revealed something about herself in a strange tone. "You know, I always get so nervous when crossing the streets. Like I don't know if I'd just get hit by a car and die."


Why you're thinking about dying when crossing the streets …? I retorted in my mind, sweat dropping at her dark thoughts.


Still, I hummed in understanding and surreptitiously moved closer to her to guide her when it was time. But she was thinking far ahead of me as she asked softly.


"That's why … can I hold on to you while we cross?" she asked carefully in a probing tone.


Giving her a sideways look, her face right now had a somewhat begging yet calm look as she clutched my shirt. Kind of like how a cat would widen their pupils to coerce you to get what they want—that's what it felt like.


As the receiving end of it, I was momentarily speechless. That look added to her round pink diamond doe eyes while her soft hair slightly swayed with the wind would be a fatal blow to anyone else. If it were a guy—heck, even a girl, they'd probably imagined she was into them or whatnot. That's just how pretty she is.


It's no wonder why a guy is already trying to get close to her …


"Yeah," I replied evenly at her request, shifting my eyes to the road.


At that exact moment, the red light turned green and people started to cross the street. I was also about to start moving when Rebecca pulled on my shirt. I stopped.


"Hand," she said softly, donning a serious look, her cheeks were almost the same color as her hair, probably from the heat of the sun.


At first, I didn't realize what she wanted but she continued to repeat 'hand' to me until I hesitantly gave my hand which she immediately took firmly. Needless to say, I was astonished.


I was expecting her to hold on to my arm or shirt, didn't expect this development at all.


Still, hand in hand, feeling the warmth emitted by hers, we crossed the street together—my bike on my left hand and Rebecca on my right. 


Uncharacteristically silent, Rebecca held on tightly, squeezing my hands as if afraid that I would let go. 


So she wasn't kidding when she said that …


How funny, though. Earlier, I was just thinking of being cautious with touch yet here she was asking for my hand on her own. Well, skinship is the norm between girl friends, so not that surprising. And this is a special circumstance.


I squeezed back to reassure her and help her calm down. When I did that, it might be just my imagination, but it kinda felt as if her temperature just spiked up as I held her hand.


Finally, we made it on the other side of the street and Rebecca showed a bright grin, so bright she might even beat the sun in terms of brightness. Moreover, she looked as if a lingering lump in her chest just disappeared—satisfaction, so obvious in her expression …


"Thanks, Kris."


"No prob." 


… However, even though she said that she didn't let go nor loosen her hand on mine.




I was hesitating whether to point that out but looking at her current mood, I just decided it wasn't a big deal, anyway. And moved on towards our destination.




Rider's Pit Stop.


"We're here!" 


Standing just outside, I read the sign board with a logo of a smoking cup and a car. It was nothing extravagant yet it gave out a very calming atmosphere. The name and logo are a bit weird, though.


I went ahead first and pushed the door open. A clanging sound echoed as the door hit the bell on top of it. Immediately, what greeted me was a relaxing scent of coffee grounds filling the inside of the store—causing me to unconsciously take several whiffs of the aroma. 


While scrutinizing the interior designs, I kept the door open, waiting for Rebecca to get inside. With a casual 'thank you' and her signature smile with her adorable dimples, Rebecca also went in and tried to find the perfect seat. Given the privilege of soloing the store since it was devoid of people, and again, we chose a window-side table.


"The ambiance is so great, right?" she remarked as we sat down.


"Yeah, the lighting was well-placed and the overall aesthetic gave off an … interesting vibe."


Hearing my thoughts, her face turned into a teasing one as she uttered, imitating a radio host or maybe a sports host. "Heh … is this critic Kris speaking?" her hand holding an imaginary mic, giggling cutely after her words.


Witnessing that, I amusingly shook my head, knowing better than to bite down or else she'd start again with her endless teasing. 


She's so dorky … 


Rebecca grinned cutely, aware that she was exposed, and told the story of how she found this store. 


"My friend recommended Rider's to me a little back then … Because it was so cheap and so cute-looking with its little car figurines displayed on the window, so I was really attracted easily! And then when I actually tasted their coffee, it was so delicious! You wouldn't expect that it only cost around 20 plutus for that amount and quality!"


Rebecca excitedly boasted about this shop, animatedly gesturing here and there. It felt amusing watching her all so agitated like that. It even felt like I was getting a sales talk with how she told me all the good points about the shop. I wouldn't even doubt it if someone said she was paid to endorse this coffee shop.


"I see. Should we order then?"


"A, ah! Yes, we should! How stupid of me," Rebecca tried to cover up her blunder shyly, caressing her hair as she stuck her tongue out and stood up. 


I simply smirked at that.


Scanning the menu, they have a variety of drinks to pick from. Good thing 'cause, although I accepted her offer, I don't actually drink coffee.


"I'd get the milk tea."


"Eh? Are you not gonna get coffee?"


"I don't drink coffee."


Surprised, Rebecca looked confusingly at me and said hesitantly. "B-but the sale is only for the coffee …"




I was silent for a moment—thinking of what was the appropriate answer. "That's fine, like you said it's not too expensive."


"Are you sure?" still not convinced, she asked with a frown.




"... Okay."


Although she said that, Rebecca had the opposite of 'okay' in her expression but had no choice, but to say our order to the smiling gentle-looking middle-aged woman waiting for our order.


Her smile exuded a warm feeling, giving you the courage to speak fearlessly. After receiving our order, the gentle woman seemed to notice something as she asked a sudden question.


"Are you also first years from FC?"


First College or FC for short. She probably figured it out from our very distinguishable ID design.


"... A-ah, uh, yes, we are!" 


With a troubled look due to her blunder earlier, Rebecca tried to catch herself and stammered out a reply.


"Sorry, if I surprised you, I just saw your laces and can't help myself …" the middle-aged woman uttered, still donning her gentle expression while her eyebrows apologetically shortened in distance from Rebecca's flustered appearance.


"Don't worry, we don't mind, ma'am!" Rebecca replied, frantically gesturing with her hand.


The middle-aged woman smiled and continued. "My son is studying there so you might meet him or you might even be classmates since he's studying nursing there."


Oh. What a coincidence, I thought. She most likely knew we're also nursing students since depending on your course, its acronym is inscribed on your ID laces. For example, the acronym BSN is engraved on the left upper part of both of our laces.


"Oh, what a coincidence, we are also nursing students! What's his name, if that's okay to ask?" 


"Of course, it's no trouble … His name is Taro. Taro Rider. Do you know him?"


No idea.


Rebecca scrunched her eyebrows in contemplation, trying to remember if there was someone named Taro in the room … 


"Hmmm …"


And then as if she finally found it, her face lit up. "Oh! Is it a tall guy with blonde hair?"


"Yes, if there's no one similar to my son in your room then yes that's definitely Taro. So you're really classmates with my son, fufu, I hope he's not causing any trouble," the middle-aged woman's face brightened as she said that.


Rebecca was about to answer, but before they could continue their talk …


"Boba milk tea and Americano!" A gruff voice interjected on their conversation.


Instantly turning professional, the middle-aged woman took the order and presented it to us with a gentle smile. "Here's your order. I hope you'll enjoy it!" 


"Yes, thank you!" Rebecca politely greeted the middle-aged woman farewell. I slightly bowed my head and we went back to our table.


"Waa, I didn't expect that this would be Taro's family shop …" the moment we sat down, Rebecca blurted out. 


Casually asking, I said: "Who's Taro?"


Flinching, Rebecca looked weird at the moment. 


"Ah, eh, he's that … you see … the one Ember was talking about …" she carefully said, her gaze wandering all over the place.


I was a bit confused at first but tried to recall Ember …


Ah, the guy who was flirting with her! I said in my mind, finally recalling it.


I don't know why she looks so uncomfortable but I just hummed in response. 


When I didn't show much of a reaction, Rebecca hastily explained herself.


"You know, Ember was just joking earlier. Taro was just really trying to strike a polite conversation as classmates."


"I see."


"It's definitely not because he was hitting on me."




"And moreover, he's not even my ty—"


"Rebecca," I interrupted her with a calm voice. 




She stopped at that. The reason for her frantic state and explanation eludes me, but I need to put a stop to it or else this might go on forever.


"I understand that he was being friendly and has no ulterior motive, so calm down."


As I said that, her face exploded into bright red in embarrassment. Soon, her agitated state gradually returned to normal. She let out a sigh of relief, but a tinge of red was left on her cheeks due to her heated reaction earlier.


"… I just don't want you to think I was letting somebody hit on me like that," she muttered in a small sheepish voice.


What's that got anything to do with me?


However, I do understand that popular girls like them tend to have false nasty rumors spreading about them, especially when they are approached by a handsome guy … Sigh, the struggles of beauties. 


"Don't worry. I know you're not like that."


Or at least from what I know and see right now.


… What? It's not like just spending time with her for a few days would magically make me her best of friends where I know everything about her. That's ridiculous, no matter how much you clicked with each other. Just look at me and Lia, there are still many things I've yet to know despite knowing her for so long. So don't judge me.






After hearing my words, she shyly sipped on her coffee, suddenly in a good mood. The corner of her lips was trembling as if she was about to break out in a smile any moment now. Her quiet and jovial figure made me think she was fine for now so I turned my attention to my milk tea. I sprayed my hands with alcohol and took a sip—the taste surprised me for a moment. 


Is this really just 20 plutus? It's freaking delicious! 


"It's good," I thought out loud, pleasantly surprised by it.


When I blurted that out, Rebecca perked up and bragged about it. "Right? I told you it was so good!"


But then she paused … Her face abruptly changed into a careful one as if she remembered something. "... And I'm sorry for not asking first whether you like coffee or not."


I stopped sipping my milk tea. Staring directly at the top of her head—her head angled in dejection.


 "I don't mind. It's my fault, anyway, since I didn't say anything," I replied in a placating tone.


"No, no, I might have put you in a troubling situation earlier …"


"Not really."


"But I'll really do better next time … Huu, I feel like all I do is cause you trouble …"


Well … I wouldn't say that's not true but I wasn't too troubled per se. At first, I was kind of annoyed and irritated … but started to find it amusing when I got to know her more.


Therefore, I leaned forward and said deeply. "Rebecca, I wouldn't agree to come if I hated your company."


That's my honest thought. Although I have a hard time refusing people, if push comes to shove, I would do my best to refuse her if I really find her troublesome.


I continued. "So relax and enjoy yourself, too."


Rebecca stared at me strangely after hearing my words. She sipped on her coffee in a way that made her face obstructed. 


Then she muttered in a small voice. "Me too … I also like being with you, Kris …"




I smirked inwardly at that and continued to sip on my milk tea.








Not even a while had passed, I was almost done drinking the milk tea, shaking it, and hearing the satisfying sound of ice hitting each other.


That took Rebecca's attention and was about to comment about it, but her light pink eyes surprisingly shone dangerously as she saw something unexpected. 


"Kris," she called suspiciously. "What's that on your neck?"


I unconsciously covered my neck, startled at her sudden question. "What is it?"


"That's what I'm asking you …" she indifferently muttered.


I was bewildered at her abrupt change of mood. I traced my finger on my neck to try to find what's the cause. And as I felt something familiar, I remembered what Lia did to me last night.


So it was just that … I was scared for a minute.


"It's a bite mark."


"A bite mark?" she repeated incredulously, stunned at my calm answer. "Who, why, and when?"


Again, why do I feel like a cheating husband being interrogated by his wife?


"Lia. She was angry. Yesterday," I nonchalantly answered her question robotically.


"Lia? She's your best friend, right?"


I nodded.


"... So it was just Lia," she was strangely relieved at that but got curious. "Why was she angry at you, though?"


"Dunno," I replied as I shrugged my shoulders.


She gazed at me flatly, unsatisfied with my answer. "You don't have to say it if you don't want to," pursing her lips as she sipped on her coffee.


"I really don't know …" I replied helplessly.


"Hmmm …" she glanced sideways, observing my face intently and said. "... Okay, I believe you."


"How generous of you," I sarcastically muttered at her gracious words.


She giggled adorably at my sarcastic remark. Hearing her infectious laugh, I also started chuckling with her. 


The building was filled with soft pleasant laughter creating a light-hearted mood within the shop void of people at the moment. 




The sound of a bell being hit by the door opening echoed within the shop as a tall, slim man with exquisite features and a thick tuft of medium-length blonde hair came into view. His emerald eyes naturally went to the only people within the store. His eyes shook as if he saw something shocking, which slowly turned into a pleasant smile. 


"Ah, is that you, Rebecca?"


That's definitely Taro. I thought without a shred of doubt.