Twentieth Chapter: Do You Want to Go to My House? (2)



On the road, I accelerated accompanied by a loud engine sound as Rebecca behind me buried her face in my back and tightened her hold, squirming a little bit.


We're now riding Tob's trike on the way to my home.


It was still raining, so I didn't go that fast. Just enough to still arrive quickly at home.


Peeking in the side mirror, I saw the two idiots behind.


Tob, while holding my bike, seemed to notice Rebecca's gaze and showed a toothy grin at her and a thumbs up. Seeing that, she also smiled back and slightly waved her hands. 


I'm glad that they're getting along …


But now that I caught a glimpse of these two again, I recalled what happened earlier and sighed as I thought of how regretful I was to let these two get to know each other …




"Tob said he'll be here in a minute," Kris said after taking out her phone.


"I-I see," I stammered out a reply as I was still in a daze and dumbfounded at what I just almost did …


Becca, did you just almost do what I just thought … 


It wasn't my intention at all! I was just mesmerized by Kris' thin lips, so I wanted to get a closer look … However, of course, that'll just sound like an excuse if I said that! Arghh! This is Kris' fault, no, her mother's! Why did you let out such a fine creature in the world?!


My face turned several colors at once, fighting myself in my thoughts. Thankfully, Kris was busy with her phone, so I had time to regain my composure and wack myself in the head for goodness' sake!






After a short while and a series of hurling insults at myself, I barely managed to calm myself down.


"Wooo …" I let out a soft breath to calm my nerves. 


With a much calmer mind, I had now the time to ponder what Kris just said. And now that I thought about it, who's Tob?


Let's ask Kris! I thought but also had an ulterior motive to ease the awkward air between us right now …


But before I can continue this line of thought and ask Kris … 




A long and loud honk echoed from a distance! 


That caught my attention, as I looked over and saw a casually dressed—white sleeveless shirt and red short shorts—older man with quite striking wild turquoise hair. He was shouting amidst the loud engine sound and downpour of rain. 


"Lexieeeeee! Over hereeee!" 


That also took Kris' attention as she looked closer and seemed to grimace for a moment. 


The turquoise guy stopped in front of us and since he was just about a few steps away from us, there was no need to shout or talk so loud … And yet his voice was still as booming as if he was shouting, even more now that he was closer. 


"Tob at your service!" he said with a wide grin and a salute. 


"Thanks, Tob, you're a lifesaver," Kris casually thanked him with a much softer tone than usual but still monotonous.


"Ya can count on me always!" maintaining his smile, he boasted energetically and shifted his eyes on me. "Are you Lexie's friend? I'm Tobia, but everyone calls me Tob! Nice to meetcha!"


"Y-yes, I'm Rebecca, Kris' friend, nice to meet you, too!" I stuttered a little, but still managed to let out a reply. 


When Tob heard my answer, he sort of pulled his head back as if in disbelief and curiosity colored his expression. He pursed his lips and remarked all of a sudden. "Hm? Maybe, you're not friends at'll?"


He put his fingers on his chin—confusion and all sorts of things were written all over his face. He kept on letting out sounds like 'huh' and 'eh' as if what I've just said really confused him.


So, seeing his reaction, I thought nervously: D-did I say something wrong? 


Therefore, now I'm also nervously confused, so I timidly tilted my head and copied his actions. 




Seeing the both of them confused and parroting each other's actions, I can't help but want to facepalm in exasperation … 


These two idiots …


Standing before me, one in the rain and one under the roof—two confused idiots are at a standstill with the same posture and face.


Before I can admonish them both, Tob said matter-of-factly: "Ya see no friend of Lexie call'er Kris! A real friend hafta call'er Alex! Or maybe a special nick like mine: Lexie!"


What kind of ass did you pull that crap on? Who said they have to call me Alex to be my real friend? Even if you call me Tom, I'll respond. And more importantly, we're not even friends … yet. 


Anyway, I have to stop this idiot or else the other idiot might be—okay, never mind.




As I turned over to see the situation on this side, The other idiot looked amazed, as if she was enlightened by the idiot's words. Her mouth turned into an 'O' letter while her eyes were glistening as she stared at me with a look of expectation … 


I have a bad feeling about this …


"Is that true, Kris?"




"They call you Alex?"


Instead of me, Tob answered in my stead. "Yah! Ankur even had a pet name for Lexie—Blacky! Oh, and I call'er Lexie!" he chimed in with a loud voice contesting the heavy sound of rain for volume. 


Tob, you already told her that, I thought tiredly with a sigh. 


"Blacky?" Rebecca muttered slowly with a pondering look.


Hearing that, I was quite embarrassed that Tob revealed such an embarrassing nickname of mine, especially to someone like Rebecca who likes to tease people!


"Where did I hear that …" Rebecca still had that thinking look as she whispered something to herself.


"Ah!" then, as if she realized it, Rebecca lifted her head and pointed at Tob. "That guy who picked up Kris at the school on the first day!"


"You know Ankur? And me? Nice!"


"Errr … no? I just saw you three from afar …"


Tob seemed to be excited when Rebecca seemed to know them but was disappointed when she said no.


"Aww, that's a downer …" 


"Umm, if I may ask who's this, uhhh, A-Ankur?" Rebecca, although obviously felt bad, she prioritized asking this useless question. Yes, who's this freaking Ankur? Definitely not related to me. Nuh-uh.


"Eh, Lexie hasn't told ya?" Tob again donned a look of disbelief—his bushy eyebrows frowning comically while pursing his lips, long enough it might accidentally kiss the rain.


Why would I tell her? And you're making it seem as if I got something to hide, Tob.


"No … So I want to know who he is …"


Rebecca's throat moved up as she gulped down some saliva in nervousness. She seemed both eager and nervous to know who Ankur really was… 


Wait, did this girl fall in love at first sight with Big Bro? 


When I thought of that, I wasn't able to stop a grimace forming on my face. I immediately admonished her in my mind: Rebecca, that guy is a major red flag! Red flag, I said! He's the reddest of the red out of all red out there! You can be an idiot but don't be color-blind, sis!


However, even though I don't want to praise that guy, I know how he's the hot stuff among girls since he's tall, a smooth-talker, and has a handsome face when he actually fixes himself. And, well, of course, he'd go to school all tidy and clean! So maybe Rebecca fell for him that day? Even at that distance?


I shook my head and repeated in my head: No, no, no! I shouldn't be so quick to assume. Maybe it's for a different reason …


But looking at Rebecca's expectant look and moist, shiny eyes, I started to doubt myself … 


"Well, if Lexie didn't tell ya, I guess I could say it?" he looked at me as if asking for my permission.  


Go ahead, the heck you need my permission for?


Tob continued. "Lexie's very close to Ankur's heart!"


Rebecca frowned at that. Oi, Tob. That's misleading.


"If some gangsta dares to hurt Lexie, Ankur would surely beat the sh*t outta their ass off! And me, of course!"


Rebecca bit her lips with a worried expression. 


"They've been together since childhood!"


Rebecca's facial muscles were twitching. Actually, even mine, with this long-winded introduction!


"They hav' this inseparable bond—no one can hope to break!"


As if that's the final straw, Rebecca hanged her head despondently, as if she doesn't wanna hear any of this crap anymore. Yeah, me too. 


"Ankur and Lexie—"


So before Tob could even utter the next word, I said it curtly. "Ankur's my brother."




"Aye-yoo, Lexie, that's my line!" 


Rebecca lifted her head up, shocked at my words, blinking her pretty eyes repeatedly. Meanwhile, Tob was complaining in the background.


I repeated. "Ankur's my big brother."


"L-like big brother, as in, b-blood-related?" Rebecca clarified, her eyes regaining their luster.


"Yep," I replied curtly while sighing inside.


"Ohhhhhhh! That's great! Absolutely great!" she cheered as if she won a lottery ticket worth a billion plutus.


Seeing this, my eyes turned dead-fish-eyed as I thought: Even if I denied it, it's clear as day … Another poor soul has fallen …


"Anyway, enough of this nonsense. Tob, did you bring it?" 


I faced Tob, whose lips were still pursed in dissatisfaction, as he immediately brightened up after hearing my question and ransacked the sidecar for the thing I asked him to bring. 


"Yep!" Tob answered positively and showed two things in his hands—a big spray bottle and rubbing alcohol.


Rebecca, on the side, looked confused as she didn't understand the purpose of these things.


"Thanks," I said while I picked up the umbrella, walked near him, and grabbed both of them in Tob's hands. "Use this umbrella and get inside the sidecar."


Tob obediently took it from my hands and without me even prompting him, he took my bike and also put it in the sidecar, holding it securely, while he was holding an umbrella since the sidecar is the open type since they use this to deliver water to customers.


I nodded thankfully at him and asked. "Are you okay there? How 'bout you use my raincoat instead?"


"Nah, I'm fine. Imma get wet later, anyways! Wouldn't wanna miss out on the fun!" 


Ah, oh, yeah. Tob likes to bathe in the rain. 


"Okay," I replied and handed him my covered bag to hold.


With a spray bottle filled with alcohol, I sprayed the motorbike generously all over. The handles, the seat, and everything that I would inevitably touch. And of course, my hands, can't forget the most important one. 


While spraying all over the place, normally, the owner would probably be offended, but Tob just looked at me with a normal gaze as if this was a normal behavior you see in your everyday life.


Letting out a breath of satisfaction, the lingering unpleasant feeling hidden in the back of my head lessened somewhat to a more tolerable level, but unless I've taken a bath at home, I wouldn't really actually feel at ease. 


Since my idiotic brother still hasn't bought a new supply of alcohol, I had to be frugal with what's left on mine, so I can't just generously disinfect the chair and the table inside earlier or even yesterday … 


So unpleasant … Ugh, I've been asking him since last week!


Anyway, after all that preparation was done, I looked at Rebecca, observing us with a curious and amused gaze, and called her with a 'come' gesture.


"Sit behind me," I said while hopping on the disinfected bike and staring at her, waiting for her to get on.


"Ah, r-right!" she lagged a bit but immediately snapped out of it as she ran quickly while shielding her hair. 


She was trying to straddle the motorbike with a little difficulty so I offered my elbow as support which she gladly took to get on the bike easier.




With her now seated behind me, I revved the engine and reminded her before we moved. "Hold on tight."


"Yes!" she frantically answered and immediately wrapped her arms around my abdomen, causing me to raise an eyebrow. 


I meant on the handle, girl—you know what, that's fine.


And with that, we sped off.