Twenty-Third Chapter: Lia Again

"Welcome home, cheater."


"What is it again?" I tiredly said and continued walking.


She blocked my way and accused me indignantly. "Who was that girl? You had the gall to bring home your side chicks now, huh?"


I simply stared at her with a look of 'seriously?' on my face right now. Walked around her and left her behind.


"I told you, Alex, I will never forgive you if you let anybody else ride on your bike! I will put cowsh*t all over your place, try me!" she shouted from behind, threatening me with words she knew I loathed.


My face contorted in disgust from just imagining it as I looked back and said. "I didn't let anyone ride it."


But as if she didn't hear me, she stomped closer to me and let loose. "I didn't work and even starve myself to death, just so other girls could benefit from my hard work! Do you know how much I had to endure that old hag's stinking mouth, just so I could buy that f*cking bike seat?! And moreover, you promised, Alex! I'm the only one that can sit on it!"


I waited for her to say all her pieces then I calmly said again. "I didn't let anyone ride it."


She put her hands on her waist and doubted my words. "Oh yeah? Then how did you get here? And don't say you took the bus home 'cause you would never leave your bike at school overnight! So c'mon, tell your excuses," she raised her eyebrow at me.




"And don't tell me that you walked 'cause I saw that chick over there and, nuh-uh, I don't see that girl walking a 20-minute walk without panting like a b*tch in heat. Much less, in this weather, she'd probably be like 'Oh no, my shoes that daddy bought might get stained.' Is that your type, Lex? If so, it's f*cking sh*tty!"


I wasn't even given the chance to reply as she interrupted me and quickly said all of that. Her voice was laced with stinging venom. She mocked, saying that in a high-pitched voice, copying those she always says she hated the most—the pick-me girls.


Pinching my glabella, I let out a big sigh as I realized once again just how much of a loose tongue this woman has. "Can you listen to me first?"


"Been doing it since earlier. Bet you just don't have enough excuses in your bones," she shrugged her shoulders while having a sour face.


"You kept on talking over me, how can I talk?"


"Your fault, not mine."


When I heard her dismissive reply, I closed my eyes in defeat. I took my time to calm myself, taking deep breaths or I might just bury my fist in this woman's face.


Getting impatient, she kept on tapping her fingers and feet. "Cat got your tongue?" she said with contempt.


I took a deep breath and said in one breath. "I called Tob then I borrowed his trike. Then I put the bike with your bike seat on the sidecar and drove home. I didn't let anyone sit on my bike other than you, Lia. I never broke a single promise I made with you and you know that."




After I explained, Lia had no changes in expression, simply staring at me in silence …


And then she innocently opened her mouth to speak as if she didn't want to eat Rebecca alive earlier. "I know, I know. I was just testing you, you know? You're really well trained, Lex!" she slapped my shoulders and laughed out loud.


I gave her a dead-fish eye look as I shook my head and started walking ahead, leaving behind Lia who kept on shouting from the back. 


"Who was that girl, anyways? Was that the girl who treated you? She's pretty cute! Introduce me some other time!"


Yeah, after you talk crap about her? Sure.


She caught up on my side and nudged me. "Are you angry? I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight. You know how I get so batsh*t crazy about that," she suddenly turned soft, pursing her lips in a cute way.


I didn't reply, so she added with a guilty expression. "I saw you walking her down the hill so, you know, I assumed the worst immediately. And that's my fault. I took full responsibility for that."




Seeing me still silent, she wrapped her arms around my arms and interlocked her fingers with mine. She acted cute and docile. "Forgive me, pleaseee …" she even slightly leaned her chin on my shoulders to add to her appeal.


Glancing at her, I belatedly responded. "... Just be more careful with your words."


Grinning, she had a look of success and replied energetically. "Yes, ma'am! I know you can't resist me, hehe."


"Don't get the wrong idea," I pushed her head off of me and berated her. "And anyway, why're you so early today?"


Walking side-by-side and hand-in-hand, Lia replied. "Baldy took a sick leave and canceled the class. He probably got sick from one of those girls in the wh*re club."


"And I just said to mind your words."


"I will. But except for that baldy. That guy is famous in school. Famous for being a f*cking pervert, that is."


Curious, I asked. "Where did you hear that?"


Lia rolled her eyes and said. "This is why I told you to check the student page. They got all the juicy rumors over there. And I know some sophomore peeps—they've been a victim in one way or another."


I scrunch my face after I heard that. If there is something worse than cheaters—it's perverts. 


"Why did no one report him?"


"They did but you know what it's like. Old b*stards at the top don't want any bad rumors or bad reputation about the school or else their pockets will get lighter. F*cking pigs," she spat out angrily.


Similar to mine, Lia has a dark expression. No one wanted a pervert to be your teacher. Especially someone who did something horrible to their friends. 


"Ugh, I don't wanna talk about this now. It makes me sick," she said with an unpleasant expression. "Change topic, why did you bring a pink cutie home?" she asked, her eyes glistening in curiosity.


"Nothing interesting. She got wet from the rain so I offered to let her borrow my clothes since my house is nearby."


Her almond-shaped eyes widened in surprise. "Borrow clothes? You, Alex? Is this really the Alex I know?"


She blocked me again and grabbed my shoulders. "Are you a doppelganger? Hey, give me back the OG Alex! D*mn it!"


Annoyed by her exaggerated reaction, I took her hands off my shoulders and said nonchalantly. "Back in fourth grade, you poop your—"


Her eyes widened in circles. "Stop! Stoooop! Okay, I get it! You're the real Alex!" she panicked as she hastily stopped me from going any further. "That's foul, Lex! You don't go there!"


"Then stop being annoying."


"Okay-okay, just don't bring that up again! And anyway, introduce me."


I gave her a sidelong glance. "No. And she's straight. I think."


"Hey! You make it sound like I only befriend girls to flirt with them!"


"You don't?"


"Ahem, well, that's beside the point! It's different this time, I'm not interested in her!"


That made me pause. "You? Not interested?"


She pursed her lips and explained. "Yep, not my type."


"Stop lying. When did you have a type? You'd go for anyone that remotely looked like a girl."


"I swear! I didn't get that 'badump-badump' thingy when I saw her. All I felt was 'kaching-kaching' to her," she said with a straight face.


Badump-badump? Kaching-kaching? What alien language is this?


I just showed her a look of confusion and disbelief and didn't bother to comment on her weird explanation. My head will just hurt.


Seeing me silent, Lia changed the topic and said. "By the way, I saw your grandma at the plaza. She was with the other grandmas and was doing a group dance workout. She looks so cute with her neon clothes!" gushed Lia as she recalled her encounter earlier.


My lips pursed in realization. "Ah, so that's why she wasn't at home."


Lia was nodding in affirmation but stopped midway as she realized something. Her gaze sharpened and squinted at me. "So you were all alone earlier?"


"We're done talking."


I immediately cut her off and turned right. This is where we normally split up since her house was straight ahead. However, rather than continuing straight, Lia also followed me and turned right. 


"Hey! I was just joking! Stop sulking!"


"I'm not and don't follow me. Go home."






"C'mon, Alex!"


I let out a sigh and faced her. "Go home. I need to take a bath."


"Then let's take one together," she crossed her arms as she stubbornly requested.


I gazed at her with eyes devoid of feelings as I firmly said. "No."


"Arghh! C'mon, I was just joking when I said that. I promised not to be childish anymore!" she put her hands on her chest and lifted her other arms in an oath-like manner. 


That's what you said earlier and it didn't even take a while to break it.


I was staring straight at her with a nonchalant gaze while she stared back at me with a serious one …


Knowing I won't win this one when she's like that, I conceded.


"Okay, get inside, but we're not taking a bath together."


"Yay!" her serious expression disappeared, replaced by an overjoyed one. 


I just shook my head and went ahead inside. Lia merrily followed my lead.


However, just before the gate totally closed, Lia looked back with an intense gaze that if I were to witness it, I would know for sure that she only reserved that look for someone she genuinely disliked.


… And then the gate closed, screeching with a high-pitched unoiled metal sound.




Rubbing a towel to my wet hair, I saw Lia sloppily slump on the sofa, watching some videos on TV.


Furrowing my brows, I reprimanded her. "Keep your feet off the couch."


She lazily shifted her eyes and grumbly said. "You're gonna change the covers, anyways. Leave me be for once," she showed her back as if to show defiance.




I remained standing since I had just taken a bath and was looking at what she was watching—it was just a woman touring around someplace.


And while my attention was occupied, Lia rolled back to face me again and bore her almond eyes at me—or my figure. 


Her eyes went up and down, ogling me shamelessly without even trying to hide it. It took a good amount of time before she smacked her lips simultaneously with her hands, creating a loud smacking sound.


"D*mn, you're getting more ripped by the day, Alex!"


I simply glanced at her for a sec then returned my attention to the TV. 


Lia stood up and pinched my biceps. She nodded her head as if examining a piece of art as she commented. "That's rock hard," she pinched it once more. "Definitely hard."


She groped me everywhere as if she's checking out a brand new car …


Her restless hands started irritating me, so I took the alcohol on the table and sprayed it at her.




"Ah! Why did you do that, Alex!" she exclaimed while shielding herself with her hands.


I lightly snorted at her. I was about to say something when I heard someone trying to open the gate.


Lia also heard it and said. "Who's that?"


"Probably Ma."


I hurriedly went outside to check. And just like I thought it was Ma with her blinding neon workout clothes, making me want to squint my eyes at the eye-straining mixture of bright colors. 


"Oh, Lex! Why are you so early?" Ma said after seeing me. 


The gate was just around Mama's height so it didn't block her view and saw me even though she was still outside. I always thought about how little security the gate offers, but I guess it's fine since this is a pretty safe neighborhood.


I opened the gate and greeted Mama. She didn't greet me back, though. Instead, her jolly face changed into a stern look and smacked my arms. "Alex! Didn't I tell you to stop walking around half-naked in the house, especially outside the house!"


I shrank a bit since I totally forgot that I was only wearing some loose pants and a sports bra—all in black, of course—since I tend to get too comfortable around the house. I took Ma's bag and ran inside to get some cover since Mama's about to smack me again with her unsanitized hands!


Fast walking towards the door, I went inside and passed through Lia lying on the couch with a—wait, is that a snack? Anyway, I left Ma's things on the table and rushed upstairs to get a shirt.


And just before the door completely closed, I heard some snickering in the background which doesn't take a genius to know who.


I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs.