Twenty-Fifth Chapter: Infatuation

"Sis Marga?"


Surprised, I muttered out her name. It wasn't that late evening but I definitely did not expect to get a call right now. 


Immediately, I tapped the green icon and a familiar figure popped out on my screen. 


[Aleeex~,] an indulgent, languid voice greeted me almost instantly. 


There she was, Sis Marga, sitting behind a desk garbed in a casual, loose dark shirt. Her silver-like hair messily draped on her shoulders, as expected in one's home, yet did nothing to diminish her charms—rather it added a certain homely vibe to it.


Noticing a familiar, different wall, I asked her: "Are you back in the dorm, Sis?"


Lifting her head off her palm, she replied: [Mm, sorry, I wasn't able to tell you yesterday. I had to finish some tasks in the council and handle some trivial matters.] 


"It's nothing to worry about. Focus on that," I said, catching some masked annoyance in her tone. 


Maybe some kind of minor trouble at the campus …


Probably the professors couldn't bother addressing it so they pushed all the responsibility to Sis Marga to handle. I'm curious, but I know if she wanted to talk about it she would, so I tried to change the topic—


[Oh? So in other words … my regular and daily updates do not seem that significant to you? Ah-ah, that's quite disappointing to hear, Alex …] she said, letting out a gloomy sigh.


When she interrupted me with her dramatic act …


Frowning at her slightly upturned lip corners, I let out a sigh … 


Even though she was clearly just trying to tease me—nevertheless, I'll still inevitably acquiesce. 


Evading her gaze, I said: "I'm always happy to hear from you."


Covering her mouth demurely in response, she let out a series of soft giggles, sounding like the bells in a chapel.


[Hehe, you always know what to say.]


Appreciating the beautiful sight before me, I let her have her moment without interrupting …


Shortly, as if she remembered something, her face lit up, eyes sparkling brighter than the lamp lights as she grabbed something out of the camera and carefully placed it in front of her. 


A familiar object entered my sight as she adorably shook it to and fro.


[Thank you for the gift. I don't know how you got this but knowing you, you'd probably find a way to get it—no matter how difficult it was, fufu.


Sis Marga steadily expressed her appreciation but her action and appearance betrayed her voice as I could catched her excitement and thrilled expression from her sparkling, crescent eyes. Her hands were trembling and squishing the item with such fervor, I almost pitied it despite the fact it didn't even need to breathe.


On a side note, observing her reaction now caused me to realize once more the pent-up stress she had back at her birthday. Sis Marga's frustrations totally overshadowed her joy from receiving the gift as not a single word about it left her mouth that day. 


And I was sure that she had it already. I couriered it to her house the day before her birthday since I thought she would be gone to The Capital before Monday.


Poor, Sis …


Anyway, a random trivia: Sis Marga absolutely adores cute plush dolls! Or more apt to say, she's obsessed with it. 


It didn't suit her image for people who found out about her hobby, but it did nothing to curb her addiction to it. Rather she became more obsessed—being the petty person she was. 


Regardless, I indulge her with her hobby and find different variations of her favorite plush dolls or any cute plushies I encounter. 


And so, right now, on the other side of the screen, she was holding—a Mr. Doodle plushie, looking cute and elegant in his gentleman's suit and monocle. 


This version was a limited edition one with only around a thousand dolls released worldwide.


Obviously, such scarcity made it super expensive and difficult to get so … you get her excitement … And naturally, as a poor and not-that-well-connected student, I wasn't even able to get a single glimpse of the genuine Gentleman Mr. Doodle plushie in real life …


… So how did I get one? Simple, I made one. 


Correction, not me per se but someone I knew and handy. I haven't told Sis Marga yet and probably, I'll reveal it to her tonight since the opportunity presented itself anyway. There was no point in lying and I don't want her to assume it was a genuine Gentleman Mr. Doodle only to realize later on that it was actually a dummy.


I cleared my throat before speaking. "Ahem, I'm glad you liked it. But it wasn't that hard to get. After all, I asked someone to—"


[I'm aware. That is precisely why I mentioned it was difficult.] 


Sis Marga chimed in before I could finish my sentence.


She still maintained that soft smile as she leaned towards the camera. Her hands again supported her face.


Slightly tilting my head, I inquired: "You knew?" 


Snickering softly, she opened her mouth. [I don't even have to ask who made it. That girl wouldn't agree to your request without getting something in return. Especially, the fact that she hates my guts—using her words—more than anything else.]




Ahh, yep. I guess … it wasn't that hard to guess? It was not that difficult to know since I only knew a few people and only one of them was an expert at doll making … 


… And that someone was—Lia. I dunno what was the exact reason but they were like oil and water. They could never be in the same room without arguing or spitting fire at each other. However … she was the only one I knew who could make plushies so well, she could actually build a business out of dolls and be so freaking rich with it!


… Now that I mentioned it, I kinda wanted to suggest it to Lia …


Setting that aside, still somewhat surprised, I kept my mouth shut. So Sis Marga added: [Well, it's not like the feelings are not mutual,] she said with a sneer.


[Setting trivial matters aside, I'm interested in the form of payment for this cute little thing,] Sis Marga inquired with an intrigued face, not forgetting to gush about her very cute gift. 


Her question triggered some dormant memory within the recesses of my mind which I definitely do not want to do ever again! Throughout the summer, I had to dance to her bidding, just to barely convince her to make one.


To summarize:


First, wake her up every morning, fix her bed, then make her breakfast. Afterward, I had to wash her plates, fold her clothes, and prepare for a bath. For the whole day, I had to follow her and spend time with her whether she was watching TV or playing some type of mobile game …


Well, those things were still bearable … 


The worst part I had to endure was probably: Lia's hangouts with her friends. I knew them but only by their faces … 


I could still clearly recall their uncomfortable murmuring and faces. Meanwhile, I sat in the corner of the room—trying to minimize my presence to the best of my ability.


I can only hope I didn't ruin the mood.


Of course, I tried to talk her against it but alas I was the one who needed something and she was the one who was needed. It was not even a fight ... So, basically, I was her slave or, better put, a nanny for the whole summer to get that one doll …


Well, seeing that Sis Marga was happy, it was worth it. 


But now that I think of it, I think Lia made me do all that to get me to step back and give up but unfortunately for her, I was one tenacious girl …


"Just some couple of errands," I answered, dodging the question.


[… Hmm,] Sis Marga bore her gaze at me and smirked mysteriously. [Sure, if you say so. More importantly, what are you up to for this evening?]


Sis Marga assertively changed the subject which I greatly appreciated.




Lifting a paper, she said with a smile: "What a coincidence, me too. I guess we have no choice but to be partners tonight."


I nodded and turned my attention back to my papers.




Focusing on our own tasks, we maintained silence and didn't speak to each other at all.


She was the type to find silent company preferable at times like this. So it was already something natural and common for us to do even back in high school. 


Surely, it's better to be with someone at night while doing schoolwork than none at all.


However, it seemed she was up for some idle talk tonight as she began talking.


[How's college, dear?] she asked. [Did something pique your interest?]


Her question made me ponder but only for a brief moment. College just started so can't say anything got my attention for now.


"Hmm, not really."


However … as I said that I realized there was actually something interesting, or actually, someone.


[Well, this is your first time without that girl. Although, it can be quite distressing to think, but, I hope you are not finding it too difficult without her presence. Know that you can express your worries with me and I will do my best to help you.]


"Yes, appreciated."


She hummed happily … but gradually dropped into a somber look. She seemed as if she had something hanging at the tip of her tongue and, yet, she lightly shook her head to ward off whatever she was deeply thinking about. 


How strange and curious.


Unfortunately, all of this went past my notice, fixated and dedicated to finishing this all before the night ended.




"I'm home~" 


Lifting my feet off the ground, I took off my shoe and the other as I announced my arrival. 


However, no response returned back.


"Mom and Dad are still out, huh?"


I went directly upstairs to my room to leave my things and prepare for a shower …


Although I already took a shower at Kris', the bus ride on the way home turned me all sticky and sweaty again! And I don't dare to actually shower too long at Kris'—I don't wanna be more of a bother than I already am. Furthermore, nothing beats a warm shower in your own home!


"Ahh~, bathing after school is still the best feeling ever!" I exclaimed as I felt the warm shower pouring down my head.


Giggling like a fool in the shower, I finished up my bath and walked out of the room to look for a change of clothes. I rummaged for some lounge clothes in my drawer and finally took a comfy pink shorts and a plain white tee. 


Now clothed and warmed, I can finally jump around and lie all day on my bed! 


… Or maybe not.


"Ugh, I still had to clean up the dishes from this morning and sweep around the house, or else Mom's gonna get all pissed!"


And yet, I lie like a dead fish on my bed, reluctant to stand up, be a good kid, and clean up my mess. I even made myself more comfortable—turning on my side—to show defiance and present my utterly lazy figure!


"Why can't I just have a magic wand that'll do all my chores?" I grumbled as I propped myself up with my elbow—reaching out to the air while I struggled to do a simple thing such as standing.




After so many minutes, I finally got up and surrendered myself to the fate that I had no superpowers that would magically perform all my work. Quickly scanning my room, my eyes went to the basket of dirty clothes where I dropped my outfit earlier. Thoughts unknown and mystified even to me myself…


And as if hit by a hypnotic spell … 


I stumbled dazedly towards that pile of clothes to—I don't know—pick it up again …? I was also confused by my own actions that it didn't even register in my head that I was already putting them in some plastic and tucked it beneath my bed.


"Let's just clean," I muttered as I shook my cloudy head.




"Haa … I'm spent, haa …" I tiredly uttered as I slumped on the sofa.


Inhale …. Exhale … Inhale … Exhale …


"Ahh, it's no use, I'm still out of breath…" 


Sharply dropping my head, I pinched my belly fat, distressed about my weak stamina.


"I think I need to exercise … But it's too tiring and hard …" I grumbled and grumbled as I rolled around the sofa.


Ring! Ring!


An incoming call suddenly rang from the table. I was jolted off the couch from shock and crawled towards the low table to get my buzzing phone off.


"Yes, hello?"


[Giiirl~! OMG, I haven't called in ages!] a familiar lively voice almost burst my eardrums into pieces. 


"Wha, Britney? I missed you!" I excitedly greeted as I lifted myself up on the ground, promptly leaning on the couch.


"How have you been? You ghosted me for so long!"


[Stop being silly! It was just a few days. And I had to handle a lot of papers since moving in and being a late enrollee and all that sh*t.]


"Ohhh, okay, why'd you call anyways?"


[Do I need a reason to call? And first of all, can you move the phone to your face—it's a video call, you dumbass,] she reminded, mirth noticeable in her tone.




My eyes dilated as I promptly checked my phone and to my dumbass self surprise—it was really a video call! I shyly covered up my embarrassment with a laugh and shifted the topic to save my dignity.


"Hehe, anyway, what's up?"


[Hmm, nothing much really. Just wanted to see how you're doing,] she casually said, painting her nails as she talked.


"Well, I'm good. College is fun! I really love the campus! I'm soo excited to finally go to Mom and Dad's love story origin! Hehe. You know, the people here were so nice and accommodating. And, and there were so many people, I almost got lost but I was able to handle it somehow!"


[Glad to see you're still as lively as ever … I was somewhat worried since you chose such a far place … But I guess I was worried for nothing—seeing you like that. And I don't even need to ask if you made friends already 'cause I know you would by now; you're a d*mn people magnet!]


"Thanks for worrying! And yep, and you would not believe it, I actually found someone smaller than me!" I proudly announced, pointing my nose up as if I achieved something more notable than the noble award.


Snorting at me, Britney sardonically replied: [Oh? Good for you.]


Catching her obvious mockery, I poutingly said: "I feel like you're not taking this seriously. This is a great achievement, you know! And FYI, it's not a child!"


[Whosh, thanks for saying that, I wouldn't know it if you didn't,] she mockingly replied, totally not believing me at all.


[Setting that aside,] she gestured with her hands. [Do you have any juicy teas over there? I'm having a tea deficiency crisis right now,] she said, clutching her chest to act out as someone deprived of something.


Sulking at her blatant disregard for my veery important announcement, I was about to ignore her and stay silent—


But, after pondering for a moment, a brilliant idea popped up in my mind as I hid my sly expression with my hand. "Hmmm, well, I just heard this from a friend, okay? And make sure to keep this to yourself!"


Eyes sparkling at the hint of an afternoon tea session, Britney pricked up her ears to listen attentively. [Sure, sure, go on.]


"Actually, rather than tea, it's more of an 'asking for advice' situation."




I prepared the story in my head as I carefully assessed her reaction.


Then I opened my mouth and told the story slowly and cautiously: "So… uh … this girl, well, she somehow finds herself thinking about another girl constantly? She finds herself anticipating their meetings and finding ways to stay together more. She … she said she really finds her attractive—" 


[Wait. Just to clarify things, this friend is a girl, right?] She inquired, furrowing her brows a bit.


"Yep," I nervously answered, shifting my eyes to the sides.


My previously sly expression was replaced by a jittery, suspicious one.


[And the other person is also a girl?]


"... Yeeep."


[Hmmm, continue.]


Her pondering figure made my nerves taut, but nevertheless, I continued with my story.


"Umm, okay. So where was I? So anyway, she wanted to ask why she was feeling so … bad … about her other friends when she saw how they were getting so chummy together. And why was she so happy when she said she did not mind her touch. My friend said she is confused and muddle-headed with her feelings."


[Is this a classmate of yours?]




[Are you close to her?]


"Maybe? Actually … no, since we just knew each other for a few days?"


After I finished answering, I intensely focused on any miniature changes in Britney's reaction, and what I received was—


[Is she a f*cking idiot?]


An insult.




[Don't 'eh' me. Even an elementary kid knows the answer to that question.]


Sorry to inform you that I'm dumber than an elementary kid. I retorted begrudgingly in my mind.


[It's simple. She's f*cking crushing on her!] Britney gradually raised her voice with every word she said. [You constantly think about them? You want to be with them? You're jealous when you see her having fun with other people?]


"I don't think I said anything about jealou—" I weakly commented.


[For f*ck's sake! When you feeling d*mn bad and tight on the chest—you're d*mn having a jealousy moment there!]


[Furthermore—wait, lemme just ask you a question: how long was she crushing on this woman?]


"D-does it matter? And I-I don't think she's crushin—"


[Yes, it matters!]


Hesitant to answer, I stammered and stumbled over my words. "W-well, about this l-long?" I pinched the air to show a 'little' gesture.




Britney's eyes were soulless at the moment as she gazed at me with a look that screamed 'seriously?'


Sighing excessively, she carefully fixed her hair to avoid touching her freshly painted nails. [You gotta be more specific and not just show me a d*mn finger!]


I quickly showed three fingers up at her words.


[Three months?]




[Three weeks?]




[... Don't tell me, three days?]


I nodded vigorously.


Sighing heavily, Britney had an amazed expression. [Wow … that girl must be so attractive, she's probably even seeing her in her wet dreams.]


Hearing that, I transformed into a red bird as I rebutted sharply: "She is not!"


[How would you know?] she taunted.




Because I'm the girl in the story!


"B-because she told me!"


[She told you? Really?] Britney said monotonously.


I was further made into a hot mess as that tone was harsher than any mocking tone she could actually do currently.


Seeing me not responding, Britney continued: [I'm just saying, girl, no one goes crazy for someone in three days if they weren't a f*cking bombshell of a woman. Think about it, someone filling your head 24/7 in just three days? Moreover, they already getting jealous and sh*t? D*mn, that's an S-tier person in my book!]


"W-what if, that's just how p-possessive she is towards her friends? And … maybe she's just different? M-my friend said."


She waved her hand in the air as she casually said. [I dunno, girl. What I know is, if she really thinks she's different that's exactly it. She's crushing on herRomantically. Not like those girl crush b*llsh*t people in denial say. That's why she felt she was different. I would guess—probably her gay awakening. Had that quite early so I get her confusion.]




Speechless, I cannot even muster a reply. Her words hit some weird spot in my head. However, I don't think what Britney was saying is exactly righ—


[However, it's not love. Nobody said it was love. That's just mere infatuation—a momentary thing. It's new, it's novel. So it feels real and she might think it's love. Well, boo-hoo, it's not. Give it some time and it'll pass in no time."




Britney rolled her eyes and adjusted her position. [Duh, who falls in love in three days? What? Don't tell me you believe in love at first sight? Those things don't happen to ugly people so people should stop making up some b*llsh*t like they're my soulmate. Sorry, buddy, but that's just your dick talking. It twitched and now you call it love. After all, no one f*cking looks at someone and says 'ah yes, he looks like he'll be a good father to my children at the first meeting.]


"Okay, okay, I get your point. Stop cussing so much, geez," I reprimanded Britney since my ears were already hurting from her incessant cursing.


[Why are you so defensive about it anyways? It was as if you were actually the one who's crushing on her,] she jokingly said, even laughing as she joked. 


That made me stiffened. I didn't laugh. No, I can't laugh. I was listing various excuses in my head and filtering the most appropriate answer without making myself look too suspicious and guilty. Though, her next words let me exhale a big sigh of relief without me noticing it.


[That's impossible, though, since we're talking 'bout you. You never showed interest in anybody—much less a woman. If I didn't know you I would think you were just using the 'friend story' to actually receive advice. Heh,] she scoffed as she said the latter words.


"Hahaha, yeah, right. That's absolutely impossible!" I eagerly went along with her self-rationalization since she already made the perfect excuse for me, hehe.


Snorting in amusement, she said: [I even remember back in ninth grade on the very first day, someone told you, he likes to rub his hand between his butt crack to smell it since it smells addicting to him—pfft!] Britney, by the end of her words, burst out laughing as she recounted the past.


"Hey, don't be rude! A-as long as he's the only one who's smelling it, I think it's okay?"


[Bwahahahaha! The heck is that logic? What if he actually touched you without washing it first? How would you feel?] she responded, full of playfulness in her voice.


I slightly grimaced when she said that.


[See? You also wouldn't like it! Hahaha!] she pointed at me after seeing my reaction, laughing even louder. 


This goes on for a while—with Britney loudly laughing and me silently pouting.


After a while, Britney finally stopped and casually said: [Sorry, sorry, it was just so … funny. You just have too much of an inviting energy and people just naturally spill even the darkest secret they have inside of them to you.]


"I didn't ask to be like this," I lightheartedly retorted. 


[I know. I know.]


Clank. Creaakkk.


A door creaking distracted me from the ongoing weird conversation. Naturally, I assumed it was Mom and Dad so I quickly said my goodbye to Britney …


[Okay~ Say hi to Aunt and Uncle for me. Ba-bye~]


"Sure, bye!"


I rushed off to the entrance and a huge smile was immediately plastered on my face!


"Mom, Dad!"


We ate some takeouts for dinner.






I closed all the opened tabs and documents. The monitor slowly darkened as I shut it down. 


I stretched out my back to somewhat release some of the stiffness from hours of sitting upright. I glanced to my left to see if Sis Marga was still working and saw that she was already off to dreamland, breathing softly and rhythmically. A small smile formed on my face while I observed her beautiful face.


The camera directly faced her while she was soundly asleep—showing off all her blessed features inherited from Aunt Sotiria. Grabbing my phone off the desk, I left the call in line but turned off the camera.


I changed into my sleepwear and closed the lights. I gently lie down on the bed to prepare for another day tomorrow.


"Good night, Margaret," I softly muttered before finally closing my eyes.


That's why I didn't see that small satisfied smile drawn on Sis Marga's face at that time.