Twenty-Seventh Chapter: Sick (2)  

"Why are you following me?"


"Why are you scaring me?"


She tilted her head.


"That was a joke, hahaha," I nervously laughed, wiping my nonexistent sweat on my head.


My attempt to lighten the mood failed as she kept looking at me as if I were a criminal on the loose. 


Moreover, her ghost-like skin contrasting her ink-black hair and gothic outfit further added to the dreadful atmosphere.


White lady—more like a black lady—I just want to get to the room, okay? 


Opening my mouth once again, I said briskly. "Are you a freshman?"


Hearing my words, her stone-like face became even colder as she said. "Why do you ask?"


"I need to know if you're a Nursing freshman."


"Why do you need to know?"


"I have something I need to tell them."




"It's really important."






Give me a stick, I'll shove it in your mouth, b*tch! Why, why, why, why! Stop asking why and answer the d*mn question!


"F*cking b*tch," I whispered under my breath.


"What did you say?"


"Say what?" I immediately wore a mask of innocence. Tilting my head casually as I said that with a faint smile and round eyes.


Then as if out of patience, she ignored me and turned her back.




Seeing her walking away, I instinctively held her wrist—




Shockingly, she swatted it away!


"Don't touch me!" her voice turned shrill as she protectively held her wrist, finally showing a different emotion other than indifference.


Her voice, obviously from shock, was absolutely not quiet at all. So it attracted quite a few chick's eyes and, man, was it stinging.


She was now glaring at me, breathing quite heavily. 


I frowned inwardly, somewhat annoyed by such a rude gesture—


That hurts, you assh*le! You act as if I touched your p*ssy!


However, aware of my fault, I was about to reluctantly apologize when I noticed something.


That bracelet …


On her wrist, a cheap-looking bracelet made of pure black beads took my attention.


A sense of deja vu hit me but I couldn't seem to gather my thoughts to recall where I'd seen that.


"Hey, that bracele—"


"Excuse me, do we have a problem here?" a girl with brown copper hair intervened between us.


She was slightly frowning her delicate eyebrows. However, it didn't come off as offensive, since underneath that, a set of gentle eyes focused on us. 


Surprised, I hurriedly tried to defuse the situation. "There seems to be a misunderstanding. I just wanted to ask for directions."


Probably doubting me, she creased her brows deeper but relaxed gradually as she said: "Where? Maybe I can help you."


Flashing a cordial smile, I eagerly said: "Ah, yes! That'll be nice! But before that, can I ask if you're a freshman?"


"Yes, I'm a … freshman," she answered somewhat confused.


"Great! So I have a friend, you see. She's at the clinic now since she's in terrible condition … So I was hoping to talk to—at least the class representative—to ask on her behalf."


Her expression, doubtful in the beginning, started to clear up as she asked in a worried tone. "Is she okay now?"


Somewhat surprised by the unexpected concern, I said: "Ah? Ah, yes!" 


I also added. "And by the way, she's a BSN freshman; block A."


Her eyes widened minutely, I might have missed it if I wasn't so observant of people.


Lucky~, she's a classmate.


"Oh! We're classmates then. Can I know her name? I'll tell the professor for her."




Grinning widely, I rapidly responded. "Really? That is so kind of you! Her name is Alex, Kris Alex de Nayale. I really appreciate the favor! You're a lifesaver!"


"You're exaggerating. Anyway, I'll tell the professor and if there are any instructions, I'll chat De Nayale," she softly responded, giggling at my reaction. 


"Thank you, thank you! Not only are you pretty, but you're also kind!"




After I said that, she seemed slightly taken aback as she tried to hide her embarrassment with a cough from the blatant flirting, or maybe for her, an unexpected compliment she received.


"Ahem, It's no trouble. We'll see the professor anyways."


"No, no, I'm still greatly thankful! If you weren't here I might just wander around and lose my way," I insisted. "I guess, in a way, you're my light at the end of the tunnel, heh." 


I sprinkled some cheesy lines just for the laughs. And it worked.


Lightly laughing, she gently said, shyly waving her hand: "Hahaha, stop. It's not a big deal."


Seeing her positive reaction, I was about to hit her with another cheesy line but—


"By the way, if there's nothing else, sadly, I have to get going now since I might be late for class," she added with finality in her tone as she faintly pursed her lips.


"Oh, sorry for that. I didn't mean to take too much of your time."


"No, it's fine. I'm glad to be of help," she said with a soft smile.


Sh*t, that's a cute smile.


"I'm Ouphelia, yours?" I gave her my name and held out my hand for a handshake.


Taking my hand, she replied in kind. "I'm Felicia, nice to meet you, Ouphelia."


"Nice name. Suits you," I complimented as I faintly rubbed her hands with my thumb.


"Hm? Yours too."


Gently pulling her closer, I softly uttered. "Also, you can call me Lia—since that's what people who are close to me call me," I uttered with a tone full of implications. "And I hope we can also be close."


Since she was a few inches taller, she lightly staggered and bent a bit towards me. In that position, I bore my gaze into hers as I lightly uttered those words.


And it seemed she was not a blockhead; as when she gently removed her hand, I smirked at her light red ears. 


"Sure, I-I need to go now," she stammered, lightly stroking the part I rubbed earlier.


"Okay, have a nice day."


As soon as I said that, she immediately headed to the room, slightly rushing, flustered from my undisguised flirting.


I calmly stared at her back then whistled as I trotted down the stairs.


Hmm, maybe a week?


She was pretty but wasn't the glamorous nor the overwhelming type rather she was just normal pretty; the type where you don't feel pressured around her.


Well, I was just bored, anyway. And not really my type. Cute smile, though, I thought while rubbing my chin.


"Hmmm. Hmmmm."


And now that I'm back in my thoughts again, I somehow felt I forgot something …


"Ugh, if I can't remember it then it's probably not important."




"Ugh …."


A sticky and heavy feeling enveloped me as I tossed and rolled around the bed.


It was uncomfortable and irritating, especially the accumulating sweat on my back. 


"Mhhh …"


I can't help but groan from the heaviness I'm feeling all throughout my body. It felt as if I was under a rock—stuck and suffocating. 


"Haa …" 


My breaths were accelerating as I did my best to inhale as much as my body craved.


"Miss, are you okay?" 


A soft, gentle voice appeared beside me while I buried myself under the sheets, shivering and panting.


A warm hand was gently placed on my forehead, and a wave of comfort spread downward my body as I desperately held onto that hand when it was about to abandon me.


"Don't …"


"You're burning up," the gentle voice sounded again, filled with care in her tone.


She was about to stand up and go but I held firmly—or at least to the extent of my current ability. But that did the job to dissuade her as she sat again by my side.


"Do … Don't go …"


"Oh, sweetie, I need to get you some medicine."


The voice reasoned but, in my state, I acted like a petulant, spoiled child. 


I refused to let go and continued begging. "Please … do, don't go …"


"It will be quick, I promise …"


Unable to process her will to leave, I kept on asking her not to go, holding on, and even clinging to her in the process. 


And as if convinced, she finally relented and didn't say anything. She just held my hands and stroked it softly.




"Mmm …"


Finally finding some comfort, I slowly drifted off to sleep …





Crack! Snap!


The sound of wood cracking and snapping echoed across the simple stylish room.


A tick could be seen forming at the beautiful woman's temple as she glared intensely at her phone—looking at it as if it were her greatest enemy.


The officers in the surrounding area, sweatdropped at the scene, thinking whether they had done anything wrong. Nudging their seat partners, they all tried to push a sacrificial lamb to bravely ask for their sins.


Until that responsibility fell upon the youngest and newest member of the council.


"U-um, excuse m-me, Miss Pre-President. M-may I ask if there's anything w-wrong?" 


Trembling and shaking, the newbie stuttered as he trepidly asked the domineering president sitting at the head table.


Switching her intense gaze to the newbie, the young man's breath hitched as he hurriedly bowed his head to escape her flaming red eyes.


Seeing him like this, the gray-haired president forcibly relaxed her gaze while letting out the withheld breath in her lungs.


"My apologies, I do not mean to intimidate you. Rest assured that this matter has no relation to the quality of your work. You may go." 


With a swish of her hand, she dismissed the shaking newbie and he, incapable of uttering a single word, hurriedly bowed his head and went back to his site.


"Sigh, this hateful woman …" Margareta muttered.


But then her brows shortened as she worriedly glanced at the dark figure latched onto a human-like monkey with a smug smirk etched on her annoying face.


"My poor baby … I wish I could return immediately and hold you instead of that … that two-faced ape."




Gritting her teeth, another unfortunate wooden pencil was broken in vain by the seething rage of an elegant woman named Margareta …


Meanwhile, the poor souls who had the miserable fate of occupying the same space as the raging president could be seen trembling and flinching from time to time …




"Wh-what? This woman …!" 


"What's the matter, Kaua?"


Belatedly seeing the picture of his beloved sister clinging to a human-sized poop noodle, Ankur was shocked and exclaimed out loud. While beside him, a petite woman asked curiously. 


Laughing dryly, Ankur dismissed. "Haha, nothing, nothing. Just some nobody who keeps on bugging me."


However, despite Ankur's nonchalant answer, he was actually despairing inside. 


I wish I didn't argue with Blacky earlier!


He wanted to scream and go crazy in regret! 


This thot …! I should've not trusted her!


He greatly wished right now that he didn't leave his cute and innocent sister to this sheep-skinned wolf!


"Is it another girl?" the petite woman said innocently.


Ankur didn't even flinch as he replied: "You can't even call that a girl …"


She tilted her head confusingly at Ankur's remarks.


Seeing her adorable look, Ankur tried to ruffle her hair, but she dodged his hand and glared at him. 


So he shook his head helplessly and said: "Anyway, let's go get some breakfast. I'm starving."


I'll get back to her later.






"Rebeccaaaa!" a cheerful voice shouted from afar.




Turning to look back, Rebecca saw the duo walking towards her. Ember was jumping and waving as she grinned widely while Snow looked even more exhausted than yesterday. 


"Ember! Snow!"


"You're early," Ember asked briskly.


"Yep, hehe. Just excited for class," Rebecca remarked cheerfully.


Conversely, Ember groaned out loud. "Ugh, what's there to be excited about? We're just gonna keep hearing boring stuff."


Pursing her lips, Rebecca said: "But the practical part is fun, right?"


"Not really."


"Ehh, it's better than just listening in lectures. We get to do it too!"


"True … but, ugh …"


While Ember kept on groaning and complaining, Snow slowly trudged forward and languidly took out her phone.


A familiar screaming voice burst out of the phone's speaker. Immediately, Ember's eyes raced to her side.


"Motherf*cker! This is why I don't like this class!"


Another bout of banter and chase occurred in session. While Ember tried to get it by jumping, Snow took advantage of her height to keep it out of her reach.


"Give it to me!"


Unfortunately for Snow, her arm slowly gave out due to her poor strength, and as a result, her phone was snatched by the victorious squirrel.


"Deleted! Yes, finally!" Ember cheered excessively. Her autumn hair jumped up and down in joy.


Panting softly with her head down, Snow shakily raised her phone and slowly lifted her head.


"Haa … it's … on cloud … haaa."


Ember's happy expression froze after her words. "Y-you mean you have other copies?!"


Snow didn't answer, choosing to slump on the table to catch her breath.


After hearing no answer yet already knowing the truth, Ember copied Snow and also sat defeatedly on the chair.




Seeing the rambunctious duo suddenly turn meek, Rebecca simply chuckled and put her bag on the seat beside her to reserve it for her certain black friend.


Humming and swinging her short legs, Rebecca waited … 


And waited … 


And waited more …


Until it was time for class and the cute cherry professor had arrived.


"Hey, why's Leader not here yet?"


Ember leaned across the table and whispered to Rebecca. The leader in her words refers to the missing black fellow. And If this black fellow were to hear that she would certainly go ballistic in protest!


Rebecca, with a worried and confused face, said. "I'm not sure …"


Therefore, Rebecca pulled out her phone from her pocket and was about to send a message to Kris—

