serect relam break

As Kai Ming return to the campsite to see everyone in panic or rushing to leave Kai Ming see Yue Chang and asked him what happened

Yue chang out breath replies "Their been a serect relam break in Nanjing we been told this is a emerge and all help is needed even us rookie need to go grab your stuff and head out."

Kai Ming is worried about his family once he hear it in Nanjing he immediately grab some item from his room and release ralts and look for anyone he know he see Cheng Shu and his other classmates and call them over

"Hey everyone how do we get their."

Ye Zi Yun look and say "we don't know we were told to figure a way their."

Kai Ming stare with disbelief and tell everyone togather up he going to have ralt telport them to Nanjing

As everyone gather bright psychic energy foot around them for a moment before they appear at Kai Ming highschool and he see a bunch of his old schoolmates and Zhou Nan fight off a group of frenzied raticate and Kai Ming and the other help them

"Brother Zhou are you and everyone okay."

As Zhou Nan was confused once he heard the voice he realized it was Kai Ming "Brother Ming everyone in our group is unharmed but exhausted."

As they chat for quick moment and Zhou Nan explain what happened and where their going and they split apart while Kai Ming and his group help go and help people and take out the extra rampage pokemon