Zheng-Fu VS Tian-Qi (2)

At first, Zheng-Fu did not wish to go through the third test. He thought it would be already good enough if he passed the second test. But now, he decided to participate in the third test because he wanted to win for his father’s reputation. He also had his eyes on the Body-Strengthening Ginseng to get his body boosted up…

Right now, his body strength remained as weak as before, even though he gained more Qi energy. He tried to do the workout routines that he remembered from the previous world to help, but his body improved only at an unsatisfied rate…

*Even though my Qi energy level is higher than hers, it doesn’t mean that I can defeat her easily. The fact that I didn’t practice martial arts since I was young makes my body much weaker than hers. But I have to win this fight, despite that.*

*Even though his Qi energy level is higher than mine, but I’ve been practicing martial arts longer than him. So, that boy will definitely never defeat me. I must keep the fight short…end it as fast as I can.*

Both Zheng-Fu and Tian-Qi intended to finish the fight as fast as they could. They both had different weaknesses and strengths whether they be the experiences in practicing martial arts or different levels of Qi energy…


As soon as the mediator sent a signal to begin the fight, Tian-Qi would not wait for anything. She quickly moved towards Zheng-Fu with extreme speed. Zheng-Fu also did not wait for Tian-Qi to get to him, so he started to perform the Sword of Wind skill on her…

[Light Wind Wave]


A wave of wind was released from Zheng-Fu’s sword immediately. It was aimed to attack Tian-Qi who was approaching Zheng-Fu…

“Tsk! Do you think I’m scared of your trick? How about getting some of mine!?”

The first stage of the Sword of Fiery Lizard…

[Flaming Lizard]


Everybody was excited when they saw the technique that Tian-Qi was using…

“Unbelievable! She just used the technique from the leader of the clan’s Sword of Fiery Lizard skill.”

“It looks like she can use it well too.”

Both Tong-Lang and Tong-Tieng were thrilled by Tian-Qi’s performance on the Sword of Fiery Lizard because they knew that the sword skill was discovered by Mo-Zi when he received the Lizard Sword from the former leader of the clan. The skill belonged to the lower level of the intermediate-leveled fighting skill too. It was the skill especially for Mo-Zi’s family to practice, so no one knew its power and the technique movements…


The powers that were released from Zheng-Fu and Tian-Qi clashed with one another. The power that came from Tian-Qi was not any lesser than that from Zheng-Fu’s. Tian-Qi’s sword made her performance result as powerful as Zheng-Fu’s released power, which made both powers annihilate instantly once they crashed into one another…

“Look! They are equally good!”

“I don’t think so! If little miss Tian-Qi didn’t use that powerful sword, she wouldn’t be able to release that kind of powerful force. Without that special sword, she could have lost the boy a minute ago!”

“She wasn’t bad at all! If she had a higher energy level, Zheng-Fu might have been defeated with that fighting technique that she just used. But I guess her sword really did help.” Tong-Lang commented on Tian-Qi’s impressive performance and smiled admiringly…


Everyone who heard Tong-Lang agreed with his comment. They thought that if Tian-Qi possessed a higher level of Qi energy, the force that she released would not just make her and Zheng-Fu equally good there. But then again, she would need to perform with the Sword of Fiery Lizard too to be better than Zheng-Fu…

“That wasn’t all! There’ll be more!” Tian-Qi shouted loudly before going back to attack Zheng-Fu one more time. Even though Tian-Qi was very quick, Zheng-Fu could see her move and immediately used the Soft for Defensive skill to cushion her attack…

Tian-Qi continued to attack Zheng-Fu so much that she did not have any chance to breathe. It put Zheng-Fu in the defensive position. From the audience’s perspective, it looked like Zheng-Fu was the one who got severely attacked. But Tian-Qi was the one who was about to be in a bad position if she kept on throwing her tricks crazily at Zheng-Fu like this. Tian-Qi’s mind was full of the idea of defeating Zheng-Fu. That was why she forgot to hold herself together…

“It’s too bad that she’s too impulsive. If she was more mindful than using her emotion, this fight would be something hard to speculate.” Tong-Lang started to change his mind about Tian-Qi. He changed from admiring her to feeling sorry for her when he saw that she was too emotional in the fight…

“I guess it’s not hard to see who will win this fight.” Hai-Gu also thought the same way Tong-Lang did, so he gave an agreeing comment. Hai-Gu and Tong-Lang were not the only ones who thought alike. At first, it seemed to be fun. But when they saw how crazy Tian-Qi was against Zheng-Fu, they started to think that they knew who the winner would be…

“Why is she attacking him like that, the leader of the clan?” Seeing the direction of the fight, Lao-Chu asked Mo-Zi in a bid to urge Mo-Zi to warm Tian-Qi about her impulse. Lao-Chu did not like what he saw, but Mo-Zi continued to keep calm. He did not say anything back to Lao-Chu. He merely kept his eyes on the fighting stage with his usual peaceful look…


When Lao-Chu did not receive any feedback from Mo-Zi, he could only give a big sigh. When he came to the fighting test today, he expected to see Zheng-Fu get defeated by Tian-Qi, especially when he saw her with the Sword of Fiery Lizard, which was a high-leveled sword and sword skill. However, everything turned upside down because the girl was too emotional…


Amid the certain understanding among the audience that Zheng-Fu would be the winner of the fight, Zheng-Fu’s sword, all of a sudden, began to crack and there were some pieces started to come out. Everything happened while Zheng-Fu was using the sword to endure successive attacks from Tian-Qi…

“Look! Zheng-Fu’s sword is about to break apart!”

“That’s right. If it breaks before Tian-Qi loses all her energy, the boy will be done!”

“Come on, Tian-Qi! Get him!”

All of a sudden, the crowd started to roar again as they saw that Zheng-Fu’s sword was about to shatter…

“That’s not good. Zheng-Fu’s sword is about to break!”



“Your sword is broken. Now you don’t have anything to use to protect you.” Tian-Qi laughed because she was satisfied to see Zheng-Fu’s sword breaking into pieces. Then she started to use the next fighting technique as soon as she finished her sentence…

The second stage of the Sword of Fiery Lizard

[Flame of Demolishing Lizard]

“Th…th…that’s insane!”

There were not a lot of people who had seen this specific kind of Sword of Fiery Lizard skill, except for the high-ranked elders in the clan. This was why many people in the crowd were excited to see the second stage of this technique performed by Tian-Qi…

“Did she just use the second stage of the Sword of Fiery Lizard skill? It’s unbelievable. She’s really the daughter of the leader of the clan.”

Hai-Gu maintained to be in a shocking state of mind seeing that from Tian-Qi. Even Tong-Tieng and Tong-Lang felt the same way. As for Kong-Shi, he could not help but feel impressed by Tian-Qi’s performance, but he also worried for his son. Lao-Chu was also amazed and satisfied. He could not stop smiling after seeing Tian-Qi using that second sword technique…

*That boy is definitely going to fold. Hahaha. This’s so good!* Lao-Chu thought…


The power wave continued hitting Zheng-Fu’s direction. They were getting closer and closer to Zheng-Fu’s body. The heat created by this sword technique was so severe that it made the crowd around the stage feel the burn. Even those people who possessed the eighth or ninth level of the Qi Gathering stage had to step aside…


Everyone now was so anticipated to see how Zheng-Fu chose to deal with the power of this technique…




There was a loud explosion on the stage and the area around there. It came with smoke that permeated the space. No one could see what happened on the stage…

“Wh…wh…what happened?”

The audience tried to peek through the smoke, but they could not see anything. The mediator himself had to run away from the stage, so he did not know what was actually going on. But judging from the loud explosion there, everyone thought that Zheng-Fu did not make it…


Amid that chaos, Mo-Zi all of a sudden stood up and widened his eyes to express that he was in a state of utmost shock. Now everybody turned to Mo-Zi instead because they were surprised to see that reaction from the leader of the clan. Since the beginning of this year’s clan’s martial arts test until now, Mo-Zi had never shown his feelings this evidently to anything or anyone, even when his daughter used the second skill of the Sword of Fiery Lizard to produce that loud explosion. But why did he stand up just now…?”

“What’s wrong the leader of the clan?” Lao-Chu who sat next to Mo-Zi asked out of curiosity because he did not see anything on the stage yet. He wondered why Mo-Zi stood up so suddenly like that and looked shocked too…

“It’s impossible. Impossible. Impossible!”

Mo-Zi said that it was impossible for three times in a roll. His words even made everyone more curious. Kong-Shi and his group, on the other hand, tried to look at the fighting stage to see what actually happened, but it was impossible to know because there was still smoke all over the place. They did not know yet who the winner was…

After a while, the smoke finally subsided. Now everyone could see that there was a huge hole on the stage caused by that explosion. Next to the hole were Zheng-Fu and Tian-Qi. However, the person who was in bad shape was not Zheng-Fu as anyone expected. It was Tian-Qi who lay down on the stage floor, unconscious…

“Wh…what’s going on? Why did she lie unconscious?”

“Yeah! I thought Zheng-Fu should be the one who was supposed to pass out?”

The turnabout put everyone in a daze. All kinds of thoughts happened in their minds about what just happened. They did not know how to reason with the fact that Tian-Qi was the one who went unconscious, instead of Zheng-Fu. The boy was supposed to be the one who got hurt because everyone saw that his sword was broken right before Tian-Qi performed that powerful sword technique with him. But how come Tian-Qi was beaten up like that?

“Tian-Qi is unconscious! Th…th…the winner is…Zheng-Fu!” When the mediator got himself together, he rushed to approach Tian-Qi. When he was sure that the girl was blacked out, he announced the winner of the fight instantly. And then he said, “This year’s youth martial arts test has now ended. The ones who passed the test will receive a low-leveled Qi energy stone every month. The ultimate winner will receive the same reward and another five extra Qi energy stones. He will get a special Body-Strengthening Ginseng, sponsored by the great Elder, Lao-Chu too.”




The crowd sent out cheering sounds all over the test venue (mostly belonged to girls). Everyone seemed to stop thinking about wanting to know what happened on the stage with the explosion. They started to shout Zheng-Fu’s name instead to celebrate his victory. They thought they would not know anyway what actually happened on the stage…


“Darn it! How did that happen? The boy must have been cheating! Everyone saw that he was about to lose there. He must have cheated! All of a sudden, Lao-Chu started to make a scene…


“Well, now you are being exaggerated! This is just a test for the young martial artists in our clan. There’s nothing like that going on here. Everyone also watched the fight together. If someone cheated, we all would have known! Don’t you see that the leader of the clan is also with us?” Tong-Lang argued with Lao-Chu instantaneously. It made Lao-Chu choke, so he just had to swallow down his negative words. There was a horrid tint on his facial expression while he succumbed to all that…

“Since the test is over, I’ll have to excuse myself…” When Lao-Chu realized that he could not be positive like others, he quickly bowed to Mo-Zi. Then he glanced at Kong-Shi, Hai-Gu, Tong-Tieng, and Tong-Lang. He also looked at the rest of the elders before scampering off…

“Be careful. Don’t slip, sir!”

“Tsk! You all just wait! I’ll make sure everyone pays for this. All of it. I’ll take more than you took from me.”