
When the monster could gain back its stability, it shrieked out in anger while projecting a deadly energy wave. Its energy level was at the ninth level of the Foundation Building stage, which was three levels higher than Tong-Kuang’s…




The monster threw its claws towards Tong-Kuang very quickly. Due to its high energy level, the claw throwings were so powerful that they destroyed the trees in the area. The ground got shattered as well…

Zheng-Fu was shaken all over when he saw that. He was very afraid and angry that he could not do anything about it. It made him feel like a weak person…

Pow! Pow!

“No! I must not run away. If I have to go, I have to take brother Tong-Kuang with me.”

When Zheng-Fu was sure about what he wanted to do, he lifted his Sword of the Eagle of the Wind and sent all of his energy into it. Then he used the full-blown version of the Index of the Sword of the Wind technique on the monster…

“Brother Tong-Kuang, duck!”

[10 portions of the Index of the Sword of the Wind]


When Tong-Kuang heard Zheng-Fu, he got down immediately. He did not know why, but he trusted Zheng-Fu with all his heart, so he did. The force that was released from Zheng-Fu’s sword hit and cut the monster’s arm. It fell on the ground instantly…


Now the monster’s blood was spreading all over the place. Tong-Kuang, seeing that, rushed to attack the monster immediately with his fighting technique…

[Dancing Butterfly]


This technique of Tong-Kuang gave the gigantic monster a severe wound because it did not have time to deal with the unexpected force after Zheng-Fu cut its arm…

The monster failed to protect itself, so the latest attack caused it a major blood loss. It stepped back for many paces while looking at Zheng-Fu and Tong-Kuang with furious eyes. The monster moved like it was going to run away…



However, Zheng-Fu quickly threw his Sword of the Eagle of the Wind towards the monster so hard that the sword pierced through the monster’s body. Then he forced his sword back to his grab and used it to stab the monster in its back…


The monster started to fall down slowly. It began to see darkness in front of it. The monster did not think that it would be defeated by these two humans who were much weaker than it…

The monster was defeated because of the power of Zheng-Fu’s sword and his fighting technique. He could create a very powerful force with those two things together. The force was three times more powerful than the usual attempt. It could kill the monster instantly…


Zheng-Fu almost had no energy left in him. Tong-Kuang was also extremely exhausted. Both of them had to almost drain their energy in performing their signature moves to kill the monster…

Tong-Kuang: “How are you, young master!?”

“I’m alright. I need to sit still for a while, then I’ll be better. How about you?”

Tong-Kuang: “I’m a little exhausted, but I’m okay, sir!”


After Zheng-Fu finished the sentence, he tossed a special pill that helped heal the physical wounds to Tong-Kuang. As for himself, he started to meditate to cultivate his Qi energy to revive the balance as quickly as possible. He was afraid that it would be fatal if more monsters like that came to the scene…

Two shichens had passed and the sky started to darken. As the night crept in, Zheng-Fu and Tong-Kuang started to hear more shrieks and howls from wild animals and monsters in the forest…

Zheng-Fu could restore his energy by eight portions, but Tong-Kuang succeeded only by five within the same amount of time. Zheng-Fu did not know how he could gain back his energy that much so quickly…

“It’s too late to walk back out at this time. Let’s stay the night here. I think it’s safer than walking through the forest back to the clan.”

When Zheng-Fu finished the sentence, he walked to the monster’s corpse. He used his sword to cut open the monster and took out its essence. The monster’s essence was so big and full of some kind of energy…

The essence of this monster was as powerful as the high level of the Foundation Building stage. The monster was at the ninth level of the Foundation Building stage, so its essence was full of high energy too…

And when a monster could break through to the Golden Core stage, its essence would consist of a hidden competency…

Tong-Kuang: “That’s a monster’s essence, isn’t it?”

“That’s right. It’s a monster essence! And this very essence is of a high level of the Foundation Building stage. So, its price would be very expensive. It can be used to make high-level medicines too such as energy revival or energy breakthrough medicines.”

Zheng-Fu explained about the monster’s essence to Tong-Kuang who paid serious attention to Zheng-Fu in return. When he looked at Zheng-Fu, his eyes were full of respect for the boy because he got to learn about many things from him. He felt this way since he had a chance to protect him…

Tong-Kuang: “I’ll set fire and cook these meats then!”

“Don’t! Fire would attract other monsters at night. Let me take care of that.”

Zheng-Fu used his sword to cut the meat into pieces. He then changed his Qi energy into a heat flame and roasted the meats very quickly. Once he was done, he put out the flame right away…


Tong-Kuang: “I’m so stupid. I completely forgot about the fire!”

“You’re not. It’s alright that people forget about this kind of thing. Why don’t you go ahead and eat? I want to take care of the monster’s body first.”

After telling Tong-Kuang to eat first, Zheng-Fu cut off the important parts of the monster’s body and kept them in his spatial ring. He also took out some regular meats from the body. He tried to see how much he could keep in his spatial ring as he cut the monster…

By now, Zheng-Fu took care of about six portions of the meat and kept them in the spatial ring. He saw that there was still a huge space left in the ring. It made him realize that a spatial ring could hold so many things in it. He also heard that spatial rings could help preserve the things in them to last as long as hundreds of years…

Not long after, the huge monster was down to the size of nothing. Zheng-Fu left only its blood on the ground. He kept every bit of it with him as much as he could…

“The monster’s body must be valuable. It’s good that I have this spatial ring, otherwise, I could never take the whole body back with me.”

Tong-Kuang was stunned when he caught Zheng-Fu trying to wear his spatial ring back because he was surprised that Zheng-Fu owned a spatial ring. Even though he knew that Zheng-Fu was the son of an important Elder in the clan, the boy could not own it that easily. That was because a spatial ring could be as expensive as two to three thousand monster crystal coins…

Tong-Kuang: “Is that a spatial ring, sir?”

“That’s right. But its space is only about two pings (6.6 meters). It’s not that spacious.”

Two pings!

Tong-Kuang: “Two pings are a lot, young master! That size is already very expensive. A one-ping spatial ring is priced at about 15,000 monster crystal coins. So, the two-ping one should be about twenty to thirty thousand monster crystal coins!”

“Twenty to thirty thousand monster crystal coins!?”

Zheng-Fu was a little shocked to hear the real price of the spatial ring that he was wearing. He never thought that it would be this expensive. He earlier thought that if he could sell his pills, he would be able to buy a spatial ring himself. But it turned out that he was completely wrong because the money that he got from selling his pills was less than half of the real price of this spatial ring…

Tong-Kuang just realized that Zheng-Fu did not know the real price of the spatial ring that he owned, judging from the amazement on his face…

Tong-Kuang: “I think you should not let anyone see you wear it because it might attract attention…”

“I supposed so. Well, let’s not talk about it. We have to sleep here tonight. Let’s get back tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir!”

Tong-Kuang stayed up all night to guard Zheng-Fu. When the morning came, they both rushed back to the clan. When they reached the clan’s estate, Zheng-Fu found that everyone was looking for him because he did not return home the whole night…

Tang-Ling and Kong-Shi could not stay put because of his disappearance. Tong-Tieng, Tong-Lang, Sue-Wu, Hai-Gu, and Hai-Gang were worried as well. When Zheng-Fu appeared in front of them, everyone rushed to talk to him…

Tang-Ling: “Where have you been, Zheng-Fu!?”


Kong-Shi: “Are you alright, Zheng-Fu!?”

“I’m fine, father! Mother!”

Sniff! Sniff!

Tong-Lang: “I can smell a monster!”

“A monster!?”

Sue-Wu: “That’s right. A monster’s smell. Why do you smell like a monster, boy!?”

When everyone heard that, they all turned to look at Zheng-Fu. They noticed that there was a dry bloodstain on Zheng-Fu’s outfit…

“Well, I…”

Hai-Gu: “Hey! Bodyguard! What happened? How come there was a bloodstain on his outfit?”

Tong-Kuang: “With all due respect, Elder Hai-Gu… Um…”

“Tong-Kuang had nothing to do with this. This bloodstain did come from a monster. I forced brother Tong-Kuang to go practice martial arts in the forest. We got attacked by a monster there, but luckily, brother Tong-Kuang saved me. Without him, I wouldn’t be standing here now.”

Tong-Lang: “Is that so?”

Zheng-Fu turned to wink at Tong-Kuang to give him a signal to go along with his story. Seeing that, Tong-Kuang knew what to do…

Tong-Kuang: “Respectable Elder, it’s my fault that the young master had to be attacked by a monster. Good thing that the monster was of a lower level, so I could take care of it easily…”

Hai-Gu: “Don’t let this happen again next time, got it!?”

Tong-Kuang: “Yes, sir!”

Tong-Tieng was startled by Tong-Kuang and the utmost respect that he had for Zheng-Fu. He knew that Tong-Kuang’s energy level was not lower than the adults there, but he still gave a lot of respect to everyone…

Tong-Tieng: “What’s your name?”

Tong-Kuang: “I am Tong-Kuang, sir!”

Tong-Tieng: “Tong-Kuang? That’s not a bad name. It seems like your energy level is not bad at all. Why do you still work here? Don’t you think it’s better to work as a royal bodyguard?”

Tong-Kuang: “Respectable Elder, I’m happy to be here. Protecting young master Zheng-Fu is something that fulfills me…”

“I see!”

Tong-Tieng only wanted to test Tong-Kuang. He could see only a strong determination in Tong-Kuang’s eyes when he answered the question…

“Father! Mother! Uncle! Masters! I’m very tired. Please let me go take some rest.”

Tang-Ling: “Have you eaten? Do you want me to do something for you to eat?”

“I’m alright, mother. I’ve eaten. Please excuse me. Let’s go brother Tong-Kuang.”

“Yes, sir!”

When Zheng-Fu finished the sentence, he walked away from the group with Tong-Kuang instantly…

Kong-Shi: “Tong-Kuang is truly sincere!”

Tong-Tieng: “I tried to test him there. His eyes were full of determination when he answered my question…”

Hai-Gu: “I don’t know where he’s from, but I think we can trust him…”

Tong-Lang: “That bodyguard’s energy is about my level. No. It might be higher than mine!”

Sue-Wu: “I know him. He had been protecting me for many years. We can trust him…”

Everyone in that group was talking about Tong-Kuang while watching him and Zheng-Fu disappeared to their places. Both Zheng-Fu and Tong-Kuang went straight to their rooms to clean up and change. Tong-Kuang came to see Zheng-Fu as soon as he got himself ready…