Gathering the Lower-Level Qi Energy Stones Part II

The result was those men from the four influential clans got injured severely by Zheng-Fu. He did not want to kill them. He only hurt them just to warn the four influential clans not to do it again…

At the hall of the Jia clan…

“They have become too much. Don’t they respect us, influential clans? How come they could dare like this!?” One of the Elders of the Jia clan spoke…

“That’s right. The Tian-Tang clan has become too big even though they were only in the fifth rank.” Another Elder from the Jia clan said while feeling angry…

“No need to worry, everyone! I’d not let them continue doing this. And that Zheng-Fu person, we must know who he is.” Jia-Tong-Kong said while having a cunning smile on his face…

At the hall of the Mo clan…

“The warriors that we sent to hunt the monsters came back injured badly.” One of the Elders of the Mo clan said while making a stressful facial expression…