Take Them All


After separating from Lei-Dong, Zheng-Fu headed back in the right direction that he was in before meeting Lei-Dong. When looking at the map, he found out that the spot that he had been to had disappeared from the map…

“I guess these spots in the map represented magical traps. When that giant rock was destroyed, the spot on the map disappeared.” Zheng-Fu said while trying to make sense of the spots on the map…

Zheng-Fu began to understand the spell patterns better too. He had developed a way to utilize those spots too. However, he had to test whether what he thought was right. So, he aimed to the place where the next spot was…

“Hurry up, Jin-Tian. Come on!”



Even though Jin-Tian’s energy level was lower than his, it could catch up with Zheng-Fu well. And that was because Jin-Tian was the kind of monster that was good at speed. Zheng-Fu, however, did not use maximum speed too. He wanted to wait for Jin-Tian…