An Unusually Peaceful Swamp

After getting rid of the bandits’ bodies, Tong-Kuang started to take care of the valuable things that Ga-Mu-Long forced people to give him to pass the toll booth. Things ranged from a hundred thousand monster crystal coins to five thousand lower-level Qi energy stones…

There were also countless lower-level armor and weapons. A few of them were of the mid-level…

“The pervert probably collected these things for many years. Look how much they are.” Yan-Yu said while staring at the pile of treasures…

“Yeah! And they got to get laid a lot too. It makes me feel quite jealous of them somehow!” Ji-Zhung-Gong said with jealousy…

“Alright! We still have to do a lot. Our mission is to seize their Cave of the Immortals. I don’t want you to focus on these treasures. Why don’t you two take these treasures back to our clan? And then we’ll start moving forward tomorrow.” Tong-Kuang said firmly…

“Yes, brother Tong-Kuang!”

Back at the Forbidden Forest of the Tian-Tang clan…