Real or Unreal

After a while, Qi-Da-Tang could bring himself back together. He looked at Zheng-Fu with a questioning eye and said…

“So, are you saying that Qi-Fu-Er is in the Holy Ancient Continent?”

Zheng-Fu nodded in reply to Qi-Da-Tang’s question. The answer made Qi-Da-Tang even more confused and full of questions. He did not see how his sister could be in the Holy Ancient Continent. She had been missing for a long time. And he had been trying to look for her but had not succeeded. Meeting Zheng-Fu and hearing her name from him made him feel angry because he wanted to find her…

“Then you must take me to see her now!” Qi-Da-Tang slowly got up while pressuring Zheng-Fu to take him to Qi-Fu-Er…

“I don’t think I can do that because I don’t know how to get out of here,” Zheng-Fu said while shrugging his shoulders in despair…