I’ll Take Them All


As the three entered the vault, Na-Lan cried out of joy with widened eyes when she saw the inside of the vault. It was not a big room, but it was decorated beautifully with a red carpet, which made the room look quite exquisite. The room was filled with cupboards that displayed one weapon per cupboard…

“This room is very beautiful, uncle Xuan-Hai,” Na-Lan said while putting her hands together and resting them on her chin. She was very happy…

“Of course, Na-Lan. I love this room with all my heart. Not only is it full of my masterpieces, but it is also full of my soul and pride,” Xuan-Hai said with a happy smile when he explained the vault…

Zheng-Fu remained calm, despite seeing the vault. He did not have to jump up and down like a kid seeing toys because he knew that the weapons in the room were not that great. He even knew the level of these weapons even before he entered the room…