The Blossom Swords Sect (4)


A horrifying roar occurred, followed by the appearance of a huge entity in front of the two Elders. It was two and a half meters tall, and it was Jin-Tian. Zheng-Fu decided to let Jin-Tian out of the crystal dimension to help him deal with the two Elders from Green Land because he knew that he could not deal with the two by himself easily…

As Zheng-Fu let out Jin-Tian from the crystal dimension, he was startled when he felt that Jin-Tian had an energy breakthrough when he was in the crystal dimension. Jin-Tian had now turned into the monster of the Immortal stage…

“The monster of the Immortal stage!”

The two Elders from Green Land shouted in fear when they realized what was in front of them. They were not scared of Jin-Tian’s height but his energy level. They were barely surviving with only Jin-Tian's pressure energy.…
