Ambush the Transport Convoy


Howl! Howl! Hoooowl!!!

The Brown Wind Fox Monster changed from threatening to howling as if wanting to say something. But Zheng-Fu could not know what it was saying. So, he could only stand there in dumb awe because they did not understand each other.

“I don't understand what you said. I'm not a dog!!!” Zheng-Fu said with a frown, for he could not understand its language.

Howl! Howl! Hoooowl!!!

However, the Fox Monster was still trying to howl. But when it saw that Zheng-Fu was standing there with a puzzled look on his face, it stopped howling and walked back to the injured Fox Monster, then licked the wound of that monster beast.

"Oh! You want me to heal the wound, is that so?”