The Noah Zeppelin Plan

After the second day of the manoeuver ended, everyone dispersed to their homes and accommodations immediately. With such a large number of people, today the entire city was still as bustling as ever, especially in the hidden alley areas where beautiful girls came to help loosen the fatigues of young men, which seemed to be busier than any day, including the brothel as well.

Inside the tavern, accommodation for the Tian-Tang Clan...

“Come on, cheers! Bottoms up!!!”

Crank!!! (Think of it as the sound of Chinese liquor cups colliding.)

“In the next round of the manoeuver, our Tian-Tang Clan’s going to win anyway. So today we have to celebrate a bit... Let's take it to the max!”

“Hey... Take it to the max!? And like this, will you be able to go and see the manoeuver tomorrow?”

"Hehe... That's right, I said it without thinking!!"

Ha ha ha!!!!!