Hey, Let Me See Your Skills, Kid!

The young man's underlings, given the order, immediately surrounded Ba-Xie and Zheng-Fu with a ruthless face, staring at both of them and preparing to deal with them. Since they were just kids, they did not show any fearful expressions. But suddenly...



A violent wave of energy emitted from Ba-Xie exploded. This caused the young man's underlings to instantly turn pale in shock because the level of energy they could sense was much stronger than theirs.

“H... High level of the Golden Core stage!!?” One of the young man's underlings exclaimed, staring at Ba-Xie in disbelief.

High level of the Golden Core stage!?

Not just the young men's underlings, but even the group of the Third Prince and General Guan-Yang-Sen's men were shocked. They did not expect that such a young kid would be at this high level. But the Third Prince soon regained his composure and stared at Ba-Xie and then at Zheng-Fu to explore him.