Before Saying Anything, You Should Think Carefully

“Hello, all visitors. May I ask what business you have with me!?”


“When did you come!?”

An exclamation sounded in shock when they heard the voice and saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of them before all of them instinctively stepped back to prepare.

“Hey, hey, hey! Calm down. Why are you in your fighting stance?” The person in front of this group of people who shot the question out was Zheng-Fu. He had used the top level of the Identity Erase skill, rushing up here with the most speed to shock this group of people.

Before, he was unable to sense the identities of these people because he was concentrating on studying the Noah Zeppelin Plan, causing his senses to be less effective. But when he regained his focus, he could clearly recognize them. And even knowing the identity of these people, he was still quite shocked.