The Enemy's Strength Reduction Plan (1)

“Respect, Sectmaster Dong!!!”

“Respect, Sectmaster Dong!!!”

As soon as Yao-Xiang, Master Leader of the Apothecary Association, agreed, he immediately knelt on one knee and clasped his hands together, respecting Dong-Kuang as the sectmaster, which Director Yang-Qin and the other elders followed as well.

"Get up, please, everyone... Master Yao, the Apothecary Association of In-See City has now become part of the Beyond Earth Sect, so you'll be in charge of the Grand Senior Master of Sect Medicine Hall,” Dong-Kuang waved his hand, telling everyone to stand up and consigning the position to Yao-Xiang as Grand Senior Master of Sect Medicine Hall.

Dong-Kuang then turned to Director Yang-Qin before speaking, “As for Director Yang, you will be assigned the role of the Second Senior Master of Sect Medicine Hall, but you will still be called ‘Director’ because you will be in charge of managing the sales of Medicine Pill Hall outside the sect as well.”