The Horde of Serpent Monsters Onyx Armor Chameleons

Inside the grand commander's tent...

Bang!!! (The sound of hitting the table)

“Why did something like this happen? Can someone tell me how this happened? And where is that bastard beast that killed Right Deputy Commander... Augh!” said the grand commander, very angrily and furiously as he spat out a huge mouthful of blood as he had been injured in the battle with those Immortal monster beasts.

“Um... We can't find it, sir!!”

“Can't find it!!? How is it possible to not find it!? You hurriedly ordered the soldiers to go out and search around the forest. I can't believe that you guys can't find it!”

“Commander, I guess we shouldn't do that because if we send someone to search in the forest, it might…”

"So, what do you want me to do…? You're telling me to let go of it? What about the death of the right deputy commander? Don't you think it's important enough for us to take revenge on him?”