Confessing the Truth

After everyone had chewed Substance-Dissolving Grass, they did not hesitate to immediately deal with the food that was in front of them. Especially the three young men who had never eaten such a good meal before, so they ate to their fullest.

As for Hai-Dong and Elder Hai-Tu, they did not care much about the food other than marinated beef, crispy fried monster beast tendon, and fine black liquor.


“E ood are o ery ummy. Nom! Nom!!!” Song-Lun spoke up while chewing until the tone of his voice sounded indistinct. As for the other two young men, their feelings were not different. But they did not dare to speak; they just kept their heads down and ate.

As for Zheng-Fu, he also did not choose to eat anything other than a large jar of red liquor that emitted a seductive aroma. (Of course, it was mixed with hallucinogens. How could it not be seductive?) He drank to his satisfaction. And soon, he sensed that the young man who pretended to be him was coming back upstairs.