Casting the Defense Spell Around the Clan (1)

“Little Zheng-Fu!”



“Uncle, Auntie, what did you say just now?” Hai-Gang, next to the two, asked after he heard them call Zheng-Fu's name.

“We can sense Little Zheng-Fu outside of this residence,” Tian-Tang-Ling said with a happy expression, looking out in the direction of the residence door.

“Can you feel Young Brother Zheng-Fu? Or is the sound happening outside the action of…”


As Hai-Gang was speaking, the door of the main residence that had been sealed by a tight spell suddenly opened, and a figure slowly walked in before it stopped, looking at the people inside this great hall with eyes filled with sorrow...

“Little Zheng!”


“Nephew Zheng-Fu!”

The person who entered was Zheng-Fu. After finishing the deal with the black-robed men, Zheng-Fu immediately loosened the spell guarding the main residence before opening the door and stepping in to look for his father and mother.