The decision to go to switserland. Had not been made on a whim. It toook Khun Ddiaw over six months to find a college and get a visa. Everything went well to the point he cold finally book the plane ticket.
And now he is waiting in the the first class lounge ready to board the plane.
It's the right decision he kept telling himself over and over again. Of course, he was sad they would not meet again after this day. He wouldn't get to see the deep frown of the a man annoyed with everything in the world. Still sadness urged him to start a new life. No one would choose to be sad forever… Khun Diaw wanted to stop crying.
The engagement with hia yi came with a dozen pages of condititions. Khun diaw had first signed the contracts when he was 18 a lawyer clarifying every condition one byone.
There engagment was all for thesake of the buisnesses. He was forbidden to meddle interfere betray or damage them and had to stay in his own place.
Right then he realise hia yi didn't want to marry a person he wanted to marry a doll.