The tension was so high in the room after Sofia appeared that you could almost cut it with a knife, or so it seemed.

"Well, aren't you going to give your little sister a hug?" Sofia asked with her arms stretched out.

Sarah walked up towards her and stared into her little sister's eyes as the atmosphere became awkward. Then to everyone's surprise Sarah gave her sister a very welcoming smile.

"It's good to see you too, little sister." Sarah said as she stretched out her hands and hugged her.

"I can't believe it's been 10 years since we've seen or spoken to each's Justin?" Sofia asked as they both pulled away from their embrace.

"Unhappy as always; how's my favorite niece?" Sarah inquired.

"Too happy, always, and she's your only niece." Sofia replied while trying not to laugh.

"Which is why she's my favorite." Sarah continued as they both started cracking up.

"But honestly, Chloe is doing good; since we're on the topic of our kids, I still don't like how things ended 12 years ago, just leaving you and Justin like that." Sofia revealed feeling a bit of guilt.

"No....don't take the blame for this, we both agreed that it would be safer for both our kids, all of our kids, if we all cut ties with each other after what happened that day." Sarah reassured her.

"Yeah....even if that meant letting Justin think that I didn't want be in his life and that I didn't want Chloe to have anything to do with him." Sofia spoke with a glum look on her face.

" I don't like it either but its for their protection, which is why our kids cant be near each other." Sarah explained.

"Cough!" Director Stone cleared his throat as they had forgotten that he was there.

"Oh hi Jayce, sorry, was just excited to see Sarah again." Sofia apologized as she hugged him.

"Yeah its good to see you too.....but about our kids not being near each other, Amethyst and Chloe are actually going to the same school as Justin." Director Stone murmured knowing that Sarah would be upset about this.

"Oh, well I guess you forgot to mention that little detail when you convinced me to move back with Justin." Sarah confronted, a bit of rage evident in her voice.

"I knew how you'd react, but I'm being honest with you now." Director Stone explained.

"Are the other five children here too?" Sarah asked hoping that the answer was no.

"No, their parents took them and left New York ten years ago and I haven't seen or heard from them since." He reassured.

"Good, Justin never mentioned that Chloe was here." Sarah stated.

" Chloe never mentioned anything about Justin either." Sofia added.

Sarah then went to speak to Justin but he was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Justin?" Sarah asked concerned at his absence.

"He left not too long ago; he was meeting someone but he didn't say where he was going." Jones replied.

"Is everything alright Sarah?" Kate asked.

"Yeah, am I fine." Sarah replied.

"I wonder if he's meeting with her?" Sarah asked herself.


"So you got your powers from some cube thing at the same time that the beam of light shot up into the sky, that was all you?" Chloe asked as she and Justin were sitting on the rooftop of Justin's house eating pizza.

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Justin replied as he gave Chloe the explanation he promised.

"So this energy you generate, I already know it makes you fast, and can fly.....what else can you do?" Chloe inquired.

"Well I'm super strong and I have heightened senses." Justin replied.

"Cool, who else knows?, am I the only one who does know?, wait...does your mom know?" Chloe asked, one question after the other.

"Um, 1) I can't tell you who else knows , 2) no you're not the only one and finally, yes Sarah knows; anything else you want to know?" Justin asked.

"Yes, but first....we need more pizza." She replied while laughing.

"Wait what?!, you finished it already?, I only took two slices." Justin replied, shocked at his cousin's appetite.

"Whoops." Chloe voiced as they started to laugh.

Suddenly, rain began to fall heavily.

"Let's get inside."Justin spoke.

"No need to tell me twice." Chloe said while she followed Justin back through his bedroom window as the sudden weather change got worse as lightning and thunder followed.


"Sir, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it appears that our latest test subject was another failure, well...dead would be more accurate." Otto reported, who worked directly under the man in the shadows.

"Damn it! I was wondering why I didn't get an update from him, and I thought this one had so much potential, what happened?" The man in the shadows asked in disappointment.

"From what I've discovered from monitoring the fight, the nuclear power that was inside Tony began to grow exponentially when it came in contact with the boy's energy which caused Tony to go critical." Otto explained.

"Luckily I've already found another promising subject, he actually volunteered for this, but I'm afraid that the energy is almost completely finished, honestly I'm surprised it lasted almost 12 years, especially with all the failures we've had in that time like this one." Otto replied while dragging the body of the newest failure out to dispose of it." said Otto.

The body was that of a female and she was bleeding from her eyes, nose, ears, mouth and nails like all of the other failures they've had.

"And even though Brody and Tony were the only successes we've ever had, they still lost to the boy." Otto continued.

"So we can't afford any more failures then." The man said.

"But sir, we only have enough energy left for one more trial, if it turns out another failure...your plans will never come into fruition; I still suggest that we save it until we acquire more energy to proceed with the experiments." Otto tried to deliver wise counsel.

"I do admire your devotion to my cause, fine, I won't be hunting the founding members this time; instead I'll be acquiring more energy, bring him in." the man said.

Two henchmen entered the room manhandling a man with a blindfold on.

"Leave us." the man said to the henchmen as Otto pulled the blindfold off this stranger.

"What's your name?" the man asked with his voice modulated which added to his intimidation while remaining in the shadows not revealing his identity.

"Aiden." the stranger replied.

"I heard about you, they call you the shadow man cause you always stay in the shadows and no one knows what you look like, I didn't think you were real though." Aiden continued.

"The shadow man?, hmmm.....I like it." The man replied, sounding pleased at this name.

"So....Aiden, are you ready to begin?" the shadow man asked.

"Yeah, let's do this." Aiden replied with great enthusiasm.

"Good, step into the pod." the shadow man instructed.

The pod is the machine developed by Otto that all test subjects like Brody and Tony went inside to get their powers. The pod had injectors on each side with wires at the back connecting it to a containment unit that stores the last of the energy that is the key to give the subjects powers.

Aiden climbed into the pod and the door shut behind him.

"This one will be different from the rest Otto, I just know it." He continued.

"And why's that sir?" asked Otto.

"Because this time, I can create certain conditions to give him the power of my choosing. The boy defeated Brody and Tony, let's see how he does against an enemy that's too fast for him to catch." The shadow man replied.

"Did you get the nitrous oxide like I asked?" he asked.

"Yeah, bring it in boys." Otto ordered the henchmen.

The henchmen brought in two canisters of nitrous oxide in its liquid form and placed them gently on the ground.

"Excellent; connect them to the injectors at each side of the pod." the shadow man instructed.

"I'm afraid I don't understand why you needed the nitrous oxide sir" Otto spoke as he was getting ready to commence the experiment.

"Well it has a lot of uses, including enhancing the speed of cars when heat is applied; imagine it enhancing the speed of a human." The shadow man explained.

"But won't that only work in an engine?" asked Otto.

"The human body is basically a heat engine, but we are going to require more heat than what the body can naturally provide." The shadow man stated.

"We might be out of luck then since we don't have any heating systems here, and since it's night we can't use solar power from the sun." Otto informed me.

"Who needs the sun when lightning burns five times hotter than the sun,....lightning which mother nature has conveniently provided." said the shadow man as he was drawing Otto's attention to the thunderstorm going on outside.

"I've already placed a lightning rod on the roof and connected it to the machine so this experiment should prove successful." The shadow man continued.

"Genius." Otto praised in amazement as he walked away.

"Hey, where're you going?" asked Aiden from inside the pod.

"Oh, I'm just keeping a safe distance, this could be deadly, but I'm sure you'll be fine." Otto answered nonchalantly.

"DEADLY?!!!, on second thought I changed my mind, get me out of this thing." Aiden started to panic as he began banging his fists on the glass.

As Otto switched on the machine, the injectors at the side started entering the pod and began injecting the nitrous oxide inside Aiden's body.

"Ugh!!" Aiden groaned.

"Now we wait." said the shadow man.

Almost immediately, a lightning bolt struck the rod and the electricity was sent directly to the machine.

"AGGHHHH!!!" Aiden began screaming in agony.

The entire thing was like a scene from a Frankenstein movie.

"Now." said the shadow man as Otto flipped a switch causing another set of injectors to make their way inside Aiden's body which were carrying the last of the unknown energy from its containment unit, causing these three elements to mix together.

"Ugh!" Aiden groaned as he fell to the floor after stepping out of the machine.

"How do you feel?" the shadow man asked as Aiden stood up.

"I feel.....incredible." Aiden replied.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Aiden as he was just trying to take a step forward when all of sudden he found himself at the other end of the room before they even realized what happened.

In his disbelief, Aiden started to run around the room at an incredible speed.

"I could get used to this." Aiden spoke, getting excited about his new found abilities.

"It seems your calculations were precise sir, and he's not showing signs of rejection." Otto pointed out noticing that Aiden wasn't bleeding from his eyes, ears, mouth or anywhere else.

"Good, I'm glad that you're enjoying your new gifts that were given to you, but now I need something from you." The shadow man said as he was about to propose his ultimatum.

"What do you need me to do?" Aiden asked with a grin on his face.


"As I was saying last night, I think you need to get a different suit, I mean black is Cool and all but I think you need something with a brighter color, oh you'll need a superhero name." Chloe told Justin as they were walking to school.

"I'll think about it." Justin replied amused by Chloe's enthusiasm about Justin's new life.

"Wait, what about a cape?" Chloe suggested.

"No way, I'm not wearing a cape, it'll probably look stupid." Justin voiced as he shut down the idea.

"I'm just saying, superheroes wear capes." Chloe added as she shrugged.

"That's the thing, I don't want to be a superhero, I might have powers but I don't want to save the world; I'm just trying to protect my mom." Justin replied in honesty.

"Oh, ok." Chloe accepted.

"Are you going to tell Max and Kade about any of this?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, eventually, but I don't know when that will be." Justin answered.

"What about Amethyst?" Chloe asked with a smirk on her face.

"No, I can't tell her, I'm trying to keep her out of all this." Justin replied, trying to honor his promise to Director Stone.

"Why?" asked Chloe.

"Um,...I can't tell you." Justin answered.

"Well, speaking of Max and Kade, do you want to come to the movies with us tonight?" Chloe asked.

"Um,...sure, I'll go." Justin replied.

"Great, this could be a good chance for all of us to get closer." Chloe voiced in a cheery tone.

"Oh wait, I just remembered I need to check something out at the bank, you mind a little detour." asked Chloe as they were walking passed the bank.

"Sure, we have time before school starts." Justin replied as he followed her inside.

Justin and Chloe were standing in a line waiting at one of the tellers when some kind of blur rushed in and raced around before stopping and everyone realized it was just a man. It was Aiden, no doubt doing whatever he was told to do as the customers became frightened.

"It's okay people, it's just a little robbery, nothing to be afraid long as you do what I say." Aiden spoke, intimidating everyone.

"Freeze.....Huh?" a security spoke as he reached for his gun only to realize that it was gone.

"What?, where is it?" the other security guard asked as he too realized that his gun was gone as well.

"Looking for these?!" Aiden asked as he lifted both his hands and waved the very same guns around which he must have taken when he raced in.

"Everybody get down on the ground,....Now!" Aiden ordered.

One of the tellers attempted to press the hidden panic button underneath her desk which would've made the police aware of their predicament.

"Don't even think about it." said Aiden as he appeared behind her while pointing the gun at the back of her head.

"I know you said you don't want to be a hero, but we could really use one right about now." Chloe whispered to Justin.

"Yeah alright." Justin muttered under his breath sounding annoyed.

Justin did his best to stealthily sneak away from the crowd to the bathroom so he could change into his suit which was conveniently under his clothes, and his mask.

"Come on, hurry and open the vault." Aiden instructed his hostages.

" You know if you wanted to take out a loan, there are a lot more easy ways to do so." Justin spoke up as he appeared behind Aiden.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." Aiden yawned as he turned around.

"What?!,... .who are you?" Justin asked, realizing that this stranger was waiting on him.

"Hmmm, I'd tell you, but I think I need a new name to go with these powers." Aiden said as he was coming up with a new name.

"Call me.......Speed Demon." Aiden introduced with a smirk.

"They're giving themselves code names now, great." Justin spoke sarcastically.

Justin used his speed to catch him. But as he was about to catch him, he moved, almost faster than Justin's eyes could track.

"You're fast, but not fast enough." Aiden mocked.

"I'd asked how you got your powers but I think I already know who gave them to you." Justin voiced surprise by how much faster Aiden was.

"Forget about that, I'm curious to know which one of us is faster,........let's go for a run." Aiden challenged as he dashed out of the bank with Justin on his tail.

Aiden raced through the streets of Manhattan while Justin was struggling to keep up with him. Realizing that running was futile, Justin started to fly, which would give him a better chance of catching him but stayed close to the ground. Justin soon managed to catch up with him.

Thinking he'd won, Justin reached out his hand to grab hold of him to stop him from running. However, Aiden then looked behind him and saw that Justin was about to catch him and smirked at him as he increased his speed until he left Justin's field of vision. Justin tiredly flew up hoping to see him by being at a higher altitude, but he was gone.


In the aftermath of the attempted bank robbery, police soon appeared at the bank and began to question witnesses. Captain Sting was taking statements from the customers and employees but as soon as Chloe spotted him , she attempted to quickly sneak away from the scene but Captain Sting spotted her.

"Going somewhere Ms. Hunter?" Captain Sting called out.

"Yeah, school." Chloe answered as she reluctantly turned to face him.

" I'm already really late as it is, plus I already told one of your officers what happened." she continued.

"Several eyewitnesses say that there were two Individuals here with powers, the one who was doing the robbing didn't even take the money, and the other one seems to keep showing up in fights with individuals with powers." Captain Sting spoke.

"You mean the guy who you falsely accused my cousin of being and wrongfully arrested him?!" Chloe asked sarcastically.

"Yeah him, was Justin here with you?" asked Captain Sting, getting straight to the point.

"No, he wasn't here; he's probably at school, where I should be right now so if you'd excuse me." Chloe said rudely as she proceeded to turn her back to him and walked away.

"Tell your cousin I'll be seeing him soon." Captain Sting shouted after her retreating figure.

Chloe turned around and glared at him for a second realizing that he might not be convinced that Justin might not have nothing to do with this and then continued to walk away.

Chloe took out her phone to call Justin but it rang without an answer.

"Justin, call me back when you get this." Chloe spoke realizing they might have a huge problem on their hands.


"Hey Kate, can I get the blood samples you collected from Justin, and the samples you took from Brody while he was unconscious, I'm just running a few more tests." Jones requested as he walked into the medical bay.

"Sure, anything in particular that you're testing for?" asked Kate, who is the A.D.A's medical specialist.

"It's just a theory, but I'll let you know if I find anything." Jones answered.

Jones noticed something strange but familiar in Tony's DNA and thought it was peculiar that Tony exploded when he made physical contact with Justin, so he investigated further.

Jones put samples of Justin's blood, Tony's blood and Brody's blood under three separate microscopes, and he was shocked at what he found. Justin's cells were mutated as a result of his exposure to the cube so most of his blood cells appeared blue when Jones looked at it through the microscope.

Brody's and Tony's blood cells looked similar to Justin's although only a handful of their cells were blue and weren't mutated as much as Justin's; but unfortunately this meant that the source of all three of their powers were the same.

"No!, I was afraid of this." Jones spoke.

"Afraid of what?" asked Sarah as she and Director Stone walked into the lab.

"I've got some bad news." said Jones as his tone of voice changed.

"Guys, we have a problem." Justin spoke as he flew in.

"Justin?, shouldn't you be in school?!" Sarah asked rhetorically.

"What's going on?" Director Stone asked in confusion.

Justin started to explain everything from him going to the bank to him fighting Speed Demon.

"Great, first Brody then Tony and now this guy; wait, what were you doing at the bank?" Sarah asked.

"Umm,....I....I was thinking of opening an account." Justin replied as he came up with a lie to avoid having to tell her about Chloe.

"Ok then." Sarah said knowing that he was not telling her something.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you guys about, I think I figured out how this 'shadow man' is giving people powers." Jones spoke up and he began explaining to them how he came to his discovery.

"So if all three of their powers came from the same source ... .that means Brody and Tony also got their powers from the cube's energy, but how?" asked Sarah after Jones had finished explaining.

"I haven't figured that part out yet, but Brody and Tony weren't exposed to the cubes energy as much as Justin was; and its safe to say this Speed Demon got his powers the same way they did.

"Well that would explain why Tony exploded after he made physical contact, their energy must have resonated somehow, causing him to go nuclear.

"And it also means that this shadow man managed to get a hold of some of Joe's research...." Director Stone revealed.

"And is continuing with my dad's old experiments nearly 12 years later, only this time they're succeeding." Justin added as he continued Director Stone's statement.

"The good news is that this shadow man must be running out of energy which would explain why he made Brody kidnap Sarah so that we would hand it over to him." Jones continued.

As they were talking amongst each other, some of the agents were transporting some crates into the facility and Aiden, who was waiting for an opening, dashed through the doors before they closed. Justin quickly placed his mask back on his face before Aiden saw him. Justin started to power up in preparation for another fight.

"Oh, hello again." Aiden spoke while smiling arrogantly.

"As much as I would like to have another race with you, I have a little job to do first; so you mind handing over the cube so I can be on my way" Aiden continued.

"If you want the cube, you're going to have to go through all of us." Director Stone voiced as every agent had their guns out and pointed at him.

"Ok, if that's all it takes." Aiden said while smiling.

Aiden began zipping around the agents and knocking the agents to the floor unconscious.

"Well, that wasn't so hard." Aiden said while still smiling arrogantly.

"Okay here's the plan, Sarah, you get the cube and keep it safe while Justin, Jones and I keep him distracted." Director Stone suggested.

"Got it." Sarah agreed.

Justin charged at Aiden but he dodged him.

"Seriously, haven't we already established that I'm faster than you?" Aiden spoke with overconfidence.

"Now Sarah." Director Stone instructed as Sarah ran out without Aiden noticing.

Director Stone and Jones kept shooting at him until they completely ran out of bullets and Aiden dodged everyone of them as he was out running Justin at every turn and it went on like this for a couple minutes.

Both Justin and Aiden came to a stop.

"Ready to give up?" asked Aiden.

"Go to hell." Justin spat a bit out of breath.

"Wait, weren't there four of you." Aiden asked rhetorically.

Realizing that they were just distracting him, Aiden started zooming around the base looking for the cube.

"Damn, where'd he go?" asked Justin as he took his eyes off him for a second.

"Heads up Sarah, he might be coming your way." Director Stone said to Sarah over the comms.

Aiden ended up at a room and the door was open. As he walked in he noticed a metal crate with the lid open. Thinking that he finally found the cube, he went to look inside it, and to his surprise it was empty. Sarah was hiding close by holding the cube in her hands. The cube was in a metal case for protection since touching it with bare hands is extremely dangerous.

Aiden pulled out a phone and dialed a number.

"Yeah, I'm sorry but it doesn't seem like the cube's here."

"Fine, looks like we'll have to go with plan b, the boy, bring him to me, and don't fail me." the shadow man instructed on the other side of the call.

"Understood." Aiden replied.

Justin was on his way to the room when Aiden ran past him in the opposite direction but Justin needed to make sure that his mother was safe.

"Mom!" Justin shouted.

"I'm alright." Sarah spoke.

"Good, he ran past me on my way here, but I'm not letting him escape this time." Justin said with determination as he went after Aiden/Speed Demon.

When Justin arrived outside he saw Aiden, he was standing there with a smirk on his face. Then he just ran off and Justin followed him.

Knowing that on feet he could hope to keep up with him, he immediately started flying. Aiden and Justin zoomed almost all over Manhattan, but every time that Justin caught up to him, he would increase his speed leaving Justin to try to lessen the distance between them over and over again.

Justin realized that the only chance he had of catching him was if he used all the energy he had. As Justin proceeded with his plan, blue energy started emanating from his body and he was flying at an incredible speed and he continued doing it for a while.

The sound that was coming from them was very loud like that of an high speed aircraft, causing some windows of cars and buildings that they flew by to either crack or shatter all together and cars turned over on their side.

"Hey Justin, what are you doing ?, your energy reserves are dripping rapidly, you need to stop." Jones spoke over the comms.

"I'm almost there." said Justin as he caught up with Aiden.

The grin on Aiden face left as he realized that Justin hand was mere inches away from grabbing him, and he was already running at top speed. Suddenly, as Justin pushed himself beyond his limits, he fell to the ground after abruptly losing velocity and altitude. Justin tried to fly but could only levitate three feet in the air and then fell to the ground again. Justin then realized that his other powers wouldn't work either.

"Oh no, Jones, my powers, I can barely feel them." said Justin as he started to panic.

"Your reserves all almost completely depleted; you need to get out of there now, you can't fight the way you are." Jones insisted.

"Out of juice?!, I was hoping you would just tire yourself out so I could easily kick your ass, but you running out of power is even better; unfortunately for you, I still have some left." said Aiden as he grabbed Justin and began running all over city, dragging Justin across the asphalt behind him. After that, Aiden began to deliver a barrage of high speed punches, knocking Justin out and leaving Justin's face bloodied.

Justin threw a punch at Aiden bursting his lip, but it was no more painful than a punch from a normal person.

"Ouch,.....if it makes you feel any better, I did feel that." said Aiden trying to patronize him as he wiped the blood from his lip.

Justin, injured and almost out of power, realized that this was pointless, so he tried to fly away.

"And where are you going?" Aiden wondered as he began to follow him.

"Justin you really need to think of something and fast, pun intended." said Jones.

"Well, do you have any bright ideas?" Justin asked.

"Nothing's coming to me at the moment." Jones replied.

"You really picked the wrong time to be useless," said Justin.

"Wow, that's cold." Jones replied feeling insulted.

"Wait,...... .that's it, speed and heat go hand in hand, they're influenced by each other, which means that intense cold is the way to stop him." said Justin as he was brainstorming.

"Of course, that's a great idea but where are you going to find that?" asked Jones.

"I think I just found a place." said Justin as he flew across an industrial gas factory which was luckily closed for the day and so he flew inside and Aiden followed him.

"Alright, as fun as the chase was, I think it's about time I stopped wasting time, or else I'll be in big trouble if I don't take you with me." Aiden said as he walked through the doors.

"The hell?!, why is it so cold here?" Aiden asked since Justin set the thermostat to zero degrees.

"Lets not make this any harder on yourself, stop hiding, I promise I won't hurt you......much." said Aiden as he proceeded to walk around.

While Aiden wasn't looking, Justin doused him with liquid nitrogen which was the coldest thing that Justin thought of using. The intense coldness of the room enhanced the liquid nitrogen's effect, covering him in ice.

"I think it's about time you chill out." said Justin as Aiden's movements became slower.

"Wh,...what,...what the hell is this stuff?" asked Aiden while stammering from the cold with panic in his voice.

"Liquid nitrogen, I won't bore you with the science of it all, you're probably too stupid to understand it anyway; just know that you won't be running for a while." said Justin as he continued to spray him with the nitrogen.

By the time the nitrogen was finished, Aiden was frozen in place and could barely move. Justin dug deep and sent every drop of energy he had left and sent all of it to his right hand, increasing its strength and delivered an uppercut, sending him into the air and knocking him unconscious.

"Justin, you okay?" asked Jones.

"Y,....yeah, jus,...just freezing is all." Justin revealed.

"He's okay." Jones told Sarah and Director Stone.

"Thank god." Sarah spoke.

"Tell Director Stone to expect a new pris,......prisoner " Justin continued.

"That kid is something else.' Director Stone voiced proudly.


"It seems our latest subject has failed us, sir" said Otto as he walked into the room.

"So it would seem, and this one demonstrated such promise, it looks we need to accelerate our plans; its time he and I met, you know what to do.....right Otto?" the shadow man spoke.

"Yes sir, I've just finished creating this little device that I created by using the containment unit as a reference with just a few modifications, to make sure that he comes quietlty." said Otto as he showed the device to him.

"I promise you, the boy will not escape us." Otto replied.


Justin rendezvoused with Chloe so that they both could inform each other what happened after the bank robbery.

"So Sting's looking into me,...again?" asked Justin.

"Yeah, you should really watch your back with him." Chloe suggested as they were on their way to meet Max and Kade to go to the movie.

"Did your powers come back?" asked Chloe.

"Yeah, I guess I'm like a rechargeable battery." Justin replied, joking a bit.

"Good, you had me worried when you said they were gone." Chloe voiced.

"Finally, what took you guys so long?, I was about to leave you guys." Kade spoke up as they arrived at the spot that the four of them were supposed to meet.

"Will you calm down, we're not even that late." Max pointed out.

"Yeah sorry about that." Justin apologized.

As they were walking, Kade started to tell them about everything that he heard went down at the bank this morning, while Justin and Chloe pretended like they knew nothing about it. Then suddenly, a black van drove up beside them and Otto and some henchmen jumped out.

"Um, what's going on here?" asked Kade, realizing that something was about to go down.

"Take the boy." Otto ordered as he pointed at Justin.

"You guys need to get out of here." Justin instructed.

"And what, we're just supposed to leave you here?, sorry, but that ain't me." Max spoke up, his defenses up and ready.

"I wasn't asking, please, you guys need to leave.....Now!" Justin insisted as his eyes and fist started glowing.

"Woah!" Max and Kade exclaimed.

"Yeah, pretty Cool isn't it?!, okay let's go." Chloe voiced as she grabbed their hands and got out of that vicinity but stayed close enough to see what's happening.

"You guys chose the wrong day to pick a fight with me." Justin spoke.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, there'll be no fight." said Otto as he took the device out and pointed it at Justin.

Suddenly all of Justin's energy started to leave his body and was sucked into the device, which left him temporarily powerless.

"Again?!" Justin sighed as he found himself in this less than ideal predicament another time.

The henchmen ganged up on him and tased him until he fell unconscious.

"Well it's like they say, if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself." Otto spoke as the henchmen threw Justin in the back of the van.

"No, Justin!" Chloe called as the van drove off.