Bolt's First Adventure as a Hunter

Dunk picked out a drone and another iPad from the chest. He switched on the drone by clicking a button on the right side of the drone. The whirling fans of the drone kept it afloat after Dunk took off his hand from supporting it. The recent iPad had the controls for the drone. Dunk piloted the drone into the whirlpool that was metres ahead of him.

Inside the dungeon, behind the door of swirling energy, the drone traversed through it silently. Inside this cave, stone golems were walking randomly and ignorant of the foreign object that was silently scouting the cavern. However, the drone did not descend to the last level of the dungeon. Instead, it cast a particle beam into the third level from the second level of the dungeon. The particles bounced back, and it was instantly sent back to the drone controller outside the cave.

Dunk read the information on the control iPad in his hands. He looked up and said to the team,