Ru Zhaozhi looked at Yue Mingkun, who had an expressionless look on his face. His eyes were also looking at the red outline. Fu Guanying, not being a cultivator, didn’t see the outline. Instead, he just looked around.
“Yue Mingkun, you should be just fine by yourself? I can watch over Fu Xia for the time being.” Ru Zhaozhi said to the disciple from Anjing De Hua Sect. He seemed more than offended by that choice, and he glared at the disciple in blue and white.
Ba Yihan noticed how Ru Zhaozhi seemed to naturally take the lead in who should do what. Not that this disciple minded. Ba Yihan happily allowed the other to take the lead, since that meant he could sit back. Tai Xinbing also didn’t appear to mind that choice, and he calmly took the sidelines on that as well. But, Yue Mingkun disliked that choice.
Before Yue Mingkun could oppose the idea, Ru Zhaozhi continued. “We can each take turns for watching Fu Xia, as well as the other staff of the Fu Mansion.”
As Ba Yihan listened to their new leader’s plans, he got lost rather quickly at a certain part. By the look of the outline that would soon lead them to the Ai family’s house, it wasn’t just the Fu Mansion girls that were getting targeted by this ghost. Instead, it was the entire city of Chun Hai. So, shouldn’t the entire city be looked after, not just a few girls?
By the time Ba Yihan spoke up about this, the other three disciples were ready to sunder and go their own separate ways. Ba Yihan stopped the three from leaving by speaking up. “Wait, there is a problem.” He said, keeping his voice low.
Tai Xinbing, his partner in this mission, was the first to speak after Ba Yihan’s reserved voice. “What is wrong?” He asked, his voice concerned. He was also worried that something might go wrong in their plans. They needed to hurry. Talismans tend to burn out after a few minutes. So, Ba Yihan tried to speak quickly.
“Only one of the girls were actually killed from this ghost. That being Fu Fanying. Why should we only protect the Fu Mansion. Should we not place protective talismans on the houses of those affected and unaffected? If for anything, be it safety?” Ba Yihan asked, his voice raising its volume as he spoke to the group.
Ru Zhaozhi looked away and nodded his head in understanding. “You are correct. We must protect the city from another death.” Ru Zhaozhi then turned to Fu Guanying. “When did you, Fu Xia, and Fu Fanying all go out on the boat?”
Fu Guanying, actually having a part in this conversation now, perked up. “During sunset. But we quickly left right after Fu Fanying died. That had to have been by the early morning at least.” He placed a hand to his chest in sorrow, Fu Xia following suit after him.
“So the creature hunts at night. We must put up the talismans right before yueliang time.” Tai Xinbing sculpted out a plan in his mind, before turning to the red outline that stayed there. They only had a couple more minutes. “We must hurry. We will talk to Ai Guiying’s family, then search her body. Yue Mingkun, you must start on the concealing talismans on the houses starting at the beach and moving inland. Then at night, we will go on to look for the creature out in the sea.” Concealing talismans? Would that work?? Concealing talismans work well at hiding a specific building or person from negative energy creatures, like demons, ghosts, and beasts. But, it would take a ton just to protect the city.
Tai Xinbing was ready to move on to the Ai household, as was Ba Yihan, when Fu Xia spoke up brightly.“Wait, young cultivators. There is a celebration for you later tonight. Do you think you all will be able to attend? I planned on celebrating your arrival with the city.” She said brightly, her cute dimples showing once again.
Ru Zhaozhi answered quickly. “We all have a duty to protect this country, not to party irresponsibly. Besides, we will not lie to the citizens of Chun Hai when asked why we are here.” He then turned to the other three, and gave them serious looks. “We must all meet up at the eastern beach near the dock, one incense time after yueliang time starts.” Each disciple agreed.
After yueliang time? What about sleep?!