A Boy?

Kim Hyun-Gi's POV

"Lala? Are you in here?"

I was in the girls' bathroom, peeking under every toilet stall to see if I would see Lala's feet. The bathroom was the place she said she was planning to go to, but she wasn't in any of the stalls. I wondered if she maybe got lost.

I was starting to get worried about Lala. I paced back and forth, trying to think of where she might've gone. Before I left the recess area, I saw Lee Haeyoung follow her into the school building. She probably followed Lala just to bully her or say mean things to her. There couldn't have been any other reason why Lee Haeyoung would follow Lala into the school.

I walked out of the bathroom and started searching the corridors for Lala. I had the idea she was in her room, but I didn't know the way to it. I still wasn't use to the different passage ways of the school, so I was lost, again.