I grabbed a candle from my drawers and lit it with a match. If I had known all the cons of going to a deserted, boarding school for girls only, I wouldn't have even bothered going. I had my limits to strangeness, but that school was on another level.
"NO!-- GET AWAY FROM ME!-- SOMEONE HELP ME!" I heard the screams again
I found it strange how Lee Haeyoung was the only one screaming, and everyone else was quiet. I didn't hear footsteps stomping around the hallways, rushing to find out what the problem was. If no one was going to help Lee Haeyoung, then I was going to be the one to do so. Not because I cared, but because Lala did. If something were to happen to Lee Haeyoung, Lala wouldn't be able to forgive anyone. Not even me. Plus, that would be my opportunity to take the class photo book Miss Chan gave me back from Lee Haeyoung's room.