Han's POV
(20 years ago)
"Breaking news! Yet another group of hunters were attacked by the unknown creature wandering in the forests of Korea. Scientists still have not figured out what this creature, or where it came from. But one thing for sure is that it is extremely dangerous. It is advised that everyone at home locks all their windows and doors in order to remain safe from this monster. More news in the next hour..."
I wasn't the type to watch the news or even bother knowing what was going on in the world. The only thing I was concerned about was myself. The thoughts that were running in my head always keep me sane (well, most of the time). I didn't need a screen to tell me what happened the previous day in Hong Kong, or who died in a car crash. But unfortunately, my friend, Hyun-Jin, insisted that I watch the latest news on his phone with him as we walked on our daily route to school.