The Freedom We All Crave

I sat with my legs crossed as Han concluded his story of the monster incident. I had the urge to leave in the middle of his story, not because it was getting boring, but because my butt was starting to get numb. But when he mentioned Miss Chan's name in his story, I needed to hear more of it.

"Mallory Chan? As in Miss Chan, our current headmistress?" I asked as he explained his story, "You and her were a couple?"

"Yes. It didn't end well though." Han said

Things took a turn when Han explained the part where Miss Chan pushed him down the stairs during the monster attack, and also left him to be eaten by the monster. I didn't want to believe what he was saying, I just couldn't. The truth was far too unbearable to believe.

"Bae, Yerim and Tsuki were there too?"