It was her the entire time.
She was the forest monster.
I...I couldn't believe it.
"Is this real? Tell me this is real? Did I just see that monster turn into Lala? Or am I seeing things?" Lee Haeyoung said, pacing up and down while biting her nails
I couldn't open my mouth to speak. It was as if it was zipped shut due to my state of shock. I had never seen anything like what I just saw. LALA WAS THE FOREST MONSTER. That sentence was not meant to make sense. I didn't want to believe it, even though it was the truth. Lala was a monster. She was the monster who killed all those people in town. She was the monster who killed all those students at the school. She was the monster who nearly killed me and James.
Yet all that time, I saw her as my friend. I even got jealous of how great she was at some point. She fooled everybody, including me.
"Is she-- I mean "it", still alive?" Lee Haeyoung asked