
Author's POV

Hyun-Gi couldn't help but choke on her words as Lala began to approach her. She couldn't understand why. Why she was feeling that way, especially since Lala was a girl. Hyun-Gi never thought a girl could love another girl the same way a man could love a woman. It never seemed to make sense to her.

It would be wrong of her to betray James like that. She knew he had feelings for her, but did she? Were those feelings from the day she and James first kissed still there? Were those feelings still lingering somewhere in her chest, not wanting to reveal themselves anymore? Or were those feelings merely illusions?

"I-I didn't mean to startle you." Hyun-Gi stuttered, biting her bottom lip nervously

Lala shook her head, "It's okay. I wasn't startled." She walked back to the mirror and observed herself, "I'm a monster after all. Monsters don't have feelings, so they don't get startled."

"Really?" Hyun-Gi asked, sitting on the bed