Murder Scene

Lee Haeyoung's POV

"We're here." The monster said, slowing down as we made it to the school.

I was traumatized by the ride I had just taken. My hands wouldn't stop shaking even when I got off the monster. Kim Hyun-Gi looked calm when she got off though. What a show off.

When we got there, there were cars parked in the parking lot.

"There's James' car!" Kim Hyun-Gi exclaimed, pointing at one of the cars in the parking lot

"Whose cars are these?" I questioned

"I've seen these cars before." Lala said, "These are the cars of the monster hunters. They always use to come to the forest to hunt me down."

"James brought them here."

"It seems like it." Kim Hyun-Gi said, "Let's go see what's happening inside."

Kim Hyun-Gi and I headed for the entrance, but Lala didn't move from her place. She stood still, with a hesitant look on her face.

"Lala, what's wrong?" I asked her

"What if those hunters figure out that I'm the monster?" She said, afraid