Chapter 2

I was awakend by the sound of my arlarm at exactly 7am. I was unfamiliar with my surrounds , but I'd get used to it. I tied my braids back in a low bun and left two strands in front and wore my new uniform which was forest green shade consisting of a blazer a, white shirt and a skirt the same color as the blazer. By seven thirty I was done and headed to the cafeteria to eat breakfast before classes began at 8. On my way out I noticed the boy that ran into me yesterday. I ran up to him "Heyy remember me from yesterday, names Michela, you?" I said with a smile and hand out to shake his.

He looked at my hand then back at me. "Adimiro." He replied nonchalantly before pushing past me. Okay that was rude. I shrugged and continued to the cafeteria regardless. I wasent going to let a stranger ruin my mood. I had breakfast alone which I honestly didnt mind that much. I headed to my first class which was literature. I spent about 7 minutes looking for the class and by the time I found it the corridors were almost empty. I gulped before stepping in the class and walked up to the educator.

"Sorry I'm late sir." "Sit." The teacher said cutting me of. I walked towards an empty desk at a corner and settled there. "ehem." some cleared thier throat , I looked up to see Adimiro standing over me. "You're sitting in my spot." He said looking annoyed. "Well I dont see your name on it." I said raising a brow. "so?" He rasped. "so? you for real right now?" I stood up to him , he was really getting on my nerves and I barely know him. "What seems to be the matter back there?" the professor asked making us both turn to him.

"Adimiro's whining about his claimed big boy chair that I'm sitting on." I complained pointing at him making the rest of the class snicker."What did you say, you imbecile?" "Enough , there are more than three open seats available solve it like normal mature people, you are disrupting my class. Youre more than welcome to leave if you dont want to learn." The educator said. I sat back down and Adimiro sat on the nearest unoccupied desk which was unfortunately beside me.

"As I was saying before I was disturbed" the teacher said glancing at Adimiro and I. "I am professor Hernandez and I'll be your literature teacher, which is the language of magic and spell books." Mr Hernandez's class which litterally took 2 hours to end I moved on to my classes as normal. Fortunately I had no encounter with Adimiro which I was very greatful for.

Lunch rolled around quick and I headed to the cafeteria. I spotted a blob of ginger hair in the line and approached it. "Hey Theresa mind squeezing a girl in?" She moved aside for me and I squeezed myself in between her and the person in front of her, bieng careful not to push anyone. "Michela, when I tell you this place is so cool and aesthetic." She exclaimed. "I know right, the atmosphere is like a breath of fresh air."

After serving ourselves with some ham sandwiches, an apple and a drink we went to sit down. Theresa sat beside a boy with dark complexioned skin and brown eyes. "Michela this is my twin brother Tyler , Tyler my friend Michela." Theresa introduced us. "Wait you're the girl that told Adimiro of in literature today right?" "Yeah I am, whats wrong with that?" I said frowning a little.

"Girl you didnt tell me about that." Theresa said enthusiastically. "Didnt think it was important whats the big deal about him anyway?" I asked now curious. "Hes the principals son and is like super hot." Theresa said bashfully. "Erm ok good for him I guess." "Youre such a mood kill." Tyler frowned at me. I rolled my eyes now focusing all my attention on my meal.

We were given a free hour after lunch to unwind. This school operated in the strangest most confusing way. I took that time to explore and see more of the place. I was in awe at this schools structure and architecture. While wondering I came across two doors that had see through glass. What was on the other side of that door was majestic. A beautiful field with the greenest and freshest grass I've ever seen.

It had all types of beautiful flowers and plants. I walked closer to them , touching and admiring every single one. The field was so big even large was an understatement. I was so caught up in the moment I didnt realize how far I wandered. I checked the time to make sure I wasent missing my next class. I still had about half an hour to spare so I continued exploring the fields.

After a few more minutes of walking past flowers, fancy water fountains and exotic plants I reach the part where it all ended. Ahead of me was a river with clear blue water flowing east. Beside it was a simple average sized tree with slightly dark leaves and a dark wood bench next to it.

The air was more humidified and foggy here by the river, which just added to the freshness of this ground. What caught my eye more though was what was on the other side of the river. Trees of all sizes and bushes. It was so dark I couldn't really see much even if I tried. It was terrifying yet it drew me in at the same time. I couldnt take my eyes off of it.

I suddenly felt someone grab my shoulder and push me backwards making me stumble. "Stay away from that forest." I looked up to see none other than Adimiro and gave him a puzzled look , his statement confusing me. "It may look captivating but it is the mother of all things dreadful." He said now facing me. "How do you know all that?" I asked him. "This year is not first one here, it's my second to be precise."

"Why are you attending the same classes as I am then, shouldn't you be learning second year stuff?" I said settling on the bench. I felt him sit beside me. He remained quiet for a few seconds before speaking again. "Because I'm repeating my first year." My eyes widend. "So you failed your first year?" "No not necessarily failed, it was more like a punishment for something done." I noticed the strain in his voice and his facial expressions harden, so I decided not push him any further.

He got up and headed back to the school building. "We're out of time , lets go before we miss grounding." I got up and walked alongside him. "Grounding?" "Goodness you ask too many questions." I rolled my eyes at that walking silently with him once again before I spoke up. "You know how you're acting now is quite a huge contrast to the jerk you were acting like in the morning." I teased. "I was a little pissed of, but thats none of your concern though." "No it is actually my concern cause you took it all out on me." He simply ignored me and slid past the clear doors leaving me behind.