Chapter 2 : Moments to Cherish

Chapter 2

After half & hour Dhruv reaches the cafe as he get down making his way inside while manger see him, he comes to Dhruv greeting)

Manager:Ohh hello sir, Good Morning Welcome

Dhruvu(smiled wished him back enquiring about the details of table):Morning, actually I am looking for my friend, she is waiting for me.

Manager: (give a sweet smile while saying)Kunal sir had already informed us about it yesterday. We have arranged everything, please come with me.

Dhruv was happy hearing that Kunal arranged everything as he follow manager smiling, they reach table as he notices the place was beautiful, an open garden with sweet musical instrumentals playing, simple decoration,sweet & pleasant happiness in surrounding. Dhruv was smiling see the excellent place.. manager see Dhruv smiling with both sharing a look.

Dhruv:Its beautiful.

Manage(smiling):Thankyou sir,Kunalse ne had personally gave importance to Dr. Anu madam taste and instructed us. (he smiles as he recollects Kunal words about flowers)

Dhruv: oh no, excuse me. Can I get some flowers near by..

Manager:(smiling)sir don’t worry, these bouquets on the table are yours. (Dhruv smile thinking Kunal had arranged these as well)Sir I will inform you as soon as Dr. Anu maam is here. Please have a seat.

Dhruv sitting on chair smiles thanking manager as he leaves. Dhruv looks at the red flowers thinking about Anu blushing hardly.


Kunal reaches A.C.P house & park the bike,removing helmet he was lost in thinking.

Kunal:Thankgod, I called Dr. Anu at 11:30 otherwise, boss would have never made it on time, (Smiles looking at his watch)now they will busy for the day and I will have time to work my things.

Kunal enter Acp gate with ringing the door bell.

On the otherside, Dhruv was waiting as it was 11:25, he felt a strage feeling as he blushes and turn towards the entrance and see Dr. Anu.

Dhruv was lost in Dr. Anu smiling looking at her dreamingly. She reaches him as a was in dreamland when Dr. Anu call Dhruv already for 3 times but he dosent report and keep staring. She snaps her finger infront of him as he jerking get up while she smiling nodes.


Dhruv: Hi Dr.Anu, please have a seat.

She sit as he forward the flowers to her.

Dr.Anu: For me?

Dhruv nodes while Anu was happily adoring the flowers. Dhruv notice her dress thinking.

Dhruv:(confused)Why did she dressed so normally, usually girls on dates get ready a lot but she isn’t dressed like that. (jerking his thoughts)it dosent matter, I really like in every accept.

Dr. Anu see him smiles as he smiles as well while calling waiter for order.


A.C.P was surprised to see Kunal at his gate on Sunday while they both move inside.

Acp:Kunal would like some water or coffee?

Kunal:no sir, I am good. thank you.

Acp:ok (sitting straight on his sofa)Tell me Kunal, whats the matter?

Kunal:(nervous n tense)sir actully.. I

Acp:(suspiciously)Kunal whats the problem?

Kunal:sir, firstly what ever we are about discuss should be know by anyone specially by Dhruv please I need a favor from you.

Acp: specify what do you mean?

Kunal : I need a promise from you sir.

Acp:Whats the matter Kunal?

Kunal:sir,please trust me.

Acp:Kunal did something went wrong between both of you?

Kunal:not at all sir, everything is fine but if Dhruv hears about this then he will get really angry, so he should never ever get to know the truth. (Acp nodes as Kunal continues)sir actully.. I would.. sir...wo...(takes a breath with closing his eyes..acp was looking at him keenly.


Dhruv and Dr.Anu were having their lunch while she notice that its all her fav items in the menu.

Dr.Anu:wow Dhruv, is there something special today? The whole menu is filled with my favorite cusine.

Dhruv gets stunned to hear her while she was enjoying the food.

Dhruv;(thinking)Is she not aware that I am about to confess today?


Acp:Kunal this cant be done, this is impossible.

Kunal:sir please. I know what I am requesting is really a difficult thing but trust me i have to do this and you are only one, I can this favour from.

Acp:Kunal i cant do anything, this decisionis taken by head chief. Please understand my point.

Kunal koin his hand looking at acp desperately.

Kunal:sir if you convince him, he will surely agree with you. So please help me out on this one. Please...

Acp:But Kunal..

Kunal again give him pleading look with his eyes fill with tears,Acp turn scarching his head

Dhruv and Anu complete they lunch and Dhruv was nervous thinking about imagining the proposal for Anu in his mind. While having deserts Anu looks at him keenly as he smiles.

Dhruv:Dr.Anu I have to tell you something.

Dr.Anu:(enjoying icecream) hmm tell me.

Dhruv:Dr.Anu, actually the thing...(Dhruv hold his coat to control his nervousness as she looks at him)

Dr.Anu:Why did you dressed up today Dhruv?is there something special today.

Dhruv was again gets stunned looks at his shirt n coat, Dr. Anu was looking at him while he wonder why she is talking like that, he was abt to say something but stooped by Anu words.

Dr.Anu: Dhruv let it be, it's already half day done, let's work on the thing for which we are here.

Dhruv:(gets nervous)right.. i was actully(but again before Dhruv complete Dr. Anu take out a file from her bag)

Dr.Anu:great Dhruv you hesitate alot and I know what you want to talk about


Dr.Anu:Yes ofcourse, see I also got a file so that you can understand the case easily with the evidence of knief.


Dr.Anu:yes, you can easily win with understanding how the murder is done with help if these case details(he was still confused while she stare at him)Dhruv you are pretending as if you don't remember about the bet you had with Dr.Sekhar.


Dr.Anu:Yes, you wanted to meet today to understand how the murder is done with only evidence of knief. You forgot?(Dhruv scarch his head while Anu was looking at him)Dhruv you remember you bet right?

Dhruv:Ofcourse..ofcourse I am.. one minute.

He quickly pull out his phone looking at the text which Kunal dropped to Anu and was shocked reading.

Text:Dr.Anu could please help me win the bet against Dr.Sekar about learning the case to find the culprit with only knief as the evidence.

Dhruv(thinking clench his ohine in his hand):Kunal, i am not gonna leave you, you lied to me really.

Dr.Anu:Dhruv is everything alright?

(Dhruv coming out of his thinking nodes his head n sit start explaning Dhruv abt details...)


Acp...Dr.Sekar...Kunal were still discussing about the thing.

Dr. Sekhar:Kunal I don't understand is this really necessary?

Kunal:sir, please you have to convince Acp sir on behalf of me. I know you will understand my situation. I am sure you will do the same if you were in my place.

Dr. Sekhar: You know if Dhurv ever find about this the..

Kunal:(interpets)No he should not be aware of it. Never, please sir.

Acp:Kunal chief will never agree to it as already told you, it difficult to convince him.

Kunal:sir, its difficult but not impossible and if you talk to him. I am sure he will agree no matter what.. please sir.

Acp: I don't know what to say.

Kunal looks at Dr. Sekhar as he smiling nodes while moving to Acp to convince him. They talk so.ething while Kunal was constantly looking at them. After a while Acp collect his jacket grabbing the car jets.

Acp:Let's go and try to convince chief in your favor.

Kunal:(come to Dr. Sekhar)thank you sir...

He moves out while Sekhar looks at Kunal thinking.

Dr.Sekhar:I don't know if I am doing the right thing or not but I have to support Kunal, no matter what.

He also follow Acp and Kunal out to chief house.


Otherside, Dhruv was lost in Dr. Anu while she into the case file explaining him about details.



Dhruv:you like flowers?

Dr.Anu:(smiling looking at the file)Yes.. ofcourse l.

Dhruv:You like garden, environment and nature?

Dr.Anu:Yes ofcourse..

Dhruv:Then do also like me?

Anu looks at Dhruv with stunned expressions while he gets nervous bitting his lips.

Dhruv:I mean you also like me with you enjoying this nature..

He looks around while she follow his gaze and take a sigh nervously still her heartbeat

She smiles as she again start explaning him about the case as he looks at her getting lost in her for the 4th time in a row.

It was 9'O clock in night, Kunal reached home and took a sigh getting out of his bike.

Kunal:Thank goodness, Dhruv is not back yet and I hope the case explanation is going well. (He clenched his hand on his watch)Sorry boss I have to lie to you today but this is very important for me. Everything is set now, all going as my plan.

He enter the house switch on lights as his eyesight catches the photo frame of whole I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) team which is hooked in wall.A tear roll down his goes to photo and roam his plam over it.

Kunal:sorry again yaar, bur I have to do this. I have to set the thing and you have alot beside me. So this is the best option to select.

He move his hand above the photo and hold it near his heart doze off to sleep.

********************End of Chapter 2**********************