Chapter 4 Missing Lady part 1

CHAPTER:4 New Case:

Missing Lady :-

Hi friends how are you all thanks for reviewing the story,liking it.

So here is the next part, hope you enjoy it,happy reading.

Acp:Dhruv actully the thing is, I would.. I mean I have to share something.

As Acp was saying when he was interfered by someone as they all looks at the door and find Kunal standing at them.

Kunal:sir...(Dhruv goes to him)

Dhruv:(glancing at him)Kunal where were you? I called you so many times.

Kunal doesn't give attention to Dhruv much and without answering him. He moves to acp and stand infront of him.

Kunal:goodmorning sir.

Acp nodes goodmorning,Kunal signal him not to tell anything while Dhruv notice something going on as Kunal turns to him.

Kunal:Actully, I am tired (yawning)and slept till late. I was working till late night yesterday on the pending file I told you about.

Dhruv nodes as all gets stunned while he share a look at all.

Dhruv was noticing Kunal action and Acp tension as was thinking about something being really wrong and look at Acp who was staring at Kunalas he turns to Acp stepping towards him.

Dhruv:sir you were saying something...

Acp looks at Dhruv then to Kunal, Kunal pleads with his eyes while Acp again looks at Dhruv and before acp could say anything Kunal interferes.

Kunal:sirrrrr...(all looks at Kunal)

Kunal:Dr. Sekhar has asked to call you urgently, your call was not getting connected so he called me.

Dhruv:Kunal one minute.. sir please tell me what was happening. (Kunal again interupt)

Kunal:sir its urgent I guess you first talk to him.

Acp gets irritated & nodes his head in no them moves to his cabin. Kunal takes a relief sigh as Dhruv looks at Kunal.

Dhruv:Buddy, are you hidding something?

Kunal looks at him in shock, then at all, he avoid Dhruv eyes moves to his desk

Kunal:What are you saying boss, why would i hinde anything specially from you. You are thinking to much..

Dhruv follow Kunal to his desk leaning on it.

Dhruv:Be honest,(Kunal looks at him as he raise his eyes)did you really came to office yesterday to finish the pending files?

Kunal gets stunned as why Dhruv asked this question..all were also looking with listening to them from there respective desk.

Kunal:Yes Boss, I did but why are you asking the same question?

Dhruv nodes ok them looks at Shambu..

Dhruv:Shambu, do one thing the foles completed by Kunal. Send them to headquaters. (Kunal gets tense)

Kunal:No needed.

Dhruv looks at him with why look while he bite his tounge.

Kunal:Actully i already submitted the files yesterda..(Vikram interrupt saying)

Vikram:sir but there were no pending files Me aur Vyomne had already submitted all file to HQ on Saturday

Kunal looks at Dhruv and he glares at him..Kunal kmmedetly think something

Kunal:Right so now you all don't even check you desk and just are in a hurry to go back to your home..(Avani looks at all and Kunal)there was file pending and I had to work on it on behalf of yours.

Avani:sir i really did check, everything was completed.(Kunal looks at Avani in anger)

Kunal:So you mean I am lying? Firstly you did nit complete your work then you all are blaming me for the work.

Avani goes to tell but Kunal signal her not to tell anything infront of Dhruv with his eyes, she looks at Dhruv and understand Dhruv to know something so she understands.

Avani:sorry sir may be i left something unattended and you have work on Sunday because of me.

Listening to Avani statment Dhruv gets relax that Kunal didn't lied to him

All were confused as Avani lower her head with Kunal looking at her. Dhruv looks at them then smiles.

Dhruv:Its OK,just be careful next time and this is for everyone.

He assure Avani with smile and then looks at Kunal. All get back to their work while Dhurv put his arms around Kunal taking aside.

Dhruv:Let it be, by the way Kunal we are planning for Msk orphange on new year eve, what do you say..let's go it will be fun.

Dhruv was happy while kunal was lost in thinking something then nodes. Dhurv turns to all wishpering msk is on while all were happy ,smile as Acp comes out of his cabin.

Acp:I have to go and meet chief so if their is any metting in my absence KunalDhruv you 2 handle it.

They nodes while Acp moves giving looks to Kunal as he smiles at Acp. Office phone rings while Vikram attend it.


Vikram keep the phone and come to all.

Vikram:sir there i guy who wants to meet I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT)


Vikram:sir he seems to be in need of help

A man enter with directly come to Dhruv.

Man:sir please help me,no one is believing me please help me.

All were confused as they all share a looks at each other,Vyom made the man sit and give water

Kunal:What the matter, please tell us then we will be able to help you.

Dhruv:Also share your details.

Man:sir my name is peter dsouza, my wife is missing from last 1 week and when I report her missing case they all are doubting in me for killing her.

{Dhruvya share a look, Dhruv looks at man with suspicious look}

Dhruv:I'd the cops thinks, there must be a reason for it.

Peter:sir please believe me i didn't kill my wife.

Tarun:Did police find any evidence to supect you for the murder?

Peter:Actully, I was having a doubt on my wife having a affair with some one.(They all looks at him keenly)So my wife mom Maria thinks I did kill her in that doubt.

Vikram:How could you doubt your wife?

Peter:sir I love my wife alot but she likes somelese. But please believe me i didn't kill my wife.

Kunal:Hmm so what do you want from I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) the local police is already involved in it.

Peter:sir i have heard alot about I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) and I know I would get justice so please please help me. Sir please.

Vyom:Peter did the police bot arrest on account of suspicious.

Peter:They don't have enough proof or evidence and also just think about it. If I was the culprit I would have ran away but I am here seeking help for justice.

Kunal:dont worry if you are innocent we I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT) would surely help you.Just tell us when was the last time you spoke to your wife?

Peter:1 week back, that day morning after that she went missing.


Kiran:Do you have details of your wife would be going or meeting anyone?

Peter:I don't have anything.

Avani:You would be aware of anything important like where she use to go and with whom she use to meet or anything which could he helpful for this case.

Peter:yaa I have some but for that you have to visit my house. The keys of the house are under a plant pot and there is a room which shoots the cctv recording so you could get the details.

Dhruv,Kunal, Kiran,Tarun n Sam reach peter finds keeps as directed by peter they go in n observe the surroundings they find the recording and start the recording.

Kunal:She is Maria..

Dhruv:Hmm but she seems to be waiting for someone.

Meanwhile a women comes and meet maria and they have tea. While Kunal notice maria using left hand alot.

Kunal:boss did you notice she uses her left hand alot.

Dhruv:She seems to be lefty.

They watch the video and see maria met anothrer man who visit her and talk aside from the cctv sport while team gets suspicous on them.

Dhruv:Now who is this guy?

Kunal:french cut beard hain.

Dhruv was lookinga round when some enter the house with looking at them. It was the same women.

Women:who are u all?

Kunal:We are from I.D (INVESTIGATION DEPARTMENT)and you?

Women:I am Maria mom.(They looks at her)So did you find any evidence against peter.

Dhruv:Maam. Don't worry we will find out of there is any evidence against him or evidence which will help him.

M.M:You know from the moment my daughter went missing,eveytime I pass by this place I feel she is back.

Kiran:don't worry maam, we will find her soon.

M.M:peter is the culprit don't leave him at any cost, please give him nice punishment.

Kunal:Dont worry we will find the culprit but could help us with identity one of the man who visited you and your daughter(she nodes)Tarun play the video.

Tarun plays video while Dhruv rewiend the video.

Dhruv:Do you know this man?

M.M:He is Maria friend and he is doctor at Shenoy hospital.

Tarun;Why did visit you on that day.

M.M:I don't remember, just a casual talk I guess.

Dhruv and Kunal share a look while Dhruv was lost thinking something.